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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

This Game!!

Sep 8, 2009 by Genesis
Wow this game has to be so confusing...But finding new friend is awesome!!! I have made friends from all over and I value that more than you know!!! But why is it sometimes all people wanna talk about is nasty stupid crap!!! like drama and sex!!! I just wanna be friendly and have a friendly convo, but then it turns into drama with sex talk!! That to me can ruin something so quick :( But oh well!! My momma always told me that people will never ever do what you want to so dont even try!! And as Im getting older Im finding thats so true!! I like talking about Big Brother, Kids, Tv, Music, Pets...Just about anything...But dont ever talk to me about sex.....ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!! I have so much respect for my real life and Im happy with a gorgeous husband and wonderful children....Sex is something intimate and sacred...Im not gonna down grade myself so some jerk can jerkoff to my private life!! YUCK!! GET AND F'ING LIFE LOSER!!!!


Sent by Scarlett,Sep 8, 2009

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