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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Cag. Brant - "Anything but Last." (1/2)

May 5, 2017 by Kidcool404
Blah blah blah, we’re starting

***At the Luzon tribe.
“What the fuck was that?” Alex looked at Gangey when they got back.

CONFESSIONAL FROM GANGEY: And now, my plan to blow up Alex’s game is in play. She really tried it.

“What was what?” Gangey sat down at the fire. “Let’s all sit and chat, shall we? I’m sure Alex would love to explain herself.”

“I asked you if you had an idol!” Alex was very angry.

“You also said you would work with me.” Gangey made sure Purple and Micky were listening. “… and yet, you also voted me out tonight.”

“That’s not the point!” She yelled. “You lied!” Alex was talking about the idol.

“Right! So did you! You told me you would vote out Micky!” Gangey looked at him. “You also told me about your real day one on Survivor.”

“Woah, what are we talking about here.” Micky joined it. “Why did you try to vote me?”

“I didn’t try to vote you – it was just a name I gave him.” Alex was getting upset.

“You were talking to him?” Purple gave her a confused look.

“What really matters is that I voted with you guys!” Alex got caught. She wanted to make it clear that she did choose the side with Purple and Micky. Not Gangey and Riley.

“What about your first day?” Riley finally decided to say something. “What actually happened?”

“What I was told…” Gangey started to regurgitate what Alex said.

“What happened was,” Alex wanted the words to be hers. “I got to the camp and I had two options. There was no mini challenge thing.” Purple crossed his arms. “I had the option to help myself… or the option to help the tribe.”

“And judging the extra advantage none of us received, guess which one she took?” Gangey sat back with an ear to ear grin.

“You took the option to help you-“ Micky started to get more into the conversation.

“I took the option to help myself. It was a clue to a hidden immunity idol.” Alex sighed.

“Except… I shared the clue with Gangey in order to mend whatever animosity there was between us. Clearly, we can see how that worked out for us.”

“Well… this brings up so many questions…” Micky was completely flabbergasted. Purple shook his head. Riley got ready for bed.

“So you’re working with Gangey?” Purple didn’t hold back.

“… I just voted for him to leave?” Alex was confused. “I don’t think he’s an asset to our tribe. I gave him the clue days ago because I needed to rebuild his trust!”

“This is… something else. Let me tell you.” Purple scoffed and walked away. Micky didn’t care to hear about it anymore.

*** Morning at the Luzon tribe.
CONFESSIONAL FROM MICKY: I couldn’t sleep at all last night. I don’t want to feel like I’m getting played but… am I getting played? Alex was supposed to vote for Cole. Regardless of how she voted, Gangey was using his idol to avoid the tie, thus, Cole was going home no matter what happened. But knowing what I know now… it’s Purple and I against Riley and Gangey. If we want to take the first blow, we have to win over Alex.
Purple and Gangey were making rice at the fire. “I don’t know if I told you last night or not, but well played.” Purple put the pot over the fire. “Very, very well done.”

“I think I was using it regardless.” Gangey said. “It wasn’t that big of a move.” He knew that if he didn’t use it, there would be a tie and then a revote, and he wasn’t too sure about the revote. Or, it would be Alex flipping like she did.

“Well, still, it was a move nonetheless.” Purple kept feeding his ego.
Alex woke up and was feeling a little defeated. She was fighting herself all day yesterday to tie it. She really wanted to. But she knew that if it were a revote, she’d switch anyways. “I didn’t know he had my freakin’ idol.” That’s the part that was really getting to her. She knew that through it all, the only reason he did stay was because she shared the clue. “Idiot.” She skipped a rock into the ocean and sat down. “Fuck.”

Riley was rolling around on the floor inside their shelter. His raucous caused Micky to finally get up and leave. Purple at this point was at the well, and he decided to mention what he was thinking about.

“Do you see this as an issue?” Micky lifted the lid off the well.

