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The Flamelord's blog

Posts 75 posts

Does anybody know how to keep replies in forums in groups from minimizing to only show the first Jul 5, 2012
line of text? It gets really annoying when your a jury member trying to read peoples full answers. If you can tell me how to fix it, I will be extremely thankful and grateful.
Points: 0 0 comments
Does anyone here know how to keep tengaged from refreshing? Jun 27, 2012
I would be grateful for who tells me.
Points: 25 2 comments
Help Taihang guys. Jun 20, 2012
No, I don't mean hang me, I mean help my tribe win a challenge. Here is the link.
I say thank you to anyone that keeps Taihang off the chopping block.
Points: 0 0 comments
In the game of Survivor....... May 28, 2012
"Loyalty is Worth its Weight in Gold"- Ty Deluca

I feel that this quote is true for many different players. One such player is Natalie White, first place and sole survivor of Survivor: Russell (oops, I'm srry, I mean Survivor: Samoa). She won the game being completely loyal to Russhole and stroking his ego in the process. Most big time strategists like Boston Rob, no matter how loyal Natalie is, would have a Natalie eliminated at F5/F4 when their vote is no longer needed anymore and when they are more dangerous then helpful. Natalie, yes, was considered a Coattail Rider and a weakling, but, unlike Russhole, who claimed that he was a God above everyone, Natalie owned up her game, stating that she had to meet Russell demands, and if she didn't, he would take that as Aggression and she would be eliminated. She was extremely loyal, and never broke Russells trust. Her and Mick came in with the best shots of winning: Russell only had Shambo Locked coming in. Mick had Brett, John, Jaison, and Possibly Laura and Kelly coming in as votes, but he Amanada'd his speech and lost crucial votes to win. Russell did sway Johns vote his way when he ealized Mick was sucking. Natalie won by getting the Galu Women, Men (Minus John and Shambo, whom the latter was Russells second bitch), and Jaison's vote with her speech. As stated before, "Loyalty is worth it's weight in Gold."
Points: 43 4 comments
Flames Reality Interview #4- Gaiaphage, Winner of Suitman's Survivor Tocantins May 24, 2012
Flame: How goes it everyone? Good. Thank you. Tonight, we are interviewing Gaiaphage, or Chris as he refers to himself in the interview, for his win in Suitman's Survivor Tocantins. If you don't know, Gaiaphage won all but 1 individual immunity challenges in this season, and easily beat JustDon't in a 7-0 jury vote. Here he is, the living legend, the host with the most, here he comes, Gaiaphage
Chris/Gaia: Hey
Flame: Hey
Flame: Let us begin
Chris/Gaia: Ok
Chris/Gaia: Sorry if im slightly slow. On a phone
Flame: First Off, it is just a real honor
Flame: I like your gameplay alot
Flame: I am a fan
Chris/Gaia: Thanks! I try various gameplays and I liked this one
Flame: First Question: What was your strategy?
Chris/Gaia: Well, first off i formed a solid alliance of 5. We basically stayed together til merge. Then
Chris/Gaia: We were doomed at merge :/. But i used my social skills to get two people, Zbase and Just, to become fond of me and they voted out threats Peace and Carraid.
Flame: Don't you mean Morgan?
Chris/Gaia: From them on out, it was just a win immunity, never lie gamr
Chris/Gaia: Yes, Morgan, sorry
Chris/Gaia: So i played the hero game and did my best at challenges l.
Flame: Alright, Second Question: What would you consider your greatest move in the game to be?
Chris/Gaia: Hmmm. Either going on that amazing immunity run, or getting people to blindside Morgan. Morgan's elimination was the real turning point of this game.
Flame: Third Question: Who would you say played a big role in getting you to the end.
Chris/Gaia: Definitely the flippers. Without them, Id be gone if i lost immunity. But them flipping gave me some hope for the next two tribals.
Chris/Gaia: I'll be right back
Flame: KK
Chris/Gaia: Back
Flame: k
Flame: Who was your planned F2 from the get go
Chris/Gaia: Well at first, I thought it was a F3, in which my ideal F3 from Day 1 was Peace, Econ, and I.
Chris/Gaia: At merge, we learned it was a F2, and me and Peace was the plan
Flame: Ok
Flame: Fifth Question: Not including yourself, if you had to rate your tribe on a scale with 1 being the most useful and 7 being the worst, how would you rate them.
Chris/Gaia: 1: PeaceOut14 2: Joshg222 3: Econ21 4: Wrightnacho 5: SkillzDatKillz 6: Snels66 7: Tengaged_Return
Flame: Sixth Question: Did you ever think that you were targeted by your allies?
Chris/Gaia: I don't think i ever was. But if it was all Timbira left, i think I'd be a target
Flame: Seventh question: Would you consider yourself a hero or a villian?
Chris/Gaia: I mean Peace admitted to being my sheep. The only Timbira that MIGHT have taken me out was Skillz and Econ
Chris/Gaia: Is this over?
Flame: No
Flame: seventh question: Would you consider yourself a hero or a villian?
Chris/Gaia: I can do both in any given game. So a Villainous Hero. But this game I was 100% hero
Flame: Final Question: If you could compare your game in this season to an actual survivor player, who would it be?
Chris/Gaia: JT. He played an amazing heroic game. Won a lot of challenges, everyone loved him, and if im correct, he merged in the minority. Oh AND neither of us received A SINGLE VOTE cast to vote us out
Chris/Gaia: So we both played a perfect game. Why else would Shawn rank me the SECOND BEST winner to win his series?
Flame: Well thnx for coming. GL in your upcoming games.
Flame: Maybe we can chat mono-e-mono another time.
Flame: You are cool.
Chris/Gaia: Thanks for interviewing me . Oh and see you in Winners VS Runner-Ups

