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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

BR offer Dani Final 3, Brendon: “I’m using pure f*cking logic to win this game.”

Aug 12, 2011 by Brittanymgd
image2:50pm Backyard Shelly, Jordan and Jeff
Shelly is pissed because Kalia and Dani were Mad up her in the HOH. Shelly thinks they are going to flip up the Nominations becuase Dani is pissed and she’s changing the way she plays. Shelly: This is so not like the real world it’s amazing” (What let me get this straight you shot straight to everyone for the last 4 weeks had your lips attached to the HOH and lied more than anyones else in Big BRother 13 thus far and now you’re saying it’s nothing like the real world. Did you think the way you were playing was like the real world, the business world as you put it.. Man shelly you really are a Straight Shooter. No nickname is out of bound for this player. I call no quarter on Shelly)

Shelly is super pissed at Kalia, “She talked to me like I was 5.. I’m not going to put up with this” Jordan says she isn’t going to go up and Talk to them because she wants to be surprised (Wow steller game play) Shelly assures them that everyone is going to be surprised. Shelly comments how Kalia is walking around the house being a bitch and acting like she has a big head. Shelly thinks Dani is being level headed but you can’t talk to dani without Kalia being right there.

Shelly is saying that she tried to tell Dani that it wasn’t just her that decided to flip the vote and it happened at the last minute. Shelly: “I had to ask Kalia to leave 6 time but she wouldn’t.. they talked to me like I was a child.. I’m fucking pissed” Shelly bring up that they asked her about Adam and how Shelly told them Adam was controlled by her. Shelly said tho them Adam is controlled by me and we told him to flip the vote.

Jordan brings up that she thinks dani is a nice person outside the house but inside Jordan doesn’t like her. Jeff agrees ads that Kalia and Dani would not be friends outside the house dani only drags her around because Kalia bows down to her.

3:08pm Kalia and POrsche Kalia is debriefing Porsche about calling out Shelly with absolutely everything that has happened. (It’s awesome)

Kalia tells her she was calling Shelly out on everything and Shelly wouldn’t own up she kept saying “OH MY GOD KALIA”. Kalia goes one to say that regardless what she does in this game she will always be looked upon in Dani’s shadow.

They start to talk about how Jordan is so depressed in the house. Kalia: “She doesn’t even like being here.. why did she even come” porsche brings up that Jordan is only happy when they are winning and since they haven’t won a HOH in awhile she’s been pissed. Kalia is sure Shelly and Jordan have a deal they are always together. Kalia starts slamming Shelly for all the shit she would say about being a mom and a business women and shooting straight. Kalia: “What a load of fucking shit”

3:35pm Dani, Rachel and Brendon HOH

Dani is saying that yesterday after the nomination (before the HOH) She heard JJBRSA talking shit about Dani, Kalia and POrsche, “You guys said that Kalia and I were going up on the block and you called us the peanut gallery.. So please try and convince me why the 2 pople that said they would put me up should not go up this week.. Please I really want to know convince me”

brendon rachel stumble…..

Brendon reminds her that she is the biggest target in the game now, and BR are the second and Third.
Dani: “I’m hoh it really doesn’t matter if i’m the biggest target” Feeds cut. Rachel and Brendon offer her a truce a 2 week deal 3 week deal final 3 deal.. whatever she wants. They want a secret deal and to continue to play the game like they are, “We’ll have opposite sides of the house and meet at the end”
Dani: “The problem I have with you guys is I know I was the target.. so why trust you”
Brendon agress she was the target…
Dani: “I’m telling you on a persoanl level that the people down there that you think are your friends are talking terrible behind your back”
Rachel: “I know exactly who your talking about:”
Brendon goes back to the deal says they need to keep it secret and not let JJ know. Dani: “Cleary you are working with Jeff and Jordan… Rachel you cannot say you had nobody last week because you know you hand JJ”
Rachel says she heard people making final 3 deals and final 5 deals with JJ, rachel was the target. Rachel heard this first hand in the havenots because JJ thought she was sleeping.

BR want to try and get the other players to fight it out and have them play on the side lines. Brendon is sure they can win the POV

Brendon: “The three of us are the biggest target int he house.. I’m 100% fucking down with it through all that other shit behind”

Dani last night you all made it perfeclty clear that I was going up and home this week.

Rachel I totally understand what your talking abou.. rachel tells dani that shelly was gunning for rachel, she was talking shit about rachel and Dani, told rachel that she had been working you guys over to save Rachel.

brendon wants them to take out all the floaters they will work together and win the POVs. They’ll have

Dani pokes a bunch of holes in BR’s deal saying that Dani is making all the enemies and the second something goes wrong like they don’t win a POV then she’ll be backdoored.
Brendon and Rachel say you will be making enemies with people that are not winning anything.
Brendon agrees with dani’s concerns but reminds her she needs to have allies that can win comps in this game.