“I mean… yes, we’re a close two.” Purple put the bucket in. “Yes, Riley and Gangey are a close two.” He poured water out. Micky nudged his head forward as if he were saying “exactly.” “But Alex DID vote with us. I think that speaks volumes for itself. Focus on winning today and we won’t have to worry about another upcoming tribal for a while.”

*** At the Solana Tribe
Drizella was awake before any of the other girls and Ryan. Her and Dev haven’t been hitting it off too well. She decided to fake stretch and hit her foot off of her head. “Ooo. Sorry. Did I wake you?” Drizella laughed to herself a bit.

“Yeah no, you uh. You definitely did.” Dev was not amused. “Don’t worry about it.” Dev tried to get some more sleep. Drizella then coughed loud and obnoxiously so she couldn’t go back to bed. “Or… you know what, I’ll go.” Dev got up and walked out from underneath the shack. This stirred some movement between the rest of them.

“Driz?” KC rolled over and yawned. “Can you like… shut up some?”

“Can you like… do the same?” Driz laughed back to her.

“Hush.” KC opened her eyes and shoved Driz off the floor of the hut. Max, Ryan, and Michelle were all awake by now with this movement.

CONFESSIONAL FROM MAX: So Dev has told me on numerous accounts that she wants to work with me. And so far, we’ve been blessed by being the only tribe to not have to go to tribal council. However, that’s given us a lot of time to not really make a clear line as to who is on whose side. It’s nice to be safe, but pretty soon, we’ll have to start throwing punches. So… I’mma have to start building the strength in numbers.
Max got up and followed Dev for some time before Dev realized that she was behind her.

“Hey! Wait up!” Max yelled to her.

CONFESSIONAL FROM MAX: My plan is to gain trust in Dev through the idol clue that I have.

“What’s up?” Dev watched her lightly job up to meet her.

“I know I haven’t been the best tribe mate.” Max was definitely not the worst, however.

“And… I know you’ve said you wanted to work with me. And! You should know that I want to work with you, too!” Max grabbed Dev’s wrist. “So… I have a few secrets to tell you, but you have to promise me you’ll work with me if I tell you!”

Dev was taken aback because she didn’t think Max would come straight out like that and try to form something. “Well… we’ll have to work on numbers because those are a tight group of three and nobody knows where Driz is at.” Dev wasn’t about to fully commit to Max because if someone did have to go first, Max was an easy pick.

“I wasn’t 100% honest with you.” Max waited for a reaction from Dev. Dev asked when.

“When I got back here, I did have two options. One to help myself, and one to help my tribe. I chose the one for myself.”

“Oh! Well – what’s the outcome?” Dev was now VERY interested.

“I have a clue to the idol. And I’d like to share that with you. BECAUSSSEEEE, if we get that in our hands and we DO end up falling on the wrong side of the numbers, we can flip the script.” Max reached for her pants and pulled out the clue.

CONFESSIONAL FROM DEV: I’m in… such a great spot right now. I know I’m not the easiest target on my tribe. -camera flashes Max and Dev talking- but I know I’m not in the majority either. -camera flashes to Ryan, Michelle, and KC laughing and having a good time- So this really does help because if I find this idol, I can strongly influence this game in my favor.

***At the Aparri Tribe
Michael and Sindy were getting to know each other better. They really did hit it off poorly and didn’t quite get the chance to learn about each other. Sindy was talking about how her name is spelled with an S instead of a C. “That’s good to know for this next tribal.” Michael winked and she didn’t appreciate the joke that much. She chuckled afterwards.

“Morning, morning.” James woke up. “We’ve been going over there to piss, right?” He pointed to a set of trees far off in the distance.

“Where have you been pissing the other days?” Sindy asked. “We’re so late in the game, dude.”

“Uh… wherever the nearest shrub was.” James blushed. “Listen, I promised I wouldn’t pee within a 50 ft radius of camp!”

“Just go over there, man.” Mike pointed from inside the shelter.

