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The KRAZYcost's blog

Posts 35 posts

KRAZY'S BB1: Week 8 Nov 6, 2013
By a vote of 4-1, Wing, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. ImGonnaWin has been voted back into the game. JonMcGillis has moved out of the jury house.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed that JeffWinger has banned. He will no longer play in KRAZY'S BB1. Because of this, JonMcGillis will return into the jury house. 5 players remain.

1. Justin ( TheACF12)
2. Dave ( PSULucky)
3. Finley ( Whoa)
4. Chloe ( Chloeox)
5. Kay ( ImGonnaWin)

Jury Members:
7th Place: Ursula ( Wing)
8th Place: Remy ( SweetRem)
9th Place: Keegan ( keegan2)
10th Place: Lovely ( JonMcGillis)

Evicted Houseguests:
11th Place: Tommy ( Tommeh208)
12th Place: Dylan ( DDog83)
13th Place: Josh ( joshprost99)

6th Place: Jeff (@JeffWinger)

Week #8
HOH #8: ImGonnaWin
Nominees #8: TheACF12 and Whoa
Veto Participants: ImGonnaWin, TheACF12, Whoa, PSULucky, Chloeox
Veto Winner #8: PSULucky
Veto Decision: Not used the POV.
Final Nominees: TheACF12 and Whoa

You will now vote to evict a nominee. The votes can be cast by anybody in the public or any of the players in the game also including the nominees and the HOH. Good luck everybody.

Evict either TheACF12 or Whoa.

Voting will end on November 6th, 2013 at 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
Points: 6 4 comments
KRAZY'S BB1 Annoucement Nov 5, 2013
Hello everybody. I'm giving the option to get someone back into the game.
Here are the current standings:

Active Players:
1. Justin ( TheACF12)
2. Dave ( PSULucky)
3. Finley ( Whoa)
4. Chloe ( Chloeox)
5. Ursula ( Wing)
6. Jeff ( JeffWinger)

Jury Members:
7th Place: Remy ( SweetRem)
8th Place: Keegan ( keegan2)
9th Place: Lovely ( JonMcGillis)

Evicted Houseguests:
10th Place: Tommy ( Tommeh208)
11th Place: Dylan ( DDog83)
12th Place: Josh ( joshprost99)
13th Place: Kay ( ImGonnaWin)

1 of the 7 evicted houseguests will have a chance to get back into the game. If someone that isn't in the jury gets back into the game, then the first jury member will move out of the jury house.

Anybody in the public or currently in the game can vote for who they want back in the game.


Voting ends on November 5th, 2013 at 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
Points: 37 7 comments
KRAZY'S BB1: Week 7 Nov 4, 2013
By a vote of 3-2-1, keegan2 and SweetRem, you have both been evicted from the Big Brother house. 6 players remain.

1. Justin ( TheACF12)
2. Dave ( PSULucky)
3. Finley ( Whoa)
4. Chloe ( Chloeox)
5. Ursula ( Wing)
6. Jeff ( JeffWinger)

Jury Members:
7th Place: Remy ( SweetRem)
8th Place: Keegan ( keegan2)
9th Place: Lovely ( JonMcGillis)

Evicted Houseguests:
10th Place: Tommy ( Tommeh208)
11th Place: Dylan ( DDog83)
12th Place: Josh ( joshprost99)
13th Place: Kay ( ImGonnaWin)

Week #7
HOH #7: JeffWinger
Nominees #7: PSULucky and Wing
Veto Participants: JeffWinger, PSULucky, Wing, TheACF12, Whoa, Chloeox
Veto Winner #7: Whoa
Veto Decision: Not used the POV.
Final Nominees: PSULucky and Wing

You will now vote to evict a nominee. The votes can be cast by anybody in the public or any of the players in the game also including the nominees and the HOH. Good luck everybody.

Evict either PSULucky or Wing.

