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Blogs #Sapphire



Objects2Fight Episode 2: "Head..

2 MojoSurb, Mar 15, 2014

*Ya another one of those "Object Shows" Like on YouTube.*
[ Last time: The show began, and in a twisting Advanced Snowball Fight, Team Yoko won, and Team Loko had to lose a member. ]
~ Elimination: Welcome, welcome. So, lets get started you, unanimated... weirdos...
- Safe w/ 0 votes: Everyone but Kunai/Battery.
- With a 1-1 vote, it is tied, and the other safe objects will vote!
> With a revote of 6-2, Kunai you are out. Goodbye *Fling*
-Team Yoko: Strawberry, Carrot, Calculator, Envelope, Canny, Barrel, Controller, Folder, Lemonade, and Snowflake.
-Team Loko: Music Note, Peace Sign, Swordy, Sapphire, Bready, Sunflower, Paperclip, Glassy, and Battery.
The Challenge: Whoever can hang off a cliff suspended by a rope the longest will win for their team. No Immunity Medals given out this time. Lets begin.
/ Cliff Hanging Results \
19th: Music Note | 18th: Carrot | 17th: Strawberry | 16th: Swordy | 15th: Bready | 14th: Battery | 13th: Calculator | 12th: Lemonade | 11th: Peace Sign | 10th: Snowflake | 9th: Folder | 8th: Sunflower | 7th: Envelope | 6th: Canny | 5th: Glassy | 4th: Barrel | 3rd: Paperclip | 2nd: Sapphire | 1st: Controller, Which means, Team Yoko wins again!
~-~ Hello Tengaged! It is YOUR time to vote! Please vote in the comment section out of these objects:
- Team Loko -
-~-~ It is your decision! Choose wisely!

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