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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

So here it is...

May 28, 2009 by BlueStar
imageMy Stars Blog...<3 ☆

I was AMAZED to even get in stars, I was the newest newbie and the least known.

So I went in there knowing one person, TeePeeeee... :)

☆ This girl is a true friend and the nicest person I know... She should go all the way!

☆ I made a great friend and good Ally in Bibbles early on. So if I had to be voted out against anyone Im glad it was her cos she is ace and the woman deserves to be there!

So there was an obvious divide in the house from the beginning and the way I voting failed for the first new nominations. The other team was bigger.

As the number were getting lower I knew I had to do something.
So this is when I made a core alliance with XL... I told him he was going to be put up so that he would vote with my side as I promised him the numbers... XL you were never in their spotlight (Thanx for that saying Nako <3) but you came to me like a kid to candy.. and brought Madison and Jaym with you. Its worth mentioning that after you agreed to this Me and Nako made a fake PM about you being nommed, Just to make sure you stuck with us :)

So with the "man candy" alliance and my close friendship with TP and Bibbles we managed to get the people we wanted nomming up.
It was going well until last night
"Man Candy" wanted to see Bibbles up... vs EB
It was never my intention to nom Bibbles, I couldnt do it no matter how much it would have helped me in the game. So I tried everythin I could to get someone else up in her place
This backfired and I was nommed against Bibbles :(

Im happy that in my time in Stars, I did turn the house around.
And I stayed loyal to my closest allies in there

A note about the others
☆ EB <3 Your lovely, been great to get to know you and I hope you go far!
☆ Sam <3 I havnt spoke to you as much but I think your great and Id like to see you in the final 4

Jaym, XL, Madi... Well done for getting me up, your better gameplayers than I thought. Good luck to you all !

☆ Bye stars!!

Thanx to the people who voted to keep me... Loooove ya'z <3333


Sent by joeyjones,May 28, 2009
Sent by 2cool4school,May 28, 2009
you seem like a nice player :)

you will play again i am sure
Sent by knixuk,May 28, 2009
sounds like you played a great game and having spoken to bibbles on skype i can tell you have made some good friends in there which is great.. well done for getting this far!!
Sent by EssexGirl,May 28, 2009
Seems like you played well, Grats on getting in and a good result :)
Sent by joeyjones,May 28, 2009
bye blue :'(
Sent by Jiggleoo,May 28, 2009
awww blue, im so sad your not there, im really glad i met you, but im missing you!!!
Sent by bibbles,May 28, 2009
I can't wait to make my blog..
Sent by xxJaym,May 28, 2009
stay strong!!! Stick to the plan and you will be fine !! :D
Sent by BlueStar,May 28, 2009
thanks blue, just hope i can do it without you
Sent by bibbles,May 28, 2009
Have faith Bibster!! lol :D
Blue <3 travesty if ever there was one. Great blog though!! <3 +
Sent by PrincessTeePee,May 28, 2009
Sent by WillyEx,May 28, 2009
+8 blue <3 , love you!!!!! :D
Sent by sam_cutie567,May 28, 2009
<3 you Blue!!!
Sent by EnragedBeauty,May 28, 2009
<3 Blue star is the star!!!!!
Sent by shandaleer,May 28, 2009
You did a great job, I wish you would have made it farther!
Sent by Alegeeter,May 28, 2009
Well I wanted you or Teepee to win :(
Sent by Fiona89,May 29, 2009
bluehulk <3<3<3
Sent by WarriorInWoolworths,May 29, 2009
Sent by Analeigh,May 29, 2009

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