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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

In Response...

Nov 3, 2013 by Anonaly
"You are the most disgusting Person ever
Nov 3, 2013 by winner132
You are the most nasty, vile, evil person i have ever met in my life Anonaly, i dont know how anybody can like you or be friends with you. You are a straight out bully and you need to leave me and everyone else the fuck alone. Nobody even likes you anonaly really your are just a person which words cannot describe.

Anonaly 0 min ago
And yes, I am the daughter of the Devil. #DealWithItBitch

from Anonaly 1 day 20 hours ago
I cannot believe you are in this game... I hope you die or get evicted first, so I don't have to look at your avatar any longer...


Have a terrible day
Sent by Anonaly,Nov 3, 2013

God can you like just be banned out of tengaged already?"

Thank you for that beautiful, detailed blog... I wouldn't call myself a bully, nor deny the things I said... I'm merely a confrontational person, and you're clearly the type of person who can't handle a little confrontation. You see, I have a lot of different relationships on this website. I do recall you saying yourself that when we were friends, I was really funny and a good friend. I am... But once you cross me, there's no uncrossing. I get you want to make amends, but I don't give second chances. You clearly are on my bad side for a reason, so why should I give you a re-do? I shouldn't, and I won't!

Now, happy fucking birthday, you two-faced slob... I'm fucking done with you.



Sent by Jace_99,Nov 3, 2013

Sent by Kaushal,Nov 3, 2013
Kaushal what?
Sent by Anonaly,Nov 3, 2013
Forget bout winner

Sent by Kaushal,Nov 3, 2013
winner132 u r a gr8 person and anonaly plz forget bout him n move on
Sent by Kaushal,Nov 3, 2013
Sent by Typhlosion37,Nov 3, 2013
winner132 and anonaly are both my friends so girls please stop arguing.
Sent by pillan24,Nov 4, 2013 know. I loved your blog about TV stars
, but I have to go team winner here.
Sent by Ravenclawfan,Nov 4, 2013
I thought you were nice....but now not so much.
Sent by Ravenclawfan,Nov 4, 2013
Ravenclawfan Bro, I'm just a tough person... A lot of shit went down between Winner and myself that you don't really know about...
Sent by Anonaly,Nov 4, 2013

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