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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother 12 simulator: Week 7

Nov 23, 2013 by Luthur17
Since yoshi9999's eviction, ddog83 keeps weeping at her boyfriends picture in her bedroom. ddog83, luckily, wins hoh and she decides to ruining other peoples games by avenging her boyfriend, yoshi9999. cooper11 and tennister are selected to be NOMs for eviction. winner132, girllover101 and shonaynay make an alliance with ddog83 to final 4 but will ddog83 keep her promise from them? Let's watch and see what is her answer... Anyway, ddog83 wins hoh and uses POV on tennister and replaces winner132 as the replacement NOM. The final NOMs are: winner132 and cooper11. Before the eviction, winner132 comes into ddog83's eviction and begs on her to save her. She confirms that they girls could take over the house.
girllover101 votes to evict cooper11
cluvzxbox777 votes to evict cooper11
cooper votes to evict winner132
shonaynay votes to evict cooper11
cooper11, with three votes to be evicted and came in seventh.



Please post CheapCheep here! < 3333333333
Sent by CheapCheep,Nov 23, 2013

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