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Final Tribal Council — All-Stars

Topic » Final Tribal Council —..

1594 days 22 hours ago
Welcome Abel, Chandler, and Craig to Final Tribal Council. The power now shifts to the jury who will vote for the Sole Survivor of Survivor: All-Stars

We'll now bring in the members of the jury: Kyle, James, Ashanti, Ryan, Yves, Katherine, Ethan, TJ, Chris, Erik, and Kevin voted out at the last tribal council.

Abel, Chandler, and Craig, you may each make an opening statement. The jury members can either make comments or ask questions, there is no limit to the amount they do or don't say.

Once you have decided who to vote for please mail me your vote.

** Votes are due by January 22nd at 5:30 pm EST **

Reunion will be on January 22nd at 6:00 pm EST.

Good luck!
1594 days 22 hours ago
Craig I used to play like you. Backstab everybody in the back to get to the end and I went on a streak where I would continue to get to the end and loose. Why? Because I had put no effort into jury managment and that is exactly what you did here. I respect the fight you had in this game I do not respect the unnesscary lies you made and the fact that all you did was lie your way to the end. I think it was too raw at the end of the day these are the people voting for you to win and you completely fucked over every single ally you had in this game other than the people sitting next to you. while some of the other people sitting next to you didn't have to play that gruesome to get here and I don't feel like you had to play this way either even though you say you did. Nobody really saw you as a threat.
1594 days 22 hours ago
Also the little paranoid act you were doing was fucking extra. You sat there and acted like you were having a panic attack every fucking vote when you knew exactly what you were doing. You didn't have to do all of that to get to the end either that makes you the definition of a rat and I hope you get exactly what you deserve.
1594 days 22 hours ago
@Bblover567 Okay I just want to say that no one viewing me as a threat was a perfection of my game. I wasn't a target even though I was one of the better people at challenges out here, and i'm truly sorry I had to lie to you. But you know you WOULD win against me. I wanted to win this game, and I didn't want to come in third or second. I know you played a amazing game, and that's why you had to go. I lied to you yes, and i'm sorry over that. I played a very snaky game and I honestly usually always play loyal so this is new to me. I feel like you should vote me because I was the one that was able to win final immunity against you, I was able to clutch immunity last minute against Erik too. I'm the only person sitting in this final three that can pretty much take responsibility over taking you two out, you took Erik out with me but even ABEL (sorry) kept him. I bested you at the final immunity because I knew if I lost that I would've lost against you. You truly would've won sitting here and that's why you had to go. I truly hope you don't hate me.
1594 days 22 hours ago
Ha Craig I am sorry but you for sure overplayed. I don't have a problem with you taking me out I have a problem with all of your unnesscary lies and your fucking crying you would where you would act like you were having a panic attack and send message after message as if you were nervous when you knew what you were doing. You treated the people you expect to vote for you like trash. I respect someone who does whatever they have to to win but there is a way to go about it and this was not the route to go and I hope you learned from the way you played this game. Because I don't even think you would vote for yourself after the way you did people this season. You say you used Erik as a meat shield but like you said in ya speech nobody was going after you you didn't need Erik in the game till final 5 to get to where you are so please admit the fact that Erik was your friend and you didn't want to take him out till later in the game You sucked his dick all the way to final 5 and cut him I don't respect your game I only respect your fight but you overplayed in my opinion
1594 days 22 hours ago
@BBLover567 I told Erik who to vote for in multiple tribals, I did not "suck on his dick" because he was the person that made himself the target, he caused drama in the game and I did not. That's why i'm sitting here over him, because I had a better social game then him.
1594 days 22 hours ago
Speech coming soon
1594 days 21 hours ago
Hey guys!!! I want to start by thanking you for not blocking me for the last 16 days because I know I’m annoying and  thanking Ian for asking me back to the show. Let's start.

