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Posts 878 posts

Heidi The Cross-Eyed Opposum... lol Apr 16, 2011
imageThis is creepy... cool... cute... and scary... all at the same time... what do you feel when you look at the one and only Heidi the Cross-Eyed Opposum!
Points: 20 2 comments
WTF? Judas-Lady Gaga Apr 16, 2011

Tell me if I've gone crazy, but this song is so.... weird... maybe it will grow on me... :/

And look at the thumbnail for the video...

love is like a brick. you cant build a house or sink a dead body...

WHAT... THE... F***
Points: 43 5 comments
Design Question Apr 16, 2011
imageHow F****ing long does it take for a design to expire? I'm bored of it! I need to create a new one!
Points: 0 4 comments
Dilema Of The Decade Apr 16, 2011
Dilema of the Decade:
Every time I get 15 T's, i automatically go to rookies, instead of saving up for 40 T's and Orange level. Do I keep on going Rookies and try to spend BUT earn more, at a risk, or just do castings for a while to earn it at no risk?
Points: 19 2 comments
Survivor: Redimption Island Predictions Apr 14, 2011
imageFor those of you who watch Survivor, I have a prediction.

Slowly, members of the non-existant Zapatera tribe are all going to die off. (SOOOO ticked off at Mike and Dave's departure)
Grant might slowly become suspicious of Rob.
Rob is going crazy.
At the final 6, (in my prediction, all current merged mebers of Ometepe) they will blindside Rob. Then, who knows what? My predection is Grant winning, but I really don't know...
Points: 26 5 comments
Take A Peek Apr 13, 2011
My latest designs. Its not awesome, but I hope it will satisfy!
Points: 0 4 comments