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Posts 68 posts

I hate my luck... Dec 31, 2010
I always spend all my T on a game, hoping, wishing, that I won't get last or second to last-but what do ya know, I do. I might as well just stick with Castings and never pay for another game...ugh!
Points: 21 1 comments
My leg is numb =/ Dec 30, 2010
It feels like whenever I have to get a numbing shot at the dentist =( And it's been like this for hours...ugh!
Points: 6 0 comments
Tattoo Anyone??? Dec 16, 2010
imageI got my second tattoo yesterday...I <3 it =)
Points: 0 5 comments
Can someone... Dec 14, 2010
buy me a really cool 1T design when new things are posted? I am never able to buy one before they are all sold out =( lol
Points: 11 3 comments
Bad Memory =( Dec 12, 2010
I've been complaining a lot, so another blog post of me complaining won't hurt, right? lol

I hate having a bad memory-I can never remember things. People thinks it's selective memory, but seriously? My doc put me on Concerta to help my focus to help my memory, and it helped like .1%, but I still can't remember what I did last Thursday, lol. It can get really bad at some times, ugh.

Oh well ^_^
Points: 24 2 comments I having a HEART ATTACK???!!!!! Dec 11, 2010
I am a music major in college, which means I have juries at the end of the semester. A jury is basically a performance in front of a panel of music teachers that judge how well you've improved since the beginning of the semester to the end. Since I'm right-handed, my left hand is not as strong as my right, so my height is not equal when playing rolls or fast sixteenths. Not all of you know what that means, so in simple terms-I've been working my left hand/arm extremely hard (juries were coming up).

A few days before juries, my left arm started hurting; I thought it was because of over-working it. Juries passed, I did okay, and it still hurts. Maybe it needs time to recover? Well, last night and this morning I have a HUGE headache, and it was kind of hard to breathe. And I have been really tired for the past few days, too. Aren't these the symptoms of a heart attack?? I'm only 20!!! =/

BUT...I do have asthma, and I always have had to get at least 10 hours of sleep at night to feel am I worrying for nothing??
Points: 29 3 comments