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The Inuboy2233's blog

Posts 3 posts

I'm Back =-D Sep 17, 2009
imageHi people that kinda remember me lol, i'm back on tengaged and i am glad to be back!
Points: 4 1 comments
Who Should win Charm school With Riki Lake and my over look of the season! Jul 15, 2009
imageOkay, so ive been watching Charm School since it first started and it's to teh final 3 Ashley, Risky and Marcia! Now i'm a big fan of The Roc of lvoe series and ive already decided who i thikn should win! Ashley should in because she has most deffinatley changed teh most! ashley started out being the mean b**** towards everyone and she has changed that! As soon as Farrah left it hit ashley that she wasnt so nice and that she needed to change her ways, witch she has! Risky hasn't really changed at all and all Marcia has done is not drink for a few days BIG DEAL! Anyways look over the season I really think the final 3 should have been ashley Farrah and Bay Bay Bay only because the changed there ways so much over there time in Charm school and I thikn it's wrong that those 3 arnt teh final 3! Now here's what i think of teh girls that have already been exspelled!

Beverly-Had some anger issues and could have used charm school but snapped to easily

Gia-should have stayed to prove she could change

Ki Ki-all she wanted to do was start trouble

So Hood- nothing I can really say about her

Farrah-shouldnt have quit beccause she changed teh most out of all the girls in that short period of time and probally could have won charm school

Brittaney-Played the victim to much and i didn't really like her but hey she was sorta changing

Natasha- i liked her in rock of love but she wasnt willing to change so buh bye

K.O.-A fake a** liar who changed her stories just to play Riki and try to stay in charm school, doesnt even desrve to be in charm school

Bay Bay Bay-she was doing so well, but in teh end didnt need it because she already had her breakthough

Bubbles-why was she in charm school, she didnt need it

Brittanya- i liked her but didnt know her motives =-/

Thanks for reading people ^^
Points: 28 11 comments
Harper's Island What I thought Of The HORRIABLE Ending! Jul 13, 2009
imageOkay so if you watched the haper's island finale you would know just like I know that it sucked! Not only did teh kill of the only remaing good people ( trish, danny, ect.. ) but henry turns out to be Abbys half brother and he openly admits that he loves her O.o I mean really Henry is that messed up in the head?! Poor Abby probally though he was going to rape her ( even though I don't liek Abby I will defend her this one time ) but seriously WTF! Now as much as I hate Abby, I didn't think Henry manhandlen her was right, I mean god damn Abby fight back! Also what about Henry's cheasy death! Come on CBS you can do better than that! Anyways I really though it would end a lot better! Another thing, Chloe shouldn't have been dead! She jumped off a brige and landed in water! Hello the finale would have been a lot better if Chloe came back and took out John Wakefield! I really feel bad for Trish, she shouldn't have been killed like that ='-( Henry really is a sick F***! UGH this is it for my first blog, if you have anythign you wanna see me blog about let me know! Also follow me on youtube:

thanks for reading this ^^
Points: 38 6 comments