At the beginning of the game I was in the Lyrae tribe and this tribe was a frill in the challenges so we won them all and didn't go to the tribal. During that time being immune, I started to work my social magic with everyone. There was a drama about the trio and because of that the Lyrae Sluts alliance was made. While I was at LS alliance, I also spent my time building trust with Kevin because in case something goes wrong I knew I would be safe to be the target from both sides.
When the swap came, hell started in that game for me because I was THE ONLY Lyrae member to switch tribe and to put the icing on the cake, my tribe was the weakest tribe here. I could be the easy target and be sent home but I worked my social game to make shit happen. I reconnected with Ryan and Abel from my original season and we formed the Soul Society trio. That were the best thing ever because without people know we're in the middle of EVERY SINGLE VOTE. At our first tribal, the vote was between Ryan T and Jimmy and we were the swing votes. My alliance wanted to vote Ryan T out but doing that in the next tribal JB would become a swing vote and that could screw us so I managed them to vote Jimmy and keep our swing position. That decision was crucial to avoid my elimination in the next tribal when Kelly, JB and AJ voted for me because when Jimmy left over Ryan T , I had the marjority I needed in that swap. That alliance was perfect to me because I knew I would have a say in the final vote.

When the merge arrived, people started a riot against the trio until someone leaked the group chat and things went all over the place. A new chat was made and I was the only member of the Soul Society trio in that chat. That sucked for me because even thought my original alliance "The Lyrae Sluts" were on that group, I knew that I would never have the influences that I had in the Soul Society trio in that alliance. I wasnt playing to be their 7th/6th I was playing to be sitting here today so a group were made between the Soul Society trio, Erik and Craig, who I was getting real close in terms of social game, and we had 2 possible targets: Kyle and AJ. Between the two. Kyle was someone who would give me more problems in the future after my Flip than TJ. I knew Kyle could get really piss and try screw me in the next vote because the guy were a really sneaky social king. So I flipped and Kyle went home.

Even after I flipped people still came to me to l get me on their side. My social game allowed me to have connections with all sides of the game. Despite my Flip, I still had a good relationship with those people, I had a good relationship with Kevin that left me on good terms with the trio, I had a good relationship with the soul society trio and also had a good relationship with Craig. That prevented my name from being in the urn for a long time because Erik went crazy and tried to eliminate me a few times like in the day Chili went home.

At final 9, people were deadset abou sending Abel home but I couldnt let that happen because I knew he were loyal to me so I went to Kevin and Ethan and I said that we needed to take Erik out. That was the perfect moment for them to make a move because they were the swing votes and they had ALL the power but they declined saying that they could take Erik out even when I told them that doing It they would handle the swing position to another person in the next tribal. Since Erik wasnt a option and I wasnt ready to stop yet, I threw the target on Kat and It worked! I saved Abel.

At the final 8 what I said to Kevin and Ethan became true. The swing position had changed and of course I would take a shot one of them because we were 5 tribals away from the ftc and they had 2 idols. At final 7 If one of them had won immunity and the others had got safe by the idols that would def suck so I had to lie in order to make that move happen. After that I had to make a Lot of damage control with Kevin who were pissed since I lied.

At the final 6 I knew Kevin had the Merge idol because he told me and I also knew that Erik could get crazy and try to pull a move on me so in order to avoid that I casted my vote on him to tie the vote. Me tying the vote would prevent people from voting for anyone other than Chris and that was perfect to me. Kevin wouldnt play the idol and in the revote Chris would leave avoiding that in the final 5 Kevin won the immunity and give his idol to Chris guaranteeing them in the end 4 and even If he ended up playing the idol Erik would leave which would be good anyway.