“Dude is somethin’ else, I tell you.” Caleb looked at Mike. “He’s not all there sometimes.”

There wasn’t much talk of strategy going on at the Aparri tribe. They were mentally exhausted from their first loss a few days ago, then Sindy’s blow up, then getting rid of someone. Not too long ago, they just won their first immunity and the thought of having to fight for it again put some uncomfortable vibes out there.

“We cannot do that again, man.” Mike was talking to them all. “We just can’t. I like you guys too much.”

“Aww.” James came back up and joined the conversation with the other four.

“I just want to say that I am really sorry for anybody that I did explode on,” Sindy added in. “I just… I can’t lose too well.”

“Really?” Michael looked at her. “I haven’t noticed.”

“Can it.” She gave him a dirty look.

“Well, I am confident we can take our second win again today – first or second place, we’ve got this.” James wasn’t about to have them break out into another fight. “Anything but last, y’know?”

The conversations then revolved around life itself, occupations, and families. Mike was saying he missed his brothers. Michael said he was an only child and moved out not too long ago, so he does miss his parents from time to time. Sindy has a dog that she loves and misses. James hasn’t visited his home in a while so he’s not too upset over nobody visiting. Caleb said he had a girlfriend at home that he really misses sleeping next to.

***At the Immunity challenge.
“Luzon, come on in! Aparri and Solana getting a look at the new Luzon tribe.” Jeff started. “Cole voted out at the last tribal council.” He watched Max grab Dev’s hand and Michelle shrug. On Aparri, there was some confusion because they knew Gangey was the reason why Luzon lost. “Aparri, Solana, you guys have something I need.”

“I’m going to need you to sit and stay riiiiight there.” Drizella walked up to where Jeff was standing and set the statue down. “You know the drill, I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you, Driz… Okay so, for today’s challenge, you’ll be running out into the ocean one by one. You will climb OVER your team’s bamboo wall. On the other side of that wall is a fish cage with puzzle pieces in it. You have to untie the knot to a door, shove your fish trap through, climb BACK OVER the bamboo wall, and bring the fish trap back. Four of you from each team will do this. Once all four fish traps are brought back, you will have to work as quick as you four can to untie the cage. Then, deliver the pieces up the sand to the second mat where one player from each team will be standing. That player will have to put the pieces together, form a wheel, and place it on to spin their flag up. The first and second teams to raise their flag win immunity. Do you want to know what you’re playing for?” Jeff watched them all in anticipation turn their attention to the tarps. “You will be playing for comfort!” Jeff showed off the first place reward of a tarp, blankets, pillows, a mosquito net, and a hammock. “These will make your life out here easier. Trust and believe.” Jeff moved over to the second covered podium. He pulled the tarp off. “Another tarp! Would you look at that!” They clapped and laughed. “The rain out here will get brutal. These and safety are definitely worth the fight. Are we ready?” Luzon turned and started strategizing. “Alright, this is a five person challenge so Solana, choose who you’re sitting out, you cannot sit out the same person in back to back challenges. Once you let me know, we can get started.”

“Driz, can you sit out?” Max asked.

“Why me?” Driz got pissy.

“She has long legs, she can run up the beach faster.” Ryan objected.

“How well can you swim though?” Michelle asked.

“I’ll do it.” KC spoke up. “I’ll sit out. I’m not the strongest swimmer.” She lied. Well, technically, she didn’t lie. She wasn’t confident in her abilities to swim, but also didn’t want to exhaust herself quite yet.

