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JohnnyCampanella's blog

  1. PLEASE READ! I'd greatly appreciate it. =)
  3. I wish people who add me as a friend on here..
  7. TENGAGED SHUTTING DOWN ON 01/01/17?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  8. Dan Gheesling tweeted me back! LOL!
  9. I'm OH SO CLOSE to buying Level Silver!!!
  10. If the house does not evict Frank tomorrow, they..
  11. Hey everyone!
  12. I made Final 3 in my Fasting after a 6 month..
  13. Should I get Live Feeds?! =0
  14. Who is excited for the premiere of Big Brother 18..
  15. Wow. So Vanessa Rousso's sister is going to be on..
  16. Who has been watching The Real World: Go Big Or Go..
  17. So the Spring Semester is almost over...
  19. Congratulations!!!
  20. I'm having REALLY BAD Restless Leg Syndrome.....
  21. Wow. The Rookies #150805 became a bit too much...
  22. Yay! My last blog placed 10th! =)
  23. Addiction.
  24. To Everyone Who Is Bullied On Tengaged And In Real..
  25. Everyone PLEASE SAVE superman11 in Stars!!!
  26. Beyonce's Superbowl Performance and its..
  27. YAS! I was gifted a Male Skin from C00LDUDE1000!
  28. My Valentine's Day Blog
  29. Isn't it sad...
  30. *Quote of the Week* January 31st - February 6th
  31. Update on School =)
  32. Today was my first day back to College for my..
  34. I just had to blog today...
  35. <3 Hey Loves! <3
  36. So last night I was basically threatened...
  37. So I was just accused of being a multi....LMFAO!
  38. <3 LadyLizard, You Will Be Greatly Missed <3
  40. <3 Thank You To All The Support I've Been..

The JohnnyCampanella's blog

Posts 130 posts

This is a stupid question but... Sep 27, 2015
...How can I search for a user here on Tengaged?

(And PLEASE don't be rude to me, I'm asking a serious question.)
Points: 51 9 comments
My thoughts on the Big Brother Finale: Part Two Sep 24, 2015
For example, BB16 recruited Amber and Brittany to "pretty up" the cast. Shame on you, production, for putting "attractive" people on Big Brother instead of people who love and enjoy the game! Another thing is when I was watching the Live Feeds back in July, Liz was telling Vanessa that they were recruited for this season. She said that Julia and herself were going to be on the VH1 show "Twinning", but their talent agent said it would be better exposure for them to get modeling gigs and acting roles if they went on Big Brother. That is the reason why I would always get upset when the person who was up for eviction, that wasn't a recruit, was evicted instead of either Liz or Julia.

Anyway, back to Liz! She did win more competitions than Steve did, but she wasn't a good strategist at all and her social game was very poor. She mostly relied on Austin, Vanessa, and Shelli throughout the entire game. She always took out the player that was connected to whoever Vanessa's target was that was evicted prior. All in all, I like Liz. She is very funny and would be a blast to hangout and party with! I just feel as though she didn't deserve to even make it to the Final Three over Johnny Mac just based on her game play. But cheers to her and I know she could use the money for good! =)

James: Oh James. You literally drove me crazy with your lack of social skills, constant fidgeting in the Diary Room, and your lack of personal hygiene. (Not to be an a**hole, but he couldn't even comb his own hair correctly and didn't ever squeeze the water out of his bathing suit before entering the house. Haha!) In real life, I'm sure we could be friends but you would definitely annoying the living s*** out of me at times. Steve is a very nice, well-mannered, smart, and funny young man. We are close in age, and I always route for the young contestants or players that are around my age. Unless they are cruel people, I'm not about them "youngins". Haha! His life dream was to be on Big Brother and his dream out-shined his aspirations by making him the Winner of Big Brother 17! =) He was happy just to make jury or just to partake in the first part of the Final Head of Household. He played a good game. Good, not great. He never truly made "big" moves like Vanessa did, but yet he didn't put himself in positions to do so. Being a super fan of the show truly helped him in knowing what competitions were to come. I can relate to Steve and Jason for the record, in that I too am a HUGE fan of the show. I've watched Big Brother since Season 4 and watched Seasons 1-3 online. LOL! I am so VERY happy that Steve achieved his goal in life and had a blast doing it! Especially after Miss Bitter Vanessa doing what she did, it made it even sweeter to see him become victorious and evict her. I feel as thought 3rd Place is the WORST place because you were literally one place away from at least making the Finals. Congratulations Steve!!! =)))

Final Thoughts: Wow! What an interesting, boring, crazy, argumentative, and fun season this was! Although my Top Three Favorite Players (Da'Vonne, Jason, & Jackie) didn't win or make it to finals, I'm glad a person who could TRULY USE the money to better their life won this year! =)
Points: 45 4 comments
My thoughts on the Big Brother Finale: Part One Sep 24, 2015
...Now before I get into this blog and start writing, I want EVERYONE who is reading this to know that these are just MY personal feelings and MY opinions. What I say doesn't count for the entire world population, so please #CalmYourTits! ;P

