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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Rasism Oct 17th/2010

Oct 17, 2010 by HanJin
imageHi Tengaged, my name being Han Jin.  Normally when I making blog, I very happy, and using exclamation point.  But no this time, this being very serious.

I just be in rookies game, and after winning HOH, veto used, and I have to make replacement nominee.  Conceite, be playing in game and start swearing at me when I nominate her.  I having to pick someone... I thinking she can handle this?  She start swearing at me, and making really mean blog about me.  I just don't understanding why?  Does she do this when anyone nominate her?  Or just me because I being Asian?

I hope we can stop racism in all of world, and can be welcoming all races in one united world.

Thanking you,

Han Jin.


I was there Iron, and yes it did.
Sent by Jennifer101,Oct 17, 2010
I just wanting to live in peace and harmony.
Sent by HanJin,Oct 17, 2010
This being very bad of Conceite.
Sent by Seal,Oct 17, 2010
You said she looked like a maid..which COULD be seen as racism
Sent by Jennifer101,Oct 17, 2010
**I just be deleting conceite's comment.. this no being because I am biased, this being because she post rude comment**

Thank you,

Han Jin
Sent by HanJin,Oct 17, 2010
Jennifer, it couldnt be seen as racism, maids are white, black, asian, hispanic, etc. etc. etc, no way that could be taken as racism.
Sent by Conceite,Oct 17, 2010
I just don't understand why you make hate blog against me when all I doing is nominate you?  We no even have alliance.. I no backstab you or anything... 

Do you be doing this to everyone who nominate you?  Or this just being me because I from Korea?
Sent by HanJin,Oct 17, 2010
I made a blog because you kept me waiting for 20 minutes, just to get me evicted. I have like 50 friends from Korea, China, Japan, and a lot of other Asian countries.
Sent by Conceite,Oct 17, 2010
I thought we'd come farther as a society =( I'm so sorry you have to deal with this Han...
Sent by kaylicious,Oct 17, 2010
Sent by MissBriFlorida2007,Oct 17, 2010
So I take 20 minutes of time to make difficult game decision.. and this giving you right to call me "maid" and to make blog saying "Fuck You"

These morals don't seeming right.
Sent by HanJin,Oct 17, 2010
Its not that you had to make a difficult game decision, you were pretending not to know what to do to purposely stall the game, thats why I was angry.

Sent by Conceite,Oct 17, 2010
Maybe you need have sense of humor?

I be saying I no understand for joke, but this also give me time to think because I have to make difficult decision.  Everyone else thinking it funny, only you make hate blog.
Sent by HanJin,Oct 17, 2010
it may have upset conceite.  but that did not give her the right to blow up at you; by that incident it appears conceite may have been taking that round too seriously.  Nothing really warrants or requires the response I understand the action of "waiting 20 minutes" evoked; shoot tonight Peeps kept us waiting a lot longer; no one lost it.  So, If I were you Hanjin I'd just note it, then forget it .P:)
Sent by jenani,Oct 17, 2010
<3 HanJin
Sent by Sash,Oct 17, 2010

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