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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jul 27, 2013 by 1427
Sorry to anyone I may have personally offended while playing this game. I am very competitive and have a tendency to take the game seriously. I wish I could do that without hurting peoples feelings, unfortunately that sometimes isn't possible, sometimes people take my game moves to heart and I apologize. I understand what I posted earlier was immature and catty, but I had no ill intentions I was just trying to joke around, I however did get carried away and I apologize, this game will do this to you and recently I feel like I am beginning to lose touch with reality. So I will complete the slow casting game I am currently in and I will stop using Tengaged for the rest of the summer. I want to be able to enjoy my summer without getting into pointless arguments with people over stuff that probably isn't worth arguing about. I'm sorry to those I have offended, it's just a game and we sometimes lose site of that, I'm not the first and I certainly won't be the last that it happens to. I will return in September with a clear mind, but in the meantime I'm going to be doing things the summer is actually about, goodbye


Sent by Chris99x,Jul 27, 2013
By the way i don't think u should leave unless you really want to. just try to have fun!
Sent by Chris99x,Jul 27, 2013
I will plus you for that, and I'm not one to hold a grudge. Don't worry about it
Sent by Windwaker407,Jul 27, 2013
Chris99x I guess I'll stick around.
Sent by 1427,Jul 28, 2013

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