“KC stepping out.” Jeff lead her to the bench. “Alright, a few moments to strategize and we’ll begin.” Everybody took their spots and Probst marked off who was were. “Luzon has Gangey, Alex, Purple, and Micky swimming. Riley with the puzzle. Aparri has James on the puzzle. Michael, Mike, Sindy, and Caleb swimming. Solana has Drizella on the puzzle. Max, Dev, Michelle, and Ryan are swimming. We are starting this challenge in three… two… GO!” Probst raised his hands and watched it all take place. “Michael running first for Aparri! He’s taking massive strides into the water! Pulling out front, this is the third challenge where Aparri has dominated right off the bat. His team, cheering him on.” The camera angle switched to show Sindy and Mike jumping up and down yelling. “Dev is keeping a consistent pace as she runs out there, but she’s fallen last, Gangey is a few feet behind Michael! Michael is up the wall and now he’s over! He’s working on the knot – will this hold him back?” Probst looked over to see Gangey fall in. “Gangey is over, it is now tied up between Luzon and Aparri, Solana falling out of this. Dev just gets to the wall.”

“Come on!” Drizella is yelling. “Keep it moving!”

“Dev over the wall! Michael freeing the cage and climbing back over! Gangey on his tail!”

“You’re still ahead, Michael!” Mike yelled. “Dev is falling behind!”

“Dev is STRUGGLING with those knots!” Probst watched her. “Gangey and Michael are both on their way back in, she’s getting the last knot undone. Are they about to have a person start to lap her?” Probst saw KC getting irritated that she sat out. “Dev finally working that last knot! Gangey and Michael have both delivered their crates. Sindy running out, Michael, sitting down – he’s winded.” Probst took a big breath in because he had not a second to breathe. “Micky going out now!”

“Go go go!” Riley was yelling to Micky.

“Dev coming back in with her team’s FIRST crate. Michelle is ready to turn the heat up and get them back into this race.” Jeff watched Luzon after narrating Solana’s events. “Micky is falling behind, opening up a chance for Dev to even this out again. Sindy is over the wall and working on the knots, Micky is just getting to the wall! Aparri’s lead is growing! Michelle is about 10 feet away from the wall, Micky is working his way over. Sindy is now pushing it through!” Jeff yelled. Aparri was going nuts because they had the lead. They were so anxious about a vote that they were not about to chance it. “Sindy dropping off the second crate! Caleb is running third, leaving Mike for last. James is literally jumping with joy!”

“Come on, Micky!” Gangey yelled. He wasn’t about to do this again.

“Let’s go Luzon!” Alex hollered. She knew she could make up some time.

“Micky gets his knots done first and pushes it through! Michelle is working on coming back over the wall! She’s making small leads on Luzon!” Jeff was unsure of the outcome.

“Come on Michelle! Big leaps!” Max hollered. Ryan was squeezing Dev’s hands.

“Luzon and Solana are back with their second crate while Caleb has just reached the wall! Aparri is almost taking a full lap on the other two tribes!” Probst was waiting to announce the next events. “Alex going full speed for Luzon leaving Purple to run last. He will have some serious ground to cover if he wants to make a lead. Caleb is already climbing back over the wall while Max and Alex are halfway there!”

“Kick some ass!” Dev hollered Max on. She was upset that she let them fall so far behind right at the start.

“It’s not over yet!” Ryan started clapping.

“Alex and Max are now tied again! Oh! Alex gets through her knots first and she’s climbing the wall! Caleb just touched the mat, Mike, head out!” Jeff looked over his shoulder and Mike was running full speed. He wasn’t about to blow their lead. “Mike giving it his all! He wants to make that gap as big as he can! Alex and Max are coming in! Mike is almost making it a one whole person difference!” Jeff kept the narrating coming in at full force.

“Mike is already coming back in with their final crate while Ryan has taken Solana back to last place! Purple is turning up the heat and has reached the wall.” Jeff watched as Purple jumped from the top instead of climbing down. “Purple, not caring at all for an injury, he just wants safety!” Jeff looked up to Aparri. “Aparri working on untying the knots on their crates! Once you have them open, James, you may start working on that puzzle. Purple coming back up the shore, passing Ryan, who is just getting over the gate!”

“Come on, Ryan!” KC was getting upset again. “You can do this! Pick it up!”

