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Posts 153 posts

Ultimate Survivor Tournament? Nov 10, 2009
Okay...picture this...80 of the fiercest Tengaged Survivor competitors are all vying for one be the Ultimate Survivor!

8 tribes of 10 randomly placed contestants from a list of 80 entries(orange and up, just like the real thing) are all put to the test.

The entry fee would be 30-40T$, and the prizes could be determined by Randomize...

It would be played just like regular Survivor, and after the first merge, that would leave 40 contestants and 4 tribes.

After a second merge, only 20 contestants would remain, leaving the final 2 tribes.

Then, after a final merge, each of the remaining 10 contestants could win Karma and T$ on an inclining scale from 10 to 1.

The final ten days would play out as if it were a rookies, in a sense, except that everyone is nommed except for the immunity challenge winner, until finally, there are only 2 people remaining...they'd have to face off in a final challenge to determine...The Ultimate Survivor!

Anybody else like the idea?
Points: 85 8 comments
FRESH IDEAS! Nov 10, 2009
I think it'd be a great idea to institute a pm that you can send to more than one person at a time. Something like an "Alliance PM" where you can highlight only the people you wanna send it to, and they'll all recieve the same message at once, instead of having to copy your message and re-paste'd save time, especially at those last second moments where you don't have the time to spare.

Maybe also, in the case of Survivor, if you only need 6 out of like 8 people to do the challenge, wouldn't a lock-out be cool, if 6 have done it already, so that in case one of the other two doesn't know any better, they won't mess up your totals...anybody else think these are good ideas?
Points: 59 6 comments
OMG! Nov 10, 2009
This site is so damn crazy...i've been on it since the end of June, and i've met some pretty cool people, but this past week has just been an influx of totally new friends...i just wanna say i'm glad to have met you all, and i'm looking forward to hanging out and ruling some games with ya! BOOYAH! :D
Points: 80 6 comments
Pick your favorite competition game! Nov 8, 2009
We've got Deal or No Deal, Match 3, Numbers, and Wheel of if the site decided to do just one of these for competitions, which one would you want it to be???
Points: 51 6 comments
99% Health! Nov 8, 2009
My health is at 99%! Where is yours???
Points: 71 10 comments
Light Green! :D Nov 8, 2009
Ya really sucks that you have to get one color at a i was, savin for i'm all depressed...hahaha...but oh yeah bitches! i got me some light green to keep me company now! BOOYAH! :D If you can...try to get other Tengagers to plus this too...i'd love a top blog...this is a BIG day for me!
Points: 161 21 comments