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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Ø MikeC51 Stars 157 Eviction Interview [SHOCKING REVEAL] Ø

Nov 16, 2011 by Hot_Chocolate
imageWith 48.9% of the final vote, MikeC was sent packing and became the 7th member to be evicted from the stars house. BOMBSHELL in the interview i had with him, this star says that he is hanging up his gloves, turning in his chips, he is done! This was his final stars, and he is LEAVING tengaged! Here is what he had to say.

Hot_Chocolate : Can you please tell us, what u told DC when u found out you were evicted?

MikeC51 : I told him goodluck and hoped our nomms went through :P He wasn't my main aly either so I really
didn't have much to say.

Hot_Chocolate : Did you think you'd make it past the first 6th evictions?

MikeC51 : No, I didn't actually. That is the longest I went not nominated in stars.

Hot_Chocolate : Were you surprised that america picked you over DC? Because it looked like for a while the
votes were pretty close.

MikeC51 : To be completely honest. I AM very shocked I didn't stay

Hot_Chocolate : Do you feel you were a hard worker in the house? Could you tell us some of the things you did
that labeled you this way?

MikeC51 : I was good on both sides of the house. When the nominations were purposely splitting to get people
suspicious and nominate me that set everyone off to get me nominated in the first place. I was also good at
hiding who I was nominating from everyone...and still not revealing that.

Hot_Chocolate : What was your strategy, when u found out you were on the block?

MikeC51 : Take it like a grain of salt and not get all worked up over it like I have in the past

Hot_Chocolate Who do you predict will go home this week?

MikeC51 : Out of jm/bio I think bio will to be honest.

Hot_Chocolate : If we could rewind back to the day nominations were, do you think you could change things
and save yourself from the block??

MikeC51 : Yes, especially day 1..worst decision I ever made with my nom choices.

Hot_Chocolate : Who out of everyone in there, least deserves to win this game? Based on gameplay.

MikeC51 : A lot of people don't deserve it. Jhels doesn't. Danny doesn't. Kooldude doesn't. Bio doesn't.

Hot_Chocolate : Who out of everyone still in, would you least like to see make final 3?

MikeC51 : Jon..I wish someone would grow a pair and just nominate him.

Hot_Chocolate : Who has the best gameplay so far?

MikeC51 : Jm by farrrr

Hot_Chocolate : Is there anything u would like to say to the 48% of tengaged that saved you?

MikeC51 : Tyvm :) I appreciated every moment in this game and I glad you saw that I deserved to stay and keep fighting.

Hot_Chocolate : If offered to come back for another stars game, would you? Or are you all done?

MikeC51 : I'm actually all done. I'm gonna be leaving the site shortly too. I leave my Tengaged career with
5th, 5th, 15th, and 10th in stars :) Very proud of myself for those accomplishments.


plzz plus i plussed urs
Sent by Trina137,Nov 16, 2011
Sent by smi9127,Nov 16, 2011
HA! you evicted me and I stayed. You're not going to hear the end of that when you interview me but loves mike
Sent by DCSooner,Nov 16, 2011
Wow, I love these. :O
Sent by SwirlyRockStar,Nov 16, 2011

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