“Ryan, not moving any faster after KC is encouraging him to do so.” Jeff watched as Solana fell even farther behind. “James now working on the puzzle! Luzon is untying the knots!” He turned back around to Ryan. “Ryan is coming up the shore with the last cart, nobody is allowed to help him, he’s moving at his own pace as if this isn’t even a competition.”

“HURRY!” Dev was yelling. “Come on!” She was showing it in her face how frustrated she was.

“Solana may be going to their first tribal council! Luzon now working on the puzzle, James is still confused. There are some faulty pieces in there and it may take a while to figure out which ones don’t fit!” Probst watched and Ryan finally set his trap down. “Solana, untie! It’s not over yet!” Probst watched. “This is now tied up again! Drizella wasting no time with this puzzle! James is getting frustrated, slamming pieces around wherever they can go. Riley is taking his time and mapping them out.”

“Driz! Driz!” Max pointed on the ground. “That’s a fake.” Max saw that it didn’t look like the rest of the pieces. “Try that one. That one!” She helped Drizella put it together.

“Driz looks like she’s on to something, if it’s right!” Probst watched. “Riley, getting nowhere, not even putting pieces together. Aparri starting to build something for the fifth time!”

“Driz, build around the peg!” Michelle yelled. Driz started her puzzle pieces with the inside. If the inside didn’t fit, then the outside surely wouldn’t.

“James, who has had the most time to work on this, is getting nowhere! Riley started to build something – but it’s not looking too good.”

“Come on man!” Alex was getting pissed off quick. “Think, Riley, think!”

“Drizella thinks she has it with her first try!” Jeff watched her put the wheel on the peg. She gives it a hard shove and the tribe flag is risen. “Solana. Wins. Immunity! Coming from last to first, they really had a comeback, but this game isn’t over! Aparri and Luzon are still fighting for safety! Will Luzon consider swapping out yet again?”

“I can do it!” Riley yelled back as Gangey was fighting for the spot. “Stop yelling at me!”

“Hey! Hey! James. Listen! Take that piece and move it there – no no! There! Yes!” Mike was coaching him. Caleb and Sindy where anxious. “Yes! Yes! Try that! Try it!”

“Mike coaching James through it – James is about to give it a go!” Jeff watched. He heard the flag raise. “Aparri! You win immunity again! Luzon… the challenge is over.” Probst waited for everybody to regroup at the front. “Well… this has been an eventful evening. Solana, starting out way behind, ended up taking the way lead. Come on up, take your comfort items, the immunity statue, and head on out.” Jeff watched Drizella, as usual.

“Look, baby! You have a comfortable bed to sleep on now!” Drizella put him in the basket of pillows.

“She is… something else.” Jeff waited for them to head out. “Aparri… you had the longest time to complete the puzzle, and eventually, you got it done. Let this be a wakeup call. Come get your items and get out.” Aparri came up and Caleb took the tarp. Sindy took the statue. They left in a single file line. “Luzon… many, many moments to turn this around, but you still ended up in last. Unfortunately, I’ve got nothing for you but a second date at tribal council, where someone will be the third member voted out of Survivor Cagayan. Get out of here.”
---- TRIBES ----
MickyBoomy9 Micky
AlanDuncan Purple
Vause Alex
DumbGinger Gangey
RileyCotter Riley

aj1111 Sindy
pizzawithcookirs James
Survivor8 Mike
CalebJustLeft Caleb
Mikec51 Michael

s73100 Michelle
Shabootyquiqui3 Drizella
TayBear17 Dev
Maxi1234 Max
Kaseyhope101 KC
Illdi Ryan

18th: #Boneworks / Ryan (Aparri 4-2 vote)
17th: #Coyle14 / Cole (Luzon 4*-2 vote)


See me in second chances, ugh
Sent by Rileycotter,May 5, 2017
Rileycotter oh my god we're so screwed lol
Sent by MickyBoomy9,May 5, 2017
I'm loving this
Sent by Vause,May 5, 2017
mickyboomy9 I know :,(
Sent by Rileycotter,May 6, 2017

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