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The BoCrea's blog

Posts 26 posts

New Twist Idea Aug 13, 2015
What if the POV winner could save himself or another nominee (if not nominated), then rename the nominee instead of the HOH? Obviously the HOH wouldn't be eligible to be nominated, but literally anyone else could go up at the POV's choosing.

I feel like this would add so much spice! Yeah? No?


PS: Sorry for all the posts. I just have a lot to say I guess

Edit: I totally didn't know this has already been done, but oh well. They should do it again, maybe with the double HOH twist.
Points: 0 4 comments
Why I Don't Like Steve Aug 13, 2015
Last night on BB, Steve talked more than he ever has in one episode, and I figured out that he has a lisp that makes him look and sound so much nerdier. He's also a big dork and doesn't understand that he's not a threat at all. He doesn't win shit, and he literally only has two friends in the house.


Points: 0 4 comments
Twin Twist Aug 11, 2015
+ for Julia
- for Liz

And go!

Points: 0 0 comments
My BB17 Cast Opinions Aug 11, 2015
Audrey: Very brave, but a very stupid player
Austin: I think he would be cool, but he likes Liz way too much and will ultimately lose BB for that reason
Becky: Eh, she's a floater, and when she is given power, she acts like she will overpower everyone
Clay: I loved him, but like Austin, he actually went out for a girl
Da Vonne (or however you spell her god forsaken name): Flat out annoying. I was so glad Shelli got her out over Audrey
Jace: Annoying, I thought I would like him, but I totally didn't even though I was a little sad he was the first out
James: Really the only useful player on his side of the house, but I will literally never watch BB again if he wins the season
Jason: Annoying, I don't know what the big deal about him was
John: I would like to see him actually win HOH, but I doubt he will
Liz: She needs to stop toying with Austin
Julia: I like Julia much better than Liz because she s here to play, not toy with a guy
Meg: Ugh, she's so obnoxious. I didn't mind her at first, but now with less and less people in the house, she really pisses me off
Shelli: I know she gets a lot of hate, but I love her. She really is a sweet Georgia peach
Steve: Who? We've only seen him what? Four times this season? In BOB comps?
Vanessa: Ugly, oh so very hideous! but I think she is a good player. But in the end, I hope she goes this week.

Do you agree? Disagree?


Whoops, forgot about Jeff and Jackie!

Jackie: I hated her on Amazing Race, and I still hate her. How is she still on BB?
Jeff: Hated him, too, and I was so glad when he went out third
Points: 0 6 comments
Meg's Obnoxious Aug 11, 2015
Her voice makes me want to punch her. Stupid floater...

Points: 4 1 comments
Any Twilight Fans? Aug 10, 2015
I feel like when Twilight was a thing, this site's users were all about it.

Points: 13 1 comments