At point I already had my final 3 alliance with Abel and Craig and I had Kevin with me so when at the final 5 Erik tried to get me out, I was still safe.
At the final 4 I voted Kevin bc he would won the game for sure and I was his 4th If he were together with his friends at the final 4 so why wouldnt he be mine? LOL

I believe I played a good game. I had connections with almost everyone and with all sides of this game. My decisions were able to get me off the bottom during the pre-merge and still avoid my elimination on the next tribal. My social game prevented me from being shot during the Merge even though people wanted to gather votes against me. I made moves, I had a good social game and I outlasted this game even when people didn't believe it. I really hope that this game that I played who prevented my name from getting out of the urn for the last 16 days is now able to convince you to put my name there tonight.
Thanks u all <3
Gl guys <3
1594 days 21 hours ago
Okay, coming into this final tribal council, I know that a lot of you are mad at me. I know you all see me as a snake and that is true, I am a snake. I snaked my way to the end, I got all of you to trust me and it WORKED. I got 0 votes against me and I know you’re all upset that I screwed you over, but I needed to change my game from last time around. Last time, I made finals and I lost. People said I was sheeping and not making decisions. This time, I wanted to be the one making decisions. You may not have thought that it was me calling the shots, but I’ve been in everyone’s ear all season  making sure I got what I wanted to happen.

I voted in majority at every tribal except for one. Remember when Erik played an idol to take out Brittany. I gave him that idol. I knew Erik was someone who had connections and I could use him as a shield. I single-handedly saved him and knew he would be loyal to me for the rest of this game, which he was. However, I wasn’t loyal to him because I was only loyal to myself. When I needed to cut Erik, I did. Same with Ethan. I used him as a shield and exposed of him when I needed to do so. Chili, you said I was sheeping Ethan and wouldn’t survive, but I knew what was going on. I knew I was not getting 5th. I purposely got Kat to waste her idol, I purposely saved TJ multiple times when he was the target because I knew he would never vote me out, I made these small moves each tribal council to ensure I was here. I wasn’t flashy, but I was dictating everything that happened.

I am the only person to make finals in BOTH of my seasons. TJ, you played with my last time. You know I played a loyal game and you said you were voting for Jake because he played the BEST game. Not the most loyal game, the BEST game. And you know that this season, I played the BEST game. Not to mention, I won 3 crucial immunities to take out my targets on my way to the end.

I know many of you are upset and I understand why you are upset, but please vote based on gameplay. This is not just a normal season, this is ALL STARS. A lot of you didn’t know who I was entering this game and probably questioned why I was even on All Stars, well now I showed you why. I’m sorry if your feelings are hurt, the friendships I built are genuine, but I needed to make the moves I did to get to the final 3. Last time I played as a hero and unfortunately for you all, this time I played as a villain.

I’m excited to answer any questions you have about my game.

Good Luck Chandler and Abel.
1594 days 21 hours ago

My main issue I have with you right now is that you flipped on me thinking I was loyal to the Lyrae sluts. And that’s not true at all. I had two final 3 deals, and I wanted to take both to the end because I felt their loyalties were strong enough where I wouldn’t be a victim of someone flipping. Those two final 3 deals I had were me, Kat, and TJ, AND me, Ryan L, and you. I wanted to take you to AT LEAST final 5. And I would’ve gotten Ryan L out over you. So honestly I really don’t see how getting me out would have been beneficial for you. Sure you made it to the end. However, I feel like you could’ve easily manipulated me in future rounds because you not Ryan were anywhere on my hitlist, and I didn’t know Abel existed.

My question to you Chandler...
Briefly list out some of your moves you made in this game, and describe how it benefitted and worsened your game.
1594 days 21 hours ago

You claimed you made all these little moves throughout the game and used people as shield to get you to a place of safety, and then threw them out.

My question:
Give me a chronological timeline of who you used throughout the game, the relationships you built, broke, and repaired, and a brief summary of the moves you made and how they benefited your game and worsened it.
1594 days 20 hours ago

I get what you say but I would never be with u at the final tribal. You're a too good player to be there and still in our final 3 I wouldnt have much influences the decisions I had in the Soul Society alliance. So I still feels that at that moment my decision were the best one I could have because it's not all about only be here. It's also about to be with people I could beat.

Voting Jimmy out was a move that greatly benefited my game. Ryal L and Abel wanted to eliminate Ryan T that night and if I hadn't intervened, I could be eliminated on the next tribal. When I was able to convince them to keep voting for Jimmy, I secured the majority of 5 people and it kept me alive in the game in a 5-3 against Kelly.

