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Big Brother and Survivor online game.

Hello, my name is Katie

MOTTO: Sticks and stones will break your bones but rumours will haunt you forever...So don't fuck with me.

WHO AM I: I'm a Bristol Roovers WAG. WAGs are always stereotyped to be blond, gold digging bimbos who degrade themselves by dating arrogant and stupid footballers in order to secure themselves a spread in OK! Magazine. Well I'm here to rebuke this and stand up for my girlies. We're not dumb blonds, in fact I'm a fierce red head, who is about to start at Roundview College. I'm also not a gold digger. Yes, Danny buys me present but that's a boyfriend's job, whether he's a footballer or a Big Issue seller. Also, I love smiling. I have a beautiful smile and pouting is for idiots. Looking like a giant orange because you've over done the St. Tropez is also stupid. I live in Bristol, not LA and I like having a pale complexion. It's real. Being real is the most important thing in the world. I have an identical twin called Emily. We have learnt that even though we look the same, we are different and in order for people to be able to recognise this, we must be real, we must be ourselves, not each other. As for the future, fuck ambitions, they just restrict you. I do what I want, when I want and don't think about anything long term. Who knows what tomorrow could bring?

FAVOURITE TUNES: Britney (before her breakdown), Amy (after her breakdown). I love any music that I can dance and sing along to.

MUST WATCH TV: Gossip girl, Footballers Wives, Prison Break - or anything with Wentworth Miller in it - He is incred!

FAVE FILM STAR: Marilyn obviously.

DREAM DATE: David and Vicky B.

My Games 2 games played

26 Jan, 10
23 Jan, 10

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