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Posts 878 posts

Plz Plus... And Other Thingies, My Alliance Mistakes Apr 13, 2011
imageFirst off, i made a really crappy design.. here it is if u wanna plus, minus, or anything like that.

Second of all, in my rookies game, my alliance died. They are both out, and nows its me facing the world. 3 people knew about it. I made it too obvious.

When I had POV, I used it to save my inactive ally, over the one that was on.
The other ally, I put him as my best friend on my homepage.

Now its just me, and maybe another ally. What will happen?
Points: 12 4 comments
Going Into Rookies... Poor Me Apr 10, 2011
Hold your breath :p

I'm going back to rookies.

However, I've heard rookies has changed and sucks now.

I suck at rookies.

Rookies is going to suck altogether.
Points: 0 0 comments
PLZ PLUS! Apr 9, 2011

plz help plus the rainbow hair!
Points: 14 1 comments
imageU guys probs remember me talking about the girl? well, today I finally told her, with everyone looking. THANKS, OTHER FRIENDS!
Points: 8 1 comments
Thanks, best friend! Apr 6, 2011
My "best friend" really @#@%ed my life up.

Remember my previous post?


In school, two girls came up to me and said a girl liked me, and wanted to know if i liked her back. They told me the name of the girl. I like her as a person, but don't love her.

Heres my problem:

I say yes: We're a couple, rumor starts, all the ladies get jealos :p
I say maybe: They take it as a yes, see above
Dont Tell: All the girls know I asked. No escape. I'm in hell :p
Say No: They think I'm a jerk, she wont talk to me.


Well, he got hold of the information, and told the girl I hated her, and that I liked someone else more. Now she hates me, and keeps on glaring at me.

Points: 32 2 comments
Old Casting Style! Apr 6, 2011
Great news! I'm playing a whole different type of casting! The keys and apples are back, its now 20 players, everything is SOOO different 2 me!
Points: 19 3 comments