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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Watch Out.!!

Sep 19, 2009 by Matthew09
imageWatch Out, have you heard of Matt all you stars player? Well he's coming.! I just won 2 straight rookies in a row.! Its crazy the first one here it is:
That one was pretty easy, i had a good alliance and on final day i felt confident i could win it.! Oh b.t.w i won HOH twice and i got IcyHot out and she was mad she said this quote "You wont win this game anyway" lol just thought that was funny.
Now my second one here it is:
That one wow where do i begin it was rough, they got out my alliance jenny 7th =/ and i was alone so me and nessie decided to stick together and go against the "BIG" alliance, Zach,Oswald,Nelson,Braden. I got Nelson out winning HOH and putting him up. Then Zach got HOH put me up, but nessie won POV saved me.! ;) then Nelson nominated nessie i won POV saved her, so we both made final day, but i fought with braden and he won last HOH so he put me and nessie up final day. i knew i couldnt win b-cuz in final day with us was Zach,Oswald,Braden. so i was on the block and i was just glad i made final day and i was hoping for 4th place.! and BAMM day change i won 1st place.! haha idk how i did it.! But i beat them.! ;) and its crazy how both games were both exactly 100 games apart,(9737 & 9837) i didnt do that on purpose and i just entered both of them alone.! ;)
Thanks to all who said i could do it, and for yall who said id lose thanks also for motivating me to win.!


they better be watchin out for ya!
Sent by dools,Sep 19, 2009
wow congrats. :) you have pretty good records -- i'm jealous! :P
Sent by bunnycat,Sep 19, 2009
thanks bunny.!
Sent by Matthew09,Sep 19, 2009
nice job man!!
Sent by JarJar2005,Sep 19, 2009
I knew you would be a good player from the day i met you :)
Sent by Emmaleigh,Sep 19, 2009
wow your good. you have enough karma for Red already 0.o
Sent by Arctic_m00n,Sep 19, 2009
Sent by AlohaLani,Sep 19, 2009
Sent by mikedistanz,Sep 19, 2009
good job buddy u kicked ass!!!!!!!!!!
Sent by Jdsolo24,Sep 19, 2009
Sent by pink03angel,Sep 19, 2009
go Matt.
Sent by poked,Sep 19, 2009
Sent by Jdsolo24,Sep 19, 2009
good job :)
Sent by Abrogate,Sep 19, 2009
yay matty!!! good job! :D ♥
Sent by Jenny_c,Sep 19, 2009
WOW congrats hun <3
Sent by AntNikiaBonnie,Sep 19, 2009
thanks for all the support guys.!
Sent by Matthew09,Sep 20, 2009
Sent by imxrated93,Sep 20, 2009
woot my american boi;s onda rise =P
Sent by rhyss,Sep 20, 2009
you are amazing!!!
Sent by nessie9109,Sep 20, 2009

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