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The HachiHachi's blog

Posts 77 posts

He calls me Immature? Nov 30, 2009

Or bitchy... whatever... All I wanted to do was not deal with his needless petty drama anymore, I hate stupid shit like people messaging me, correcting me in a game that they are NO LONGER IN! It was well after an hour or 2 that he was evicted and I had said that I thought Him and runner were in an alliance.. Some of you might be thinking 'so What?'

He either went back and read pages of what we all said, or was watching us the whole time.. either way. It's a huge waste of time on his part and shows how much of a lack of a life he has.

I tried to put the past behind me once again when i found myself in a castings game with him and extended my hand to him to form an alliance, AND ONLY him. He says no in a nice polite way and I said Ok and we didn't say anything else to each other.

Then I create a Blog in fun, you can read it, it's called "The Snake Strikes again" Complete with a KillBill Pic who's assassins codenames were species of snakes. He didn't do anything to me except decline a alliance. It was an obvious joke, or so I thought..

I've said all I need to say to this guy and all his shithead friends that agree with whatever he says because they have no minds of there own.. I'm done..

I have enough shit on my plate to worry about some little pieace o' shit's attitude and outlook on life, So this is the last interaction/ thing I will say about him.

I hope he has a good life and makes it to the Big leagues with his scholarship. I don't want him to comment to this blog or anything I won't say anything to snake if he doesn't say anything to me.

Now let's all have a nice relaxing glass of Chenin Blanc.
Points: 23 2 comments
The snake strikes again Nov 29, 2009
imageLet it be known I tried to forge an alliance with him and stop our epic battle of battles once and for all...

But... I should have known... it wasn't really going to be that easy...

Points: 43 4 comments
Almost to Orange level Nov 29, 2009
imagei need 10 more and one of my bets is about to give me 8T

I cant wait to start playing survivor, now that is where the real games will take place! I think that is going to be where I'll shine.

Maybe I can get some extra T from these blogs while I wait lol.

Sooooo plz pluz? <3
Points: 16 2 comments
Fuck rookies Nov 27, 2009
imageOnce again

I get evicted due to some insane twist and my alliance gets to celebrate and win without me... I'm so sick of it..
Points: 16 4 comments
Snake called me the "N-word" Nov 23, 2009
Yes, I am white. But still Racism is something I don't even want around near me! I hate hearing that word and think it is only filled with the most strongest of all hate and insecurity. If anyone wants to back me up on this in Tengaged court Then here is the link.
Points: 0 0 comments
Generic money troubles blog Nov 21, 2009
imageI need cash, please plus and comment and i will plus and comment back.
Points: 12 3 comments