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Ask Me Demgirl6

Latest answers by Demgirl6Go to profile

0Q: 2 + 2 = Fish, stop being mean to me :(

asked by Foxy_Piplup


0Q: Why do you hate me? 馃様

asked by Foxy_Piplup

2+2= ?

0Q: sis.

asked by Foxy_Piplup


0Q: thoughts on two raccoons holding hands?

asked by Symmetry888

can that be us please. two raccoons holding hands.......,,, two raccoons holding hands....,

0Q: thoughts on guy fieri?

asked by Symmetry888

ummm something something flavortown

0Q: Opinions on FireWolf stating you are "Probably a man. Demgay6 maybe?" ?

asked by Symmetry888

boy do i wish people would stop asking what other people think of me!

0Q: Opinions on the newly released Dem Grill v. 6?

asked by Symmetry888

not a fan

10Q: Opinions on tengaged user Demgirl6?

asked by GoodKaren

i really wish oswordo3 would stop asking people about whoever that is!!

0Q: opinions on tengaged user big dizzley o mama?

asked by Symmetry888

not even a mama but i accept and appreciate him as he is

0Q: sorry i meant minions s but now im crying so i guess u do enjoy making me cry

asked by Symmetry888


12Q: do you enjoy making krystal cry?

asked by oswordo3


-5Q: will you fucking stop?

asked by simbasbro3457


0Q: do u like monions

asked by Symmetry888


-7Q: okay gtg to a wiggles concert so ill spam you again later love u bye

asked by Symmetry888

Get Me Autographs

-7Q: Mashed Banana, Mashed Banana (Mashed Banana, Mashed Banana) Mashed Banana, Mashed Banana (Mashed Banana, Mashed Banana) Mashed Banana, Mashed Banana (Banana!) Banana (Banana!) Banana, Banana, Banana

asked by Symmetry888

Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy
Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy
Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy
Yummy Yummy
Yummy Yummy
Fruit Salad!

-7Q: Fame Doin' it for the Fame Cuz we wanna live the life of the rich and famous Fame Doin' it for the Fame Cuz we gotta taste for champagne and endless fortune

asked by Symmetry888

wow that sure is a Bop if i've ever heard one

-7Q: okay bitch if you're gonna stomp all over the fame by lady gaga who the fuck??? are you??? who the fuck do you think you are lmao u wanna fight you wonder bread lookin thing u wanna fuckin go

asked by Symmetry888

please . plea se ,,  ,, , , please

-7Q: okay i didn't ask about your fucking toe fungus or whatever i was asking about the cookies

asked by Symmetry888

please stop asking me questions i'm too busy for a life of fame

-7Q: why did you delete the cookies question? what are you hiding from us all?

asked by Symmetry888

the truth ,,,,,,,

-14Q: Why are you judging me?

asked by Logie56


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