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Posts 78 posts

I honesty don't get it. Jul 3, 2016
Like, why did my blogs get negged? People on here are just so quick to hate whatever is thrown in front of them. Like the top blogs now can be just at 70-80 points!

I was trying to be funny and clever or whatever. But it's just sucks that a blog that took me 20-30 minutes to write and edit and add on gets rage negged while someone who puts a video and doesn't give it a title can get popular.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant or whatever but some personal stiff have come up and I'm just not feeling great about myself and yeah, feeling like I've been kicked when I'm already on the ground.
Points: 55 2 comments
Top 15 Robbed BB Goddesses (#15) Jul 2, 2016

Bridgette Dunning....!!!!!

Bridgette Dunning has only played 2 weeks of Big Brother but she already has robbed goddess material.

To start off with, she had a UTR/INV edit in the first two episodes of the season, being outshined by the likes of Glenn Garcia, Da'Vonne Rogers, Nicole Franzel and Jozea aka Messiah Flores.

Her strategy was flawless. After staying safe as part of Team Category 4, she used her social game to help set her up for the 500,000 prize. The first set-back was her Team's punishment of Pixels costume. Being naked for the first few moments of the game caused a strained relationship with fat-judging Christine look alike Michelle.

After the introduction of the Roadkill comp, Bridgette wheels started to turn as a 3rd nominee was going to be in the game. After veteran and Category 4 teammate Frank Eduy won the Roadkill, Paul became the 3rd nominee. Being apart of the "Revolution" alliance with him, she was blindsided.

Bridgette's next move was to join the Spy Girls alliance with Bronte the bigot and Queen Natalie of New York. With this low-key F2 needing an extra body, they tagged Bridgette because of her innocent looking face and 00's soccer mom hair. She was then giving the of "Spunky Spy". Little did she know that Vanessa Russo's sister aka Tiffany overheard the formation of this alliance. And thus created the Fatal FIVE alliance with the remaining girls in the house.

After Scrabby Doo aka Paul aka #15 on Jokers won the Power of Veto, she soon felt unsafe as 5 options could come on the block. After nominee and BB all-time great Joeza called a house meeting  meeting with all the noobies to get Cody's Brother aka Paulie out of the house, Natalie told her to go up to the HoH and spy on Nicole and her boytoy bottom boyfriend Corey while her spy girl's Bronte and Nataile went to the meeting on her behalf.

That plan backfired as word of her spy gate was ruvealed in front of the majority alliance members, Da'Vonne and Zakiyah. She them became the clear target as the 3rd nominee. It also didn't help that she was the only non-majorty member of the house to be eligible for nomination.

At the Veto ceremony this qween fond herself on the TV screen as the 3rd nom.

After a few uneventful days, the minority were turning on each other for filler on the Thursday episode. Bridgette soon became a scapegoat option for eviction but being the queen she is, received no votes on Thursday.

Now, she is in a tough spot with little to no options as her colorful DR's reflect. She will lose the game and will be destined for ALL-STARS 2.

PYN to be tagged

Hint at #14

15. Bridgette Dunning
Points: 0 2 comments
Top 15 Robbed Big Brother goddess Jul 1, 2016
PYN to be tagged. I'll more and likely write them out tomorrow so yeah. #BB18
Points: 0 0 comments
BRONTE Jun 29, 2016
"I'm a numbers girl, I want to be where the numbers are."

*Chooses side without the numbers*
Points: 24 0 comments
Random Rupaul's Drag Race 6 RESULTS Jun 28, 2016

1. Candy Salt connorfitz15
2. Iella Oannes survivorfreak13
3. Jenny Sais Quoi JonMcGillis
4. Midnight Acres DillyDally
5. Maple Stars matedog1209
6. Luna Starcall McHappy
7. Me me2013
8. Zazooski Zazooski
9. Holly Flawless TDBigBrotherLover112
10.. Shiniqua SurvivoroftheTocans
11. Sexy Nightmare fell6
12. Panuki Dazuki levvy

- The first three Queens choose 3 different tesms. The winning team would grant the queen that choose them back into the race.
- Iella choose the winning team of Holly, Jenny and Midnight and was back into the race.
- No queen competed in 2 or more Lip-Syncs other than Holly and Jenny who had to Lip-Sync as part of the final runway of the season.
- Jenny and Holly's only negative scores were both LSFYL
- The F5 Lip-Sync was ICONIC
Points: 13 4 comments
Random Rupaul's Drag Race 6 {WITH CHART} Jun 27, 2016
PYDN (if you played before please pick a new name)

1. Candy Salt connorfitz15
2. Iella Oannes survivorfreak13
3. Jenny Sais Quoi JonMcGillis
4. Midnight Acres DillyDally
5. Maple Stars matedog1209
6. Luna Starcall McHappy
7. Me me2013
8. Zazooski Zazooski
9. Holly Flawless TDBigBrotherLover112
10.. Shiniqua SurvivoroftheTocans
11. Sexy Nightmare fell6
12. Panuki Dazuki levvy
Points: 47 12 comments