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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Harper's Island What I thought Of The HORRIABLE Ending!

Jul 13, 2009 by Inuboy2233
imageOkay so if you watched the haper's island finale you would know just like I know that it sucked! Not only did teh kill of the only remaing good people ( trish, danny, ect.. ) but henry turns out to be Abbys half brother and he openly admits that he loves her O.o I mean really Henry is that messed up in the head?! Poor Abby probally though he was going to rape her ( even though I don't liek Abby I will defend her this one time ) but seriously WTF! Now as much as I hate Abby, I didn't think Henry manhandlen her was right, I mean god damn Abby fight back! Also what about Henry's cheasy death! Come on CBS you can do better than that! Anyways I really though it would end a lot better! Another thing, Chloe shouldn't have been dead! She jumped off a brige and landed in water! Hello the finale would have been a lot better if Chloe came back and took out John Wakefield! I really feel bad for Trish, she shouldn't have been killed like that ='-( Henry really is a sick F***! UGH this is it for my first blog, if you have anythign you wanna see me blog about let me know! Also follow me on youtube:

thanks for reading this ^^


Sent by Alexxandra,Jul 13, 2009
I KNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS SO PISSED
Sent by tori88,Jul 13, 2009
I teared up :( It was so sad.
Sent by Lizardwizard913,Jul 13, 2009
Sent by Mitsuki,Jul 13, 2009
aww! you should apply!! you know U wanna lol.
Sent by DevanS09,Jul 13, 2009
You spelled horrible wrong. Henry was the perfect killer. Great motive and everything.
Sent by AustinStory,Jul 20, 2009

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