Voting Kat out was also a move who benefited me because I guaranteed Abel to stay in that game knowing that he would be more loyal to me than she was and that I would have more chances of winning sitting next to him.

Tying the vote between Erik and Chris prevented anyone from changing the vote and possibly screwing me in the game. That was the perfect way to keep things under my control.

The Flip on you was bittersweet for my game. It definitely helped me establish my alliance with the Soul Society trio plus Craig but It also screwed me a lil bit for a couple tribals but I managed to work my way in again
1594 days 20 hours ago

So coming into this game I was really nervous because one, there were so many friendships and “friend groups” that I had no part in and two, because I literally got 12th last time and I was honestly expecting to repeat history. I knew I probably wasn’t going to win any challenges, or find any idols so I knew I had to rely on my social game and make shit happen.

So I began my journey on the flop tribe known as Cygnus but I actually found myself in an alliance pretty early on with Kat, Brittany and Craig and also had a final 3 with Kat and Craig, plus I had good relationships with Erik and JB who were also on Cygnus. Brittany and JB were seen as a duo and it was also widely known that Erik and Brittany had beef so I knew that whatever happened, win or lose, I wouldn’t be going anywhere, period, and I didn’t (again RIP Brit).

But then came the swap, where initially it looked as if I were on the bottom but I somehow some way found myself lodged between the alliance of the Ryans, Erik and Chandler and the other alliance of Kelly, Ashanti, JB and Jimmy (I guess). I already had bonds with Erik and RyanL from Soul Society, and Chandler was literally one of my favorite people from Soul Society, but I also really liked Kelly. Despite really liking Kelly I knew she had quite a few friends in the game and once again, I barely had any, so I had to take her out, along with JB and Jimmy (who actually took himself out LOL).

Then came the second swap, where I was placed on a tribe with a bunch of people I didn’t really have any relationships with but thanks to the Survivor gods, we didn’t lose and a bitch made it to the merge. Knowing that by playing a loud and “big moves” kind of game last time gave me 12th, I decided that maybe I should switch things up and be quiet for a while. Being a boring bitch might not be good for the entertainment of the season but it will definitely be good for my game so that’s literally what I did. I knew the big threats were targeting the other big threats and I could easily squeeze on by and work my way to the end. Knowing how humongous of a target the trio had on their back at the time, I didn’t see the sense in taking them out so early and I worked with them along with Erik, TJ, Craig, RyanL and Chandler to take out in my opinion, the lowkey threats like Kyle (a previous winner) and James, who I knew didn’t trust me and would’ve eventually plotted my demise (and who I personally thought was winning this season).

After this I knew it was time for a flip. I had been conversing with the alliance of Yves, Kat and Ashanti for a while and realized that maybe it was time for us to take out the trio. Unbeknownst to me, Erik, TJ and Craig used this opportunity to take Ashanti out instead of the trio, putting myself, Chandler, and RyanL on the outs with Kat and Yves. This was where the old me really started to come out; I realized Erik was in on every single vote of the merge and was in an extremely powerful position in the game, and I wanted his ass out. So my minority alliance and I, once again, tried to get him out by teaming up with the trio only to be betrayed by them as well and have two of my allies, RyanL and Yves, leave back to back.

This was probably my lowest point in the game; I was literally about to be voted out and I felt like the whole cast was against me. But thanks to the trio, I was saved and we took Kat out instead; this being the first vote that Erik was not apart of. Despite literally almost being voted out, I found myself in the most powerful position of the game, along with Chandler, who I guess was the other half of my “duo” at this point. On one side was Erik, Craig and TJ; three people that voted for me and on the other side was Ethan, Kevin and Chris; three people that saved me. However, although they did save me I knew that the combination of them possibly having 2 idols and the comp beast that was Ethan, I knew I couldn’t let them get any farther. So I teamed up with the other side and convinced Chandler, who was still adamant on taking Erik out to blindside Ethan while we still could. And it worked.

