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Posts 68 posts

Fuck My Life Dec 7, 2010
No, I am not posting a funny FML story...I am posting a real, true life story that could be made into one of the most grotesque horror films ever.

I made a friend named Christian in Summer 2008. I applied for a 2 year college an hour away from where I lived (because they had a great music program). Christian needed a roommate, so instead of commuting every day, I moved in with him (Feb 2010). The rent was still too high for us to pay, so one of his friends, Marvin, came in. A neighbors car was keyed and we were blamed (Marvin and Christian had a party that night that got so loud that security had to come and tell us to shut up...or tell them, because I was in my room and took no part in it.)

~~~~~~~~~~ Fast forward a few months ~~~~~~~~~~

Marvin was refusing to get on the lease, he wasn't paying rent, did nothing but cause trouble-so we gave him 30 days to move out. Thirty-two days later, I put his laptop in my room and told him he'd get it back when he got out for good. Marvin attacked me, then Christian, and finally left. Next day all our shit was stolen and my bedroom door was broken in half. This includes all of Christian's financial aide money.

~~~~~~~~~~ Speed up a few more months ~~~~~~~~~~

After my tires being slashed and another break in (where whatever valuables we had left were taken), things had finally settled down. By then, it was August and school was starting. Christian had not been paying rent because of his money being taken and my mom and I were paying it all. He promised he would get a job and start paying my mom and me back, as well as the rent.

~~~~~~~~~~ Zoooooom forward again ~~~~~~~~~~

Christian got a job in December (2010) and we got another roommate in by December 1st. Things were looking like they were turning around. Tonight I get a call saying that $620 is still owed for rent, and I know I payed my part, and that our new roomie payed her's (she's a good friend of mine). I went to talk to management about it, and they said they'll evict us by the 10th if we haven't payed it by the tenth and told me that the head wanted us out from the beginning because bad things have been happening since we moved in (keyed car, break in, etc.). My mom transferred money into my account so we don't get evicted. And I'm fucking pissed at Christian.

~~~~~~~~~~ Fast forward into future ten years ~~~~~~~~~~

*sits in jail for the murder of Christian and doesn't regret it*

^I would never go that far, but I seriously want to slap him >=/
Points: 45 6 comments
Sneeze = ? Dec 2, 2010
imageI had to sneeze. I went a-a-a-a-*fart*. And I didn't need to sneeze anymore.

I know I'm weird; please don't state the obvious ^_^
Points: 42 3 comments
OMG =) Dec 2, 2010
Light's are up, and they're amazing!!!! I didn't think I could do it. One of my friends bought a ladder and helped me put it up-and then she's returning the ladder in a few days saying she doesn't need it anymore!!!!!
Points: 38 2 comments
O Christmas Lights! O Christmas Lights! Dec 1, 2010
imageThy lights are so not skyward;
O Christmas Lights! O Christmas Lights!
Thy lights are so not skyward;
Not only unlit when summer's here,
But also when 'tis cold and drear.
O Christmas Lights! O Christmas Lights!
Thy lights are so not skyward!

Original Lyrics from "O Christmas Tree"

Will I ever be able to put up these stupid lights???????!!!!!!!!!
Points: 22 1 comments
The Story of the Christmas Lights Nov 30, 2010
imageOnce upon a time, there was a girl (more like young woman, as she was the age of twenty), who moved into an apartment. When Christmastime came, she was really excited to decorate-she had never decorated for Christmas before (plus her apartment complex took $350 off the rent for the best decorated balcony). So she bought a tree and put candy canes on it (real ones, too, yum), and started to put lights up outside on her balcony. The railing looked fine, but the whole thing was missing needed lights on top. So she tried and tried and tried to figure out how to climb up there to put up the wasn't working. She had to figure something out quickly-the management was judging for the contest in two days. So this woman thought,"Maybe my management will let me borrow a ladder". They said no can do. To be continued...

What do YOU think will happen next? Do you think she'll be able to figure out how to put them up in time??
Points: 59 5 comments
I hate writing essays... Nov 28, 2010
I need to write 4 pages and I'm only on 2 1/2...this sucks =(
Points: 32 3 comments