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Blog at me from your main

11thMay 29, 2024 by DBonee



I believe in a two-state solution. Hamas can help innocent Palestinians work towards that cause by releasing the hostages. First and foremost. But they won't, because they value their people suffering. They use civilian shields in abundance. Until then, Israel should continue to wipe Hamas and any Hamas supporters off the face of the planet. Or else the cycle will repeat itself.


and when are we wiping you from the face of the planet?
Sent by Mughees,May 29, 2024
Mughees bring it bitch. I'm a proud Jew and I support Israel's right to exist.
Sent by DBonee,May 29, 2024
you also support the murder of babies because it supports your political interests, apparently.
Sent by Mughees,May 29, 2024
Nope. I don't and your putting words in my mouth. I support Israel taking care of Hamas. I don't remember you complaining about Hamas when Israeli babies were slaughtered in October. Why now? Cause the joos are retaliating?

You'd rather Israel do nothing and be attacked again. Or just destroyed entirely right? From the river to the sea, right?
Sent by DBonee,May 29, 2024
their operation is no near perfect, they've made plenty of mistakes but I am proud that they've killed more than 15,000 member of Hamas, significantly wounded another 10,000, and arrested 3,000. there's obviously many innocent casualties that came from that that's obviously horrific and Hamas is to blame for not just releasing the hostages but that number that Hamas has released has consistently proven to be inaccurate from even the UN too
Sent by Funny,May 29, 2024
Mug ur so noob and assdush You're riding this trend like every other idiot
Sent by alex_naf,May 29, 2024
Funny is right. Just two weeks ago the UN halved the number of women and children they had previously been reporting. Proving that Israel is not "discriminately bombing" as Hamas supported media like Al Jazeera would have people believe.

Tell me Mughees, how is it that the claim is civilians are starving yet Hamas seems to have an infinite supply of missiles to fire at Tel Aviv? Who exactly is harming these civilians more? It seems from all the evidence that it is their own elected govenrment in Hamas.
Sent by DBonee,May 29, 2024
What they did in October wasn't right, but punishing civilians isn't going to bring back the babies that were murdered.

By now, the IDF has done much worse in retaliation. They've lost the right to play the sympathy card. They've been overcome by a thirst for blood.

Also, Alex, talk to me when you're able to form full sentences. I doubt that you will learn to.
Sent by Mughees,May 29, 2024
Mughees it is not a "thirst for blood", and in saying that you are clearly drinking the Hamas kool-aid. Do you know anything about Urban Warfare?

If you did, you would understand exactly how precise Israel has been in all this, AND how horrific Hamas is oppressing their own people in attempt to "win" over the gullible kids on the internet like yourself. Israel would stop this if Hamas simply released the hostages.

Why don't you care about the hostages? Most of which are likely already dead.

Look at Shani Louk. She was murdered by Hamas on 10/7, her body paraded around Rafah while spat on by many Palestinians and then stored in a tunnel in Rafah where they continued to rape her corpse. These are the people you are carrying water for.
Sent by DBonee,May 29, 2024
Using the sympathy card again, huh? In 2023, before October 7th, 230 Palestinians had been killed by Israeli forces. Around fifty of these Palestinians resided in refugee camps.

Were their deaths justified or..are you going to call that propaganda, as your people have a tendency of doing?

And if you're that concerned about the hostages, then explain why Israel rejected the Egyptian-Qatari ceasefire proposal? You know, the proposal that Hamas agreed to, which states that they would have to release the hostages over the three stages.

There are enough people in the world whose families have seen settlers try to erase their history. They aren't falling for your shit.
Sent by Mughees,May 29, 2024
I've said multiple times that all civilian deaths are tragic. I have repeated it again here.

The ceasefire proposal said Hamas will release the hostages "dead or alive". Which means they are already dead. Why on earth would Israel agree to a ceasefire in return for corpses?

You really want to play the game with me of "trying to erase history"?? Why do you think Israel became a sovereign nation in the first place! So much of history contains people trying to erase the Jews.

Do me a favor, look at the Jewish populations of all the Arab countries in the region: Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, etc. in 1936 and compare them to today. Hundreds of thousands of Jews reduced to maybe 200 in some. 50 in others. NONE in most.  Then look at the Arab population of Israel and note it is constantly growing.

These statistics show Israel is not an aggressor but will defend herself any and every time they are attacked. This is no different.
Sent by DBonee,May 29, 2024
Okay wait are the hostages dead or do we need to release them I'm not following that argument. Because Netanyahu has been incredibly uninterested in releasing them this entire time
Sent by mathboy9,May 29, 2024
You want the hostages released. If they're already dead, there's no bringing them back, is there? Why would the corrupt government give you hostages if you're going to continue to launch missiles at them? There has to be something in it for them.

Israel is absolutely an aggressor, and its decades-long occupation is proof of that.
It was Palestinian land that Israelis took because they wanted a safe haven.
They never had a right to the land.
Sent by Mughees,May 29, 2024
Mughees to your first point: Do you know how many missiles Hamas has launched at Tel Aviv this week? Would you believe that it is over 10,000?

Where are they getting the money and supplies to do this?

Palestine never owned the land. You are lying now. Israelites were in that land THOUSANDS of years before any Palestinians. The Jews deserve a state. They deserved it in 1948 and they deserve it today. And they certainly earned it after the six day war was waged BY ARAB NATIONS and Israel defeated them.
Sent by DBonee,May 29, 2024
Sent by FireGirl,May 30, 2024
FireGirl stfu Lewis you big British bitch
Sent by DBonee,May 30, 2024
Sorry ? Dbonee
Sent by FireGirl,May 30, 2024
FireGirl no I'm sorry... that you came back no one here missed you
Sent by DBonee,May 30, 2024
Ohh u thought u ate that
Sent by FireGirl,May 30, 2024
haha and you thought your "Sorry ?" would convince me you aren't dumbass Lewis. CocaCola12 was a dumb name but its better than FireGirl lmfao
Sent by DBonee,May 30, 2024
Ohhh u talkin to ur self at this point, am i ur new obsession???
Sent by FireGirl,May 30, 2024
FireGirl you dumb or blind, cause clearly I was talking to you lol. You've blogged about me twice and because I answer you I'm "obsessed"? Get a new hobby you're no good at this.
Sent by DBonee,May 30, 2024
u kinda creepy
Sent by FireGirl,May 30, 2024

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