Vanessa: I have grown to like her style of game play a lot and agree with Steve saying that she is one of, if not the best, female game players Big Brother USA has had. Although she was VERY, VERY emotional a lot of this season, she still managed to strategize and think of the next move she had to make in order to make it to the Finals. I at first, did not like her AT ALL. I thought she was just a crazy, amphetamine'd-up spas who pretended she was DJ. I know many players lie about their job, and she had a great reason to hide it. She's a freaking Professional Poker Player with a net-worth of 4 million dollars. I can see how that would've not helped her chances of winning at all. But I soon began to realize the reason why I disliked her after Jackie was evicted. Vanessa and I are very similar! I would play the game just like she did, without the emotional crap and arguments of course. But who is to know unless you've been in the house what my emotions will be. Music and drawing are my life, so I would 100% struggle with keeping it together. Thank the Lord I was given the gift of gab, and that is pretty much all you can do in the house. Anyway, I couldn't accept the fact that her and I were similar. Besides both of us being gay, I related to her in how she would remember verbatim what other house guests said. I am very good at remembering conversations, in this instance, game talk and strategy. Also, I to LOVE to game! Whether it is Tengaged, Video Games, Cards, Sudoku, Crossword Puzzles, or anything like that. I am very competitive in nature as well, both socially and physically.
  Now on to how I feel about last night. I was so happy when Steve won the 2nd and 3rd part of the final Head of Household. Especially since he had said in the diary room that he would take Liz and not Vanessa and that it would show the jury that he took out the best player. Vanessa also took most of them or had a hand in it herself out of the game. What shocked me was her bitterness and the bad sportsmanship vibe I was getting from her. As anyone would, she looked very upset, but kept it together. I cannot believe, nor will I ever, that she voted for Liz to win... I mean c'mon people! You know, I know, and she knows that Steve deserved a spot in the Final Two. Yes, Liz won more competitions than Steve did, but Steve strategically played the game and put himself in those crazy situations to get to Final Three. I believe Vanessa was just sour because Steve evicted her. She then goes to tell Julie Chen that she would've taken Liz to the finals, which in my opinion was said out of spite. I could be wrong, but I can read people VERY well. Oh! That is another thing Vanessa & I have in common! Haha! =) But good job to her. She did play one of the BEST games in Big Brother History. I hope her and Mel, her girlfriend, enjoy their time together now that the show has ended.

Liz: "JAMEEEEEEEESSSSAAAAA!"- Liz to James every time he scared or tricked them. Haha! I at first didn't really give Liz another thought until I found out about the Twin Twist with her sister Julia. Personally, I like Julia more. But that is getting off topic. Anyway, I appreciate Liz's athletic ability and her funny, go with the flow personality. (Even though she was a bit of a "Diary Room Gangster" with her sassy remarks here and there.
-Before I go on about Liz, I want to mention my dislike of the producers casting recruits for the show. There are thousands upon thousands of people who would love to play this game, INCLUDING MYSELF! They recruit only for twists, or to make the cast more "attractive". That is pretty vain and rude of them in my book. (Continued on my next blog post.)
Points: 10 0 comments
Who is excited for the Big Brother 17 Finale?!?! =) Sep 23, 2015
I AM! =)))

Plus if you agree!
Points: 6 0 comments
Damn! I didn't know that Big Brother isn't on tonight... Sep 22, 2015
...I thought they would have had tonight's episode with the second part of the Final HoH Competition. The only reason I'm upset is because:

- they have to cram the second part of the HoH competition in the Finale
- they have to also cram the live third part of the HoH competition in as well
- they NEVER give enough time for the house guests that didn't make it to Jury to speak about anything basically. They ask them each one lousy question, and that's it.

I TRULY wish they would have a separate episode or another hour for the house guests to reunite, aka Reunion Special, so we can watch them talk more and argue with each other. They used to have the entire cast minus the Final 2 discuss issues and things of that nature before the Finale. A prime example of this is Big Brother: Season 3 (2002). It would give Jase, Da'Vonne, Jeff, Audrey, & Clay more time to speak their minds, ya know?! No Julie Chen, just the house guests in a room discussing the game, strategies, drama, and the like.


Points: 87 0 comments
How can people only play 50 games and have over 900 Karma points?!?! Sep 22, 2015
I know that you cannot pay for Karma. This is why I don't understand how this happens. I'm assuming these people have LITERALLY used their actual money to buy Color Levels. And to be honest, I think that is a little over the top. Why would you NOT want to earn your Color Levels from experience?!?! They are probably very impatient people, but still! It is taking the fun out of Tengaged when a person does that. Earning your way to the top in my opinion is a gratifying accomplishment in my eyes. I understand that you can still have fun competing in the games, but earning your status the hard way feels SO MUCH BETTER than using your own, REAL money to Level up. Plus, would would want to waste their money like that?!?! Hmmm....
Points: 31 8 comments