After this my newly formed alliance of Craig, Chandler and Erik decided to take out TJ due to him being somewhat of a flip flopped and overall unpredictable. Next was the final 6 where Kevin won immunity, so the obvious vote was Chris but Kevin insisted he was using the idol on him, which I didn’t believe. So I went to Kevin and explained to him using the idol on Chris was not it and that it was better to keep it for himself (I don’t know if this was what made Kevin decide to not use it, but he can confirm this happened). Kevin didn’t use the idol, Chris left and now we were down to the final 5.

I know many of you might’ve thought I was  “sheeping” Erik but my main reasoning of keeping him in the game was because I knew due to our personal relationship and the several hours we spent on call together, he never would’ve voted me out. I can’t say the same for myself but I knew for sure that he wouldn’t. Once the final 5 came kevin used his idol, Craig won immunity and I purposely didn’t vote Erik because I can honestly say that he is my friend, and I wasn’t about to let him go out in a 4-1 vote. Then came the final 4 immunity which Craig won and which is where we finally took out Kevin, who I honestly had it in the bag if he did
manage to make it to the end.

Sorry this is so long, but this game was literally so long. Yeah I didn’t find idols, I didn’t get idols played on me, I didn’t win comps, I wasn’t in any premades, so the fact that I still made it here without any of those benefits honestly makes me proud. I  put in hours talking with some of these people to benefit my social game and wasn’t a complete gamebot the whole time. I also convinced Chandler, who was the most adamant to eliminate Erik, to save Erik twice, first for the Ethan vote and second for the TJ vote, which in my opinion were some of the most shocking votes of the season. I tried to stay as honest as possible except for when I felt an idol might’ve been used, So yeah I do think I deserve to win and hopefully you guys do too. GL Chandler & Craig ❤️❤️❤️.
1594 days 20 hours ago
@RedsKanto That's a great question Kyle, and I have a lot of shit to say for it.

Starting off on the original Cygnus, I had no pregame connections, I had no friends and I honestly thought I was screwed. Considering their were multiple friendships on my tribe such as Brittany and JB.

FIRST: Remember when Erik wanted to quit the game? I was the person that stopped him from doing that. I went straight up to him and told him "Shut the fuck up Erik, you are NOT leaving this game and I need a ally here." Right after that Katherine made a final three between me, her, and Abel and was talking about if we should take Erik out. I quickly changed the conversation to Matt, and pretty much my entire tribe flipped from voting Erik out to Matt, sending him home first.

SECOND: When we lost the second immunity however, I realized Erik was in a very bad spot going forward, and everyone on the tribe wanted to vote him! Before that tribal, I found the Cygnus Immunity Idol and right before tribal, I handed Erik the idol and told him if he didn't play this he was going home, I told him to vote out Brittany (who had many friends and connected with Abel and JB), and he did just that. I was the reason why Brittany left this game, and no one even realized it, I made sure after that tribal that no one suspected shit about me giving Erik the idol, hell even Kelly started to blame the trio in the skype chat!

THIRD: For the third immunity, I knew that I was in a solid position on my tribe, I connected with Erik, Abel, Katherine and JB. However, I knew all of them would be loyal to me for most of the premerge, so even though none of my tribemates even scored a point in the third immunity, I single handily beat Ethan and made sure that all of them were staying.

FOURTH - SIXTH: When the tribes swapped, I quickly began to talk to everyone, and even though people thought I was crazy, I put myself in a great position with both sides needing my vote if we went to tribal. I connected with the trio, and I knew that you guys wanted to throw the challenges to get the trio out, and you guys told me that. I was in a great spot in this tribe swap because of the fact I was able to make myself seem like a crazy, insane, and sporadic non-threat who you guys could take to the merge.

SEVENTH: When the tribes swap, I was in another great position because Ashanti and Katherine wanted to vote out Ethan or Kevin out, while Ethan and Kevin, wanted to vote Ashanti or Katherine out. I was the swing vote if this new tribe went to tribal, and I was able to make everyone trust me.

