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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My first frookies experience... Not so hot.

Oct 22, 2011 by John_Berlac
So, I finally got my color level to yellow and was super excited to start playing my first frookies round. So, I geared up, joined in on the game, and started playing/talking. The first round, the HoH didn't nominate me and because there was no POV, I was safe. Unfortunately, come second round, I got nominated with an inactive. I was pretty confident that people would at least be rational and evict the inactive player. I mean, I wasn't much of a threat to anyone and would actually get the game moving. But no. I ended up getting evicted by a vote of 5-4. So, what does that mean for me? Now I'm stuck playing casting and fasting games in order to get 10 $T's so I can actually attempt at playing another one. So, thanks everyone who evicted me! You really f-ed things up for me! But really, I was a little disheartened. Nevertheless, you are all great and hopefully next time I don't get screwed over in a matter of 2 rounds! :)


Im sorry u were up vs me :(
Sent by Lucinda,Oct 22, 2011
You just got hit by the Plus Bus!
Sent by IsabellaBabe,Oct 22, 2011
Hey, really not a problem! :) Like I always say, I am not a poor sport! Just have to try again! :) Congrats on not being 12th, though!
Sent by John_Berlac,Oct 22, 2011
Idc ._.

During a fastings you were one of the people who nommed and evicted me, even though we were in a f4 alliance.

Got 8th. Da fawk..?
Sent by chibideidara,Oct 22, 2011
Im not sure if Wooden ever told you this, Chibideidara, but I sent him multiple messages talking about voting with you guys and in one instance, I actually did. The issue was the fact that the alliance that I was in was too strong for you guys to overpower and in order to help myself advance, I  stuck with them. But I tried, really, I did. And I wasnt even leading the charge on that one. Millennium and AxKxAxBatman were (If remember correctly.
Sent by John_Berlac,Oct 22, 2011

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