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Does anybody even notice blog titles anyways?

Posts 35 posts

We all know very well... Oct 3, 2009
... which one of the Stars noms has worked harder than the other to remained unnommed.

So why does everybody seem to insist on saving the player with the poor strategy, especially when he/she came into the game with a premade and STILL ultimately failed.
Points: 53 3 comments
If POV is determined from the top three players... Oct 2, 2009
imageThen am I being lied to when the algoed nom tells me that that he or she has won POV on Day 2?
Points: 28 3 comments
So I need to make a blog... Sep 29, 2009
That reaches 150 votes. God this is going to be difficult.

EDIT: Thank you SO much to ALL of you! Seriously you have no idea how grateful I am. :D
Points: 452 31 comments
Dang Sep 25, 2009
1 hour 3 min ago
Medical Team: Tribe mate Harlequin left the island due to serious illness
Points: 23 5 comments
FML 2 Sep 24, 2009
imageDOND was the name of the game in both of my games. I scored a resounding $6 in my Survivor, and a slightly less embarrassing $135 in my Casting. I then proceed to get sick in my Survivor. These last couple hours have been simply fantastic. :)
Points: 4 2 comments
Farkle or Yahtzee Sep 22, 2009
imageAs a new Survivor minigame?
Points: 50 5 comments