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The Hot_Chocolate's blog

Posts 54 posts

Stars 157 Day 10/16 PrincessTeePee vs Smi Nov 17, 2011
Who will be the 9th person to be evicted from the big brother house? These nominees have made it halfway through the game and tonight, we will say goodbye to either PrincessTeePee, or Smi. Who will go?

Will it be PrincessTeePee? She's shown that she is not just another pretty face, but a strong competidor. But will she be able to fill the whole the others have dug for her? And will she go tonight?

Or will it be Smi, the preppy 2 times on the block cutie, who he says is the "pawn" to go up against TeePee. But if this really is the other competitors plan, will it work? Or will it backfire sending Smi out the door?

Its up to you tengaged!

Points: 11 0 comments
Ø BioDork Stars 157 Eviction (No Interview Included) Ø Nov 17, 2011
imageWith 55.7% its official! BioDork IS the 8th person to be evicted from the stars house.  Leaving the elite 8, and we have made it to the halfway mark in the game!

BioDork chose not to participate in the eviction interview. So nothing has been provided.
Points: 41 0 comments
Stars 157 Day 9/16 BioDork vs JM101 Nov 16, 2011
Who will be the 8th member to be evicted from the big brother house! That is up to YOU tengaged!

Will it be BioDork, the levelheaded noob dressed calm,cool and collective guy who has been nominated twice?

Or will it be JM101, the preppy, cute, who thinks some people are in the stars house are, "brainless sheep" and that he wants to continue to play the game.

Now that these 2 are nominated, what impact will it have on the house!?!

Who will go home!?!

And who will be the ELITE 8!?! Find out next time, on Stars 157
Points: 42 2 comments
Ø MikeC51 Stars 157 Eviction Interview [SHOCKING REVEAL] Ø Nov 16, 2011
imageWith 48.9% of the final vote, MikeC was sent packing and became the 7th member to be evicted from the stars house. BOMBSHELL in the interview i had with him, this star says that he is hanging up his gloves, turning in his chips, he is done! This was his final stars, and he is LEAVING tengaged! Here is what he had to say.

Hot_Chocolate : Can you please tell us, what u told DC when u found out you were evicted?

MikeC51 : I told him goodluck and hoped our nomms went through :P He wasn't my main aly either so I really
didn't have much to say.

Hot_Chocolate : Did you think you'd make it past the first 6th evictions?

MikeC51 : No, I didn't actually. That is the longest I went not nominated in stars.

Hot_Chocolate : Were you surprised that america picked you over DC? Because it looked like for a while the
votes were pretty close.

MikeC51 : To be completely honest. I AM very shocked I didn't stay

Hot_Chocolate : Do you feel you were a hard worker in the house? Could you tell us some of the things you did
that labeled you this way?

MikeC51 : I was good on both sides of the house. When the nominations were purposely splitting to get people
suspicious and nominate me that set everyone off to get me nominated in the first place. I was also good at
hiding who I was nominating from everyone...and still not revealing that.

Hot_Chocolate : What was your strategy, when u found out you were on the block?

MikeC51 : Take it like a grain of salt and not get all worked up over it like I have in the past

Hot_Chocolate Who do you predict will go home this week?

MikeC51 : Out of jm/bio I think bio will to be honest.

Hot_Chocolate : If we could rewind back to the day nominations were, do you think you could change things
and save yourself from the block??

MikeC51 : Yes, especially day 1..worst decision I ever made with my nom choices.

Hot_Chocolate : Who out of everyone in there, least deserves to win this game? Based on gameplay.

MikeC51 : A lot of people don't deserve it. Jhels doesn't. Danny doesn't. Kooldude doesn't. Bio doesn't.

Hot_Chocolate : Who out of everyone still in, would you least like to see make final 3?

MikeC51 : Jon..I wish someone would grow a pair and just nominate him.

Hot_Chocolate : Who has the best gameplay so far?

MikeC51 : Jm by farrrr

Hot_Chocolate : Is there anything u would like to say to the 48% of tengaged that saved you?

MikeC51 : Tyvm :) I appreciated every moment in this game and I glad you saw that I deserved to stay and keep fighting.

Hot_Chocolate : If offered to come back for another stars game, would you? Or are you all done?

MikeC51 : I'm actually all done. I'm gonna be leaving the site shortly too. I leave my Tengaged career with
5th, 5th, 15th, and 10th in stars :) Very proud of myself for those accomplishments.
Points: 80 4 comments
Stars 157 Day 8/16 MikeC vs DCSooner Nov 16, 2011
Who will be the 7th person to be evicted from the Big Brother house? With only 2 hours left to vote, who will go??

MikeC, the preppy cool guy who will do anything for his journey to continue in the stars house.


Will it be DCSooner, another fashionable player of the stars game, who knew that he'd be up this week. His hunch was correct, but will he be the next person to get the boot?

Points: 73 2 comments
Ø Ridster Stars 157 Eviction Interview [EXCLUSIVE] Ø Nov 16, 2011
imageEarlier, Ridster became the 6th person to be evicted from the stars house with 53.8% of the final vote. You guys took down the prettyboy, and now that he is out, how did he react? This is what he had to say...

Hot_Chocolate : Many thought you were the "pretty boy" of the season. Did you think your looks would help u in your strategy?

Ridster : lmaoooo. Naah =] Hes cute and All but people who vote off avatars aren't voting Correctly :D

Hot_Chocolate : Were you comfortable with your relationships inside the house? If so, why did that put you on the block 2 times?

Ridster : Honestly no. I Spoke the other side like 4 times all game and I think thats why i got put up. i knew where lines were drawn and I knew who to trust and who not to trust :P

Hot_Chocolate :Now that you're out of the house, is there anyone you wish you could have gotten to know more in the stars house?

Ridster : Jhel, Mikec, Kool and Bio

Hot_Chocolate : In recent stars, you made final 3. What do you think happened this time?

Ridster : My last stars I knew a few people this stars i was a loner , besides poke and because of that i was put in minority.

Hot_Chocolate : Do you think that your nomination had something to do with your last stars final 3?

Ridster : Possibly. I mean My last stars i learned im not hated and i can survive evictions agaist popular people Jtotal, Courtney and now Amy So maybe it was that. Honestly dont know.

Hot_Chocolate : What was your original strategy when coming into the stars game?

Ridster : Be a gameplayer.

Hot_Chocolate : Did you expect to be evicted?

Ridster : Against TP yes.

Hot_Chocolate : Who do you predict will be nominated in the house?

Ridster : After DC and Mike Smi and Survivor.

Hot_Chocolate : Do you think there's anybody that doesn't deserve to make it far, made it farther than you?

Ridster : From my point of view No. They all outplayed me. Bio and Kool included.

Hot_Chocolate : Do you think there is anyone evicted, that didn't deserve to go?

Ridster  : Pokemaster For sure. I love marek and all but Jordan hustled with me night 1 to get flippers :(

Hot_Chocolate : If you went back in the stars game, do you think that you could work people to your advantage, and possibly stay off the block for at least a few more days?

Ridster : IF i went back in there For day 9 I would of did the same thing i did in the first place. And thats target JM and Damian. :S
Points: 33 1 comments