Rachel swears that she didn’t talk game with anyone, “You think I had JJ but I didn’t”
Brendon: “I want to start over in this game”.. Brendon says they work together and talk out the people they need to talk out. Brendon says that Jeff stands a way better chance of staying in this game. Brendon: “I’m going to trust you more than I trust Jeff and Jordan.. We can’t do this alone” Brendon points out that any deal with Jeff is useless he’ll stab you int he back to further himself in the game,.
Brendon: “You have fought hard to be in this game and I respect that.. you deserve to be at the end”
(sounding very convincing.. )
Brendon: “I’m 100% down with making a deal with you.. but we need to keep the facade that we’re the enemies.. you go tell everyone that i’m going to backdoor us”

Dani says she should put BR up then they’ll use the pov and backdoor another player.
BR say that Jeff and Jordan have Adam and Shelly so they have the votes, if you put one of BR up they go home. Brendon: “I promise 1 million percent we will not go back on the deal.. If you want to keep Kalia and play with her i’m down with it”.
Rachel: “Why are you scared to put up shelly”
Dani: “I have a lot of enemies in this house and I’m not worried about Shelly”
Rachel heard Shelly say that she will never vote DK in the final 2, “you know that Shelly says the most horrible things about you, me, Porsche and Kalia… Shelly said she has a final 3 deal with JJ”
Rachel explains that she heard about the final 3 deal one night along with Adam having a final 4.
Dani: “Shelly isn’t a threat, nobody believes her anymore she can’t do shit”
brendion: “If we made a deal with you do you think you can trust us?”
Dani: “I will be honest with you I don’t.. But I really want to”
brendon: “Understands, I’m using pure fucking logic to win this game..
brendon: “we’re going to end up sending Shelly and Jordan to the final a floater (drink) is going to win this”

Brendon tells her that yes there friends with JJ but they really felt when they both on the block that JJ will do whatever it takes to win this game.
rachel says that JEff is a real mean guy if your not on his side or don’t have any power he’s a total prick, “jordan just wants to hang out with Jeff she doesn’t really do anything” Rachel adds that Jeff will break any deal he has if it means he’ll get closer to the money. brendon interrupts tells Dani that he’s being honest with her the 3 of them are the targets and JJ has the votes but they can win the comps this deal is based solely on game and logic.

brendon: “all we need is 2 weeks to keep it quiet then we can tell everyone becuase we’ll have all the numbers”. rachel tries to tell her that Dani alliance won’t win the HOH next week it’ll be a physical comp geared towards jeff and Brendon. brendon: “Jeff wants to keep the blood off his hands he’ll let me win it because they want you taken out.. But I won’t put you up we’ll put up floaters (Drink)”
Rachel: “I heard that Kalia doesn’t want to play HOH anymore.. not sure if she’s joking…”

Brendon wants to keep Jeff and Jordan for 2 weeks wants Shelly and Adam gone first.
BR starts talking about JJeff not being a fun guy he’s mean to Jordan and rachel. They bring up putting Jeff up. Rachel says Jeff doesn’t want to win HOH until later in the game just lke he did his season. Brendon says he will have Dani’s back if he wins.

Rachel I guarantee you 100% there is no chance if BR are up on the block that Brendon goes home. They say that Shelly and JJ want brendon to stay in the game so he can take dani out.

(BR deal sounds SOLID Dani is looking very receptive)

3:50pm Shelly and Kalia (The conversation above between Porsche and Kalia was a long one Kalia gave Porche a full debriefing of Shelly’s conversation with DB.. well Shelly heard some of it from the havenots? and is pissed)
Shelly says she’s not going to get Nasty.. Kalia: “Over the last 24 hours I really felt hung out to dry by all you guys.. you kept telling me to put up a floater.. and I did then all of a sudden your telling me rachel is going staying .. after the plan was to get her out”

Shelly: “I never hosed you in front of anybody in the house.. I never talked bad about you” Shelly talking mad shit about Porsche saying that Porsche does nothing to play the game. Shelly: “POrsche Walks around with her pants up her you know what” Shelly slams what porsche wears says she looks and acts like a slut and when she say things to Porsche it’s because she doesn’t want Prosche to look bad on the TV.
Shelly about Porsche (I found this funny) “You’ve done nothing but lie cheat and steal and that it the person you(Kalia) want as a confidante”
Feeds cut

Shelly feeds kalia amazing loads of SHIT, throwing porsche under the bus left and right, saying she looks like a piece of crap in front of her father etc etc etc (actually some really mean stuff.. )
Shelly says she came on this show to help the young people get far because she wants to see them win the money and help them start their lives (what a straight shot straight shooter).
Shelly getting really mad about Porsche.. Kalia say that maybe Shelly should talk to Porsche.. Porsche comes outside..
Shelly calls her out for voting to keep rachel. Porsche brings up that Shelly wanted Kalia to put up Porsche last week and not lawon. Shelly says she wanted POrsche to be the pawn,”I’m looking our for you” Kalia confirms that shelly wanted her to be a pawn. Porsche points out that last week the pawn went home. Shelly says it’s because it was Lawon.

Right before the feeds cut to the nomination ceremony.. Dani and Kalia are giving each other a run down.. Kalia is telling her about the Shelly saga and how full of shit Shelly is. Mentioned all the things Shelly said about porsche and how porsche confronted Shelly. Dani says she’s thinking of putting up Adam and Shelly, Tehy will tell everyone they will backdoor Brendon but in reality they will get the POV and either backdoor jeff or leave the nominations. She says it will by them one week of protection something they really need. Kalia doesn’t like the idea wnats Brendon gone. Dani says that Brendon has the votes to stay because everyone wants him to take out dani next week. Kalia : “Can’t we just take him out like last time” Dani: “No everything is different now.. trust me this will work”

(Mad grenades DKBR!)


hope u all like
Sent by Brittanymgd,Aug 12, 2011
dkbr alliance ftw!!!
Sent by splozojames50,Aug 12, 2011

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