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The Feroula's blog

Posts 9 posts

Getting to yellow level in 5 games Nov 5, 2015
Soooooo proud of myself!!! I did well!!!!
Points: 16 1 comments
My game play and #strategy and drama filled room. Oct 30, 2015
I had been in alliance with @jeffvarner since day 1 (since apparently we are both newbies). But I was also semi trying to work with @maturo and @calm

Although I was thinking and actually voting to get rid of the inactives first, people seem to have other plans and voting out some active players first. An inactive @Janellealltheway pm me before game start saying that she's going to bed and say inactives always get to f3 and it's helpful. I kinda hate that it's like inactives don't really deserve the place as some others. Yet people still voted on the actives first for some reason (along side with some inactives as co-nominees)

I was told @calm was working with @marathon by @jeffvarner .  I was told by @calm that @jeffvarner was working with @joey65409 . So I worked both sides to try to get  @joey65409 and @marathon out. When @marathon was out, i found out from @jeffvarner that @joey65409 @jayhakk123 and @Miradda77 was working together. I knew the numbers were against me but @jeffvarner was probably at the lowest in the totem pole since he sounds like he didn't know the other who are working with @joey65409 . So I messaged @Miranda77 and lied about how @joey65409 said she appears to be very nice and lovely (which she is) and should get rid of her first as she might have the popularity votes to the end. I suspect @Miranda77 was the easier target to buy my story since we are the few active woman and I presented myself as a girl trying to help another girl out and said with the numbers I'm likely to be voted out soon anyway. That apparently caused some drama and ended up with @Miranda77 and @jayhawk123 went against  @joey65409  and voted him out . Without @joey65409  ,  @jeffvarner  probably leaned towards more on my side as I told him I'm getting close to swinging @Miranda77 to our side.   Because of the fall out, @jayhawk123 went out of control and kept yelling for some reason which made it easier to vote him out. By then somebody suddenly started to cuss @Miranda77 a lot and brought up her kids and personal attacks (which was not cool).

At the same time, on the separate chatroom which I was suddenly invited to with some other players including @joey65409  @jayhawk123  @jeffvarner and @Miranda77 . In which @Miranda77 in the chatroom was acting hysterically like saying gonna put me and @jeffvarner asses up (which doesn't make sense because we are the only 3 active players left).  Which caused @jeffvarner to pm me and wanting to get rid of her first instead of  the inactives (which would bring an inactive to f3).  The way @Miranda77 was yelling in the chatroom was so out of character from the one in the game that I had to ask if that was her in the chatroom and apparently not and someone was pretending to be her just to get her evicted and not make it to f3.

Once that was cleared I was expecting just voting all the inactives out and get to f3. But then suddenly an inactive, @Groupgamer23 , became active again and was saying keep her before f3. Then she pmed me asking to keep her. I replied saying I think the other 2 deserved more than her (I also got pov that round if I remember correctly). but then the nomination comes and @Miranda77 had 2 votes for nomination and was up to eviction with @Groupgamer23 . Obviously that vote was @jeffvarner  (I always thought he was easier to be swung, I felt like our alliance was strong but he's not 100% in it, so I was still a bit alert). That's when I called  @Groupgamer23 out that she probably pm-ed everyone and see who would take her side. Can't blame a girl for trying though (She even said let's have an all girls f3 after using @jeffvarner to vote in her favor ).

After that F3 was me @jeffvarner and @Miranda77

@joey65409 pointed out to me after game that their alliance was gonna vote me out next. Good thing I did the math and knew I had to stir up something by lying to one or a few of them to create distrust. I admit it might not work but I thought I had to try because it was the time to do so since the numbers were against me.  Turned out I was right and I'm glad I did because it saved me at the time and took me to f3. Although I'm sorry that it caused rage against @Miranda77 by some other housemates and that she had to endure some cusses and personal attacks. That was not cool.

That was my first game here and quite the drama, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. Hope to play more games and learn more soon.!

I'm an attorney by trade and currently living and working in Hong Kong.
Points: 0 0 comments
Hey y'all Oct 30, 2015
Been a fan of BB for a long time and also played a little bit of simulation game here or there but it's my first time on this site. Hope to have a good time :)

joey65409 says I'm a "multis" which I took to as multiple accounts but I assure you not. (I don't have the time and energy for that and really for what? some online points so I can buy prettier avatar stuff?) My time is better spent elsewhere to be honest.

just clearing the air.
Points: 0 2 comments