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Blogology of John Berlac

Posts 151 posts

My hatred of Deal or No Deal... Oct 23, 2011
Tengaged ahs the game of 'Deal or No Deal' as one of the competition games... and I ABSOLUTELY hate it! I don't understand why a game of such chance and luck can gain you so much power/safety (frookies) or absolutely destroy you regular castings)! There is no skill involved... its simply luck. You can randomly get 1,000,000 or you can get 0.01... it so f-ed up! Agreed?
Points: 34 2 comments
I don't understand... Oct 23, 2011
People make super short blogs and end up getting a very large amount of T's. Maybe it will work with me? goes! LIKE ME!
Points: 34 2 comments
Tengaged Ideas Oct 23, 2011
-Change the way POV (in fastings) and HoH (in frookies) are chosen. I am not very fond of the 'plussing' way of getting power/safety. Its a little too abstract for my own liking and I don't like non-quantitative things. Maybe a better approach would be who is more active (in regards to plussing/negging comments, sending messages, posting, and voting.)

-Have an automatic eviction for anyone who goes over 15 minutes with an option to take a Leave of Absence (for a given period of time) for anyone who has to take a break for something. This could be for fastings/frookies and would make the game alot less of a hassle for the rest of us active players!

-Have a way of group communication actually on tengaged. I am very tired of having to risk chatzy and such. It would be super cool if there was a way to communicate through the website as a group for an alliance. (I also think there should also be some way to expose it.)

-Make competitions more meaningful in regular castings. I feel like keys and plusses are far too powerful... again, its my quantitative need! ;P

-Have more twists in all the game. For example, bring in some of the twists that big brother used in past years and make some of your own! That would make it much less of the same game and more unique each time you play it.

I don't know, I just feel like there are so many other cool ideas that we should tap into. Share your ideas! :)
Points: 48 2 comments
My second Frookie experience... also not so hot! Oct 23, 2011
Well, I finished my second frookie experience and it didn't go too hot. I ended up getting 11th (1 place better than my first experience.) I guess it was a result to the fact that I was trying to multi-task. With that, they thought I was inactive. Unfortunately, that casued me to be evicted right away. But really, I just get frustrated with the fact that I can never stay in frookies. I don't think I would have stayed much longer in the game anyways and it really sucks. It was a huge waste of the 10T's that it took me so long to save up for and ultimately was not even worth it. I would like to at least make it to the top 6 where I can at least get my money back. But really, it sucks. :)

I just don't get why frookies is so much harder than fasting. Any ideas?
Points: 135 9 comments
Seriously, its just a game. Oct 22, 2011
This is a message to all the people out there who hold grudges on people who play tengaged and have screwed them over: Get a life.

Okay, I understand that if your alliance turns on you, you can get pretty ticked. And the same goes for making it to the end with your alliance and you getting evicted for fourth place. And the same is even true if you get evicted over an inactive player. Heck, even I get pretty ticked when these things happen. But why do you have to be a poor sport about it?

Tengaged is a game. We play it because its fun, entertaining, and we like the concept. That doesn't mean that when thigns don't go your way we should be poor sports about it. Holding grudges on people and using those grudges against them in future games makes little to no sense to me. If I turned on you or didn't do what you wanted, why should that affect me in my future games.

We all do what we do in games for ourselves. We never play to let anyone else win. We never play to give other people a better chance. We never play to  just give it up. And you better believe that we all choose to do whats going to get us farther in the game. And frankly, turning on people is just that.

So, lets not get so upset that we hold grudges on the people who turn on us. Because that just makes future games less fun and ultimately makes the game a lot less interactive in positive ways.
Points: 12 1 comments
My first frookies experience... Not so hot. Oct 22, 2011
So, I finally got my color level to yellow and was super excited to start playing my first frookies round. So, I geared up, joined in on the game, and started playing/talking. The first round, the HoH didn't nominate me and because there was no POV, I was safe. Unfortunately, come second round, I got nominated with an inactive. I was pretty confident that people would at least be rational and evict the inactive player. I mean, I wasn't much of a threat to anyone and would actually get the game moving. But no. I ended up getting evicted by a vote of 5-4. So, what does that mean for me? Now I'm stuck playing casting and fasting games in order to get 10 $T's so I can actually attempt at playing another one. So, thanks everyone who evicted me! You really f-ed things up for me! But really, I was a little disheartened. Nevertheless, you are all great and hopefully next time I don't get screwed over in a matter of 2 rounds! :)
Points: 38 5 comments