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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother 13 – Shelly calls Rachel a witch, Porsche calls Shelly a Snake

Aug 7, 2011 by Brittanymgd
image5:51pm Dani and Porsche

Porsche saying she helped jeff with his hair and then moments after Jeff is being a ass to her. dani asks if Jeff is still a jerk to Prosche. POrsche says yes just now she was outside with them and he won’t even look at her, “ohh cool I should put a hole in your head”. Dani smiles says rachel approached her with a deal today up in the HOH. Dani doesn’t want to knock Rachel for trying it’s good she is. dani explains that it’s the same thing she is telling everyone that basically rachel is the biggest target and by keeping her she’s moving the target away from dani. Rachel is also so confident she is coming back because the viewers want to see her and she’ll be going after all the people that voted her out (It’ll be a lot of people) Porsche says thay Rachel told Kalia yesterday to keep her in the house and she will only target Dani. dani knows she doesn’t knock rachel for trying but it’s really a stupid deal. Porsche adds that rachel is trying to make it “COOL” to vote to keep her.. “they think i’m a stupid bimbo”.
dani explains that Rachel was trying to tell dani that 2 weeks ago the entire house was against her
and now everyone is her friend becuase her and kalia have the power. Dani says she told Rachel that the first 3 weeks when JJBR were up in the HOH bulling everyone Dani was downstairs building relationships and actually talking to people getting to know them. (this is true but dani was also talking MAD shit about some of the newbs)

Dani brings up that Rachel told her that she once had a friend in the house and now that friend goes around to both sides talking shit, Dani smiles says “I wonder who she means”.

Porsche says she needs to stop talking to shelly she goes back and forth between us and JJ. Dani completely agrees, Dani warns her that Shelly is playing both sides for real but doesn’t know we know yet. Porsche mentions that Production have commented to her that she’s changed, “wow you’ve changed you’re being more yourself” Porsche adds that they knew what she was like before the show so they would always ask her what is wrong. Porsche’s reply to them was, “Yeah I was kinda bullied.. production said they have noticed”

Dani says that is good she’s glad Porsche is now feeling like she can play the game the way she wants to.

6:01pm Hammock Kalia and Shelly straight shooter

Kalia explaining to shelly all the bullying she was victum to these past couple days and how jeff’s tempter really got to her. Shelly says that she would never vote to keep rachel in the house she doesn’t want them to ever think that will happen. She despises Rachel. Kalia adds that she intends to keep up her agreement with Jordan and she will never put jordan up. Shelly asks kalia is she really plans to honour that? Kalia tells her she most certainly will honour that deal unless they are final 3 and she’s sure Jordan will understand it.. Shelly agrees.
kalia says out of all the people they are close to they’re closest to Shelly. Shelly keeps warning her of Porsche says they need to distance themselves from her because she’ll ruin there game. Shelly adds that she’s 100% positive that if Jeff wins HOH he’ll put up Porsche. Kalia thinks they will put up Dani. (actually they will put up KL or PK and backdoor Dani)

They start to talk about the twist. Shelly thinks that the evicted person gets to come back in and gets to play the game for the HOH and is like a regular player. Kalia is disagreeing says they said “BACK in the house.. I’m just playing devils advocate for both side they never said they are back in to PLAY” (Shelly really wants Rachel gone and I think she’s really shooting straight)

Shelly is also very confident that Rachel is coming back and she’s coming after kalia she told everyone in the house yesterday.

Kalia starts to explain the crazy ass deal rachel is proposing. If I keep her in the house she’s the strongest player so it’ll move the target away from Kalia and onto rachel. Also rachel is so certain she’s coming back that she’s promising people that if they vote her out she’ll be gunning for them. Kalia: “She’s basically telling me to Trade up dani to keep her in the game”
Shelly: “She’s a witch”

kalia brings up the POV and says she really wanted Jeff to win it. Once she saw that Jeff was in the lead and there was no chance of Rachel getting it Kalia slowed down. Shelly mentions that rachel was swearing a lot during the comp and she was making comments about Brendon not being there and that is why she did poorly.

6:55pm Shelly smoking and counting (something is starting to tell me this Straight shooter is going to win)

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