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Latest answers by BrainJakGo to profile

0Q: If you won’t do the games, CAN I TAKE OVER AS PRESIDENT OF PANEM?!

asked by ITZ3THAN

4Q: if a genie could grant you the instant mastery of any skill what would ya pick

asked by druu

Communication. I wish I could communicate my thoughts and feelings better in real life, instead of being a nervous wreck.


asked by ITZ3THAN



asked by FireX

... I am now

34Q: Do you think you are more of a joker or a serious kinda guy?

asked by me2013

I dunno I try to joke but it sux

24Q: Do you ever wake up and not remember where you are or what day it is.... Like even for a split second?

asked by me2013

... Honey I forget my own name when I'm wide awake, yes

28Q: can you plus this? can u plus this please?   xD

asked by CrystalNight98

Okay NOW I dislike you

30Q: Democrat or Republican?

asked by purplebb4

I will shoot your cat

30Q: Most times you've fapped in a 24 hour period?

asked by GrrrImABear

What the frack is fapping???

34Q: u wan sum fuk?

asked by eliserose

With you my dear, I would not 'fuk' you. I would take you out to a beautiful outdoor restaurant, buy you diamonds, bring you back to my hotel, and strap you down. YEE-HAW

46Q: How many times have you had sexual intercouse?

asked by Sapphirebh

(With others: never)
(With myself: do you make the infinity sign?)

25Q: have you ever gotten a wedgie

asked by yswimmer96

Yes. I have felt the ball crushing pain, I have heard the horrendous sound of my underpants ripping. You never forget.......

29Q: do you like dogfood?

asked by Carlo_Costly


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