Voting will end on November 5th, 2013 at 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
Points: 21 6 comments
KRAZY'S BB1: Week 6 Nov 3, 2013
By a vote of 2-1, @JonMcGillis, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. 8 players remain. This will be a double eviction.

1. Justin (@TheACF12)
2. Dave (@PSULucky)
3. Finley (@Whoa)
4. Chloe (@Chloeox)
5. Remy (@SweetRem)
6. Keegan (@keegan2)
7. Ursula (@Wing)
8. Jeff (@JeffWinger)

Jury Members:
9th Place: Lovely (@JonMcGillis)

Evicted houseguests:
10th Place: Tommy (@Tommeh208)
11th Place: Dylan (@DDog83)
12th Place: Josh (@joshprost99)
13th Place: Kay (@ImGonnaWin)

Week #6
HOH #6: @Chloeox
Nominees #6: @TheACF12, @SweetRem, @keegan2
Veto Participants: @Chloeox, @TheACF12, @SweetRem, @keegan2, @Whoa, @Wing
Veto Winner #6: @TheACF12
Veto Decision: Used on himself.
Final Nominees: @Whoa, @SweetRem, @keegan2

You will now vote to evict 2 of out the 3 nominees. The votes can be cast by anybody in the public or any of the players in the game also including the nominees and the HOH. Good luck everybody.

Evict either @Whoa, @SweetRem or @keegan2.

Voting will end on November 4th, 2013 at 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
Points: 2 5 comments
KRAZY'S BB1: Week 5 Nov 1, 2013
By a vote of 6-3, Tommeh208, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. 9 players remain.

1. Justin ( TheACF12)
2. Dave ( PSULucky)
3. Lovely ( JonMcGillis)
4. Finley ( Whoa)
5. Chloe ( Chloeox)
6. Remy ( SweetRem)
7. Keegan ( keegan2)
8. Ursula ( Wing)
9. Jeff ( JeffWinger)

Evicted houseguests:
10th Place: Tommy ( Tommeh208)
11th Place: Dylan ( DDog83)
12th Place: Josh ( joshprost99)
13th Place: Kay ( ImGonnaWin)

Week #5
HOH #5: TheACF12
Nominees #5: SweetRem and Wing
Veto Participants: TheACF12, SweetRem, Wing, Chloeox, PSULucky, JonMcGillis
Veto Winner #5: Chloeox
Veto Decision: Used the POV on SweetRem
Final Nominees: JonMcGillis and Wing

You will now vote to evict a nominee. The votes can be cast by anybody in the public or any of the players in the game also including the nominees and the HOH. Good luck everybody.

Evict either JonMcGillis or Wing.

Voting will end on November 2nd, 2013 at 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time.

Stay tuned for an upcoming double eviction.
Points: 8 5 comments
KRAZY'S BB1: Week 4 Oct 31, 2013
By a vote of 7-6, DDog83, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. 10 players remain.

1. Justin ( TheACF12)
2. Dave ( PSULucky)
3. Lovely ( JonMcGillis)
4. Finley ( Whoa)
5. Tommy ( Tommeh208)
6. Chloe ( Chloeox)
7. Remy ( SweetRem)
8. Keegan ( keegan2)
9. Ursula ( Wing)
10. Jeff ( JeffWinger)

Evicted houseguests:
11th Place: Dylan ( DDog83)
12th Place: Josh ( joshprost99)
13th Place: Kay ( ImGonnaWin)

Week #4
HOH #4: JeffWinger
Nominees #4: Tommeh208 and keegan2
Veto Participants: JeffWinger, Tommeh208, keegan2, Chloeox, PSULucky, TheACF12
Veto Winner #4: JeffWinger
Veto Decision: Not used the POV.
Final Nominees: Tommeh208 and keegan2

You will now vote to evict a nominee. The votes can be cast by anybody in the public or any of the players in the game also including the nominees and the HOH. Good luck everybody.

Evict either Tommeh208 or keegan2.

Voting will end on November 1st, 2013 at 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
Points: 32 10 comments