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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Sep 7, 2009 by Genesis
So I think Alliances are genuine...Some seem to come with a price...Why is it when you think you can trust it all fucks up??? And you are scared to not be alligned with them for you may get targeted!!! Weird! Friends are friends and friends are invaluable!


Check out my upcoming blogs
Sent by Genesis,Sep 7, 2009
Some allies are friends but some aren't. You have to be smart and intuitive to decipher a true friend versus an ally of convenience. It's sad when someone takes advantage of you so keep your eyes open at all times.
Sent by Valentina,Sep 7, 2009
because you think i am lying when I am not.
Sent by Taylorrocks,Sep 7, 2009
because people would do anything to get ahead and just like in Big Brother, we don't know anyone before knowing them in the game.
Sent by joeynicdao,Sep 8, 2009
i wont target u i swear
Sent by tannerandkaleb,Sep 8, 2009

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