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HUmans Blogs...

Posts 256 posts

My next FROOKIES Video. Jul 10, 2020
So Ive been thinking, What do I love more than anything in this world, ( Besides of course my beautiful daughter ) ? If you guessed Big Brother DING DING! You are correct.
So Im here wanting to make another LONG AWAITED Tengaged Video. I dont want it to be any stupid random frookies with 12 multis, No. I want it to be old school. Tactics, Lies and Storys of love. Okay maybe not that last one but you get the idea. Tengaged sucks now, Remember when it used to be good?  Remember when we didnt have multis in everygame?
Well I wanna put together a OLD SCHOOL game that I will stream LIVE on twitch and put up on my youetube along with my other iconic tengaged streams.

So I am looking for 12 players. OLD SCHOOL PLAYERS. Players that I know. Players that I love. Players that I hate. Players that love me, Players that hate me. Players that love and hate eachother. I wanna REAL game.

So if you are interested hit me up here. No accounts I do not know will be eligible. You must be someone Ive played with many times back in the good old days , weather it be my worst enemies, or my good friends.

The winner will get 3 gifts to them or a player of thier choice. I will be keeping this up for a few weeks and linking back to it periodically until either we figure something out, Or I see that its just not gonna happen.

GL guys and I really hope we can pull this off. It would be a EPIC time.
Points: 115 14 comments
And the winner Is! Apr 20, 2020
Timberlie !!! Congrats!
To receive your gift just let me know what you want when its out and Ill try my best to accommodate.

Thanks everyone else that participated!!!
Im always looking for new games'/contests every 2 weeks or so , so Drop some Ideas here in the comments and YOU can win a gift yourself if I use it for my next GIVEAWAY!!!
Keep an eye out for the next giveaway coming in the next few weeks

Stay safe everyone.
Points: 20 1 comments
Its that time again where HUmanMustard gives a gift away Apr 17, 2020
This isnt a game, but more of a contest.
Comment below ( And tag ) a Tengaged user and a rumor about them. Doesnt matter if its true or false, Or you JUST made it up now. The rumor I like best wins a gift.
The post will get a few bumps to make sure anyone that wants to get in gets a chance.
After the post expires Ill post the winner.

The Last Gift Giveaway winner Carriexoxo24xo Is not eligible. But next time!

Old Giveaway Archives:
Points: 75 25 comments
Its that time again where HUmanMustard gives a gift away Mar 28, 2020
imageThis time the game is simple. Guess how many T's I have.
1 Guess per person
The post will get a few bumps to make sure anyone that wants to get in gets a chance.
After the post expires Ill post a Pic of my Ts count. Closest without going over wins.

The Last Gift Giveaway winner nicknack Is not eligible. But next time!

Old Giveaway Archives:
Points: 110 18 comments
Im so sad that the site sucks now Jan 29, 2020
I was hype to get free time to play some games. But the sites not about playing anymore.
idk WTF its about but its for sure NOT about playing. Such a shame randomize stopped caring. I had such a good time back when I first started this site was were I spent so much time. Now it seems to be so much negativity. And yes it was negative before, But entertaining. This definitely isnt entertaining. Maybe cause Im old now. Idk.
Points: 18 1 comments
Do gay men name their penises? Jan 24, 2020
If so whats your penises name?

Mines Lil man.
Points: 93 12 comments