Remember to leave feedback. It helps so much.
Points: 18 0 comments
Flames Reality Interview #3- Js21, Winner of Bens Survivor China May 21, 2012
Flame: Yes, I do know this is a few day's late, but who cares. Anyway, today we are interviewing Js21, or Jus, the winner of Bens entertaining yet hectic Survivor China. Jus has agreed to be fully interviewed. Here he comes.
Jus: Hey Ty!
Flame: Hey Jus
Flame: Let's Begin
Jus: Okay
Flame: First Question: What was your strategy?
Jus: My Strategy was to set up an alliance with Mearl, and strategically plan around that. I also wanted to play physically strong, but that also created a target on my back. Lastly and Most Importantly, My plan was to be social to all the players, be funny, and just be a likeable guy. In previous finales, I lost because of simply being a bitch, so I changed my attitude and it worked out!
Flame: Second Question: What would you consider your greatest move in the game to be.
Jus: Simple, Setting up the Diego (Db1994) Blindside. I acted rudely towards Jman so everyone would think we were voting him off, and he would play his idol on him. I also assured Diego that he was safe, but when the votes came in and Diego's torch was snuffed, I knew it pulled off perfectly
Flame: Third Question: Who would you say played a big role in getting you to the end.
Jus: TylerKeith definitely, If it wasnt for him spying on Jon's alliance, none of the plans would have been played out perfectly. Also Mearl and Rstar my solid alliance.
Flame: Fourth Question: Who was your planned F3 from the get go
Jus: Mearl and Rstar, From Day 1 We joined together, and the Final day we ended together
Flame: Fifth Question: Not including yourself, if you had to rate your tribe on a scale with 1 being the most useful and 7 being the worst, how would you rate them.
Jus: The Jury Members or my original tribe?
Jus: Merge:
Jus: 1. Mearl
Jus: 2. TylerKeith
Jus: 3. Db1994
Jus: 4. Jman96
Jus: 5. Rstar51
Jus: 6. Jonofthefunk
Jus: 7. Prozach
Jus: 8. LoganWorm
Jus: 9. Undercovermonk
Flame: Original
Jus: Okay
Jus: 1. Mearl
Jus: 2. Db1994
Jus: 3. Jman96
Jus: 4. Rstar51
Jus: 5. Bdreezy
Jus: 6. Undercovermonk
Jus: 7. Juna
Flame: Sixth Question: Did you ever think that you were targeted by your allies?
Jus: Yes many times, Many People had told me that I was being targeted and I WAS betrayed by Diego and Jman, but I got out of them by winning immunities or playing coins
Flame: seventh question: Would you consider yourself a hero or a villian?
Jus: Normally I would say Villain, but in this season I was definitely a Hero, I stayed true to my allies and got them all the way to the final 3
Flame: Final Question: Would you go on Ben's series again?
Jus: Of Course, Hes One of the Best Hosts On Here! Always a Joy!
Jus: Thanks for the Interview Ty!
Jus: Good Night!
Flame: Thnx for taking time out of your busy schedule to be here.
Flame: And I hope we can interview each other another time.
Points: 6 1 comments