EIGHTH: When we merged it was apparent that I was suddenly starting to be associated with Ethan and his friends, and Ashanti (who trusted me from the tribe swap) Literally told me about the Anti-Ethan Alliance, that was the mole who exposed it. I was quick to expose this because this alliance wasn't in my best interest at all. By tribal, because of me exposing the Anti-Ethan Alliance, you were blindsided. Now the vote was between you and TJ for who we were voting, and I was a big advocate to send you home which is one reason you went. I knew that TJ was much much better for my game than you because I knew you were a previous winner, and you weren't someone who completely trusted me.

NINTH: With the Anti-Ethan Alliance crumbling, the new alliance that I was a heavy part in uniting, wanted to send TJ right after me. Now this was not in my best interest at all, and right before the vote, I heavily insisted on voting James out instead of TJ, and just that happened. Once again, I was able to keep TJ in this game because I knew he was certainly loyal to me.

TENTH: This was a major tribal because this was when everyone wanted to split the votes on the trio. I knew this was not the time for ME to flip, as I would be at the bottom if one of the trio members went home. So I was able to plot with TJ to make sure that Ashanti went over the trio, and little did TJ know, but I also plotted with Erik just incase TJ wasn't truthful with me so I knew the plan would work. It did, and someone who had connections with Yves and Kat, went home.

ELEVENTH: This tribal was intense because it came down to the wire. I was able to make sure that the trio and TJ wanted to keep Erik this tribal, and we blindsided Ryan, who at the time wasn't someone I could trust because I feel like he was onto my game, Ryan was a smart player and needed to go home. Once again, I was able to vote in the majority and secure myself further.

TWELFTH: This was a major tribal because Katherine found the idol and I knew this was dangerous as she wasn't someone I could trust anymore, so after the immunity I approached Katherine and told her I was going to flip, and that I knew she had the idol. She added me to the alliance chat with everyone besides Ethan, Erik, and TJ, and at this tribal I literally was in BOTH alliances. I made a huge lie to this alliance and told them that Chandler was the one who the other side was voting, and I even convinced Katherine to player her idol on Chandler, even when it wasn't in her best interest, and I made sure they didn't vote me. Once again, this went my way.

THIRTEENTH: This was probably the tribal I had the least control over, but at the moment my entire plan this tribal was to make sure the trio, Erik, and TJ did not vote each other out just yet. That worked! Katherine going home was honestly great for my game, because she HATED me after I got her to waste her idol, sorry Katherine <3.

FOURTEENTH: This was the tribal I knew a big move needed to happen. Erik had extreme amounts of loyalty to Ethan but I was able to sway him and convince him that Ethan had to go home. I was the person behind the scenes that helped unite the outsiders into a voting block to send Ethan home, with the Lyrae idol in his pocket too. Ethan felt so secure that he didn't even play his idol, and this was a masterful blindside. Honestly after this tribal I felt like I almost was guaranteed a spot in the final three because everyone needed my vote after that.

FIFTEENTH: This was probably the hardest tribal for me. TJ who had loyalty to me had to go this tribal because of the fact that he had friends, like you, on the jury. He also wanted to vote out Erik at this tribal, which was definitely not in my best interest, and he needed to go home. So with quick convincing in a call with Erik, Abel, and myself. Us three and Chandler sent home TJ which I don't think he expected at all. This was a very hard tribal for me but this had to happen. I also won immunity this round but I didn't really even need it.

SIXTEENTH: It was very apparent that I could not have Kevin AND Chris in this game still, and I needed to make sure that one of them went home that tribal. After Kevin won immunity, it needed to be Chris that went. I had alliances with everyone at this point, and once again I was put in a swing position. I voted Chris out both times because he needed to go home, and after this tribal and lying to Kevin that I kept Chris it made sure that pretty much everyone left felt like I would have their back. I had a final two with me and Kevin, a final three with me Abel, and Chandler, and a final three with me Abel, and Erik past this tribal, and had multiple one on one conversations with them on call or in chat to make sure they trusted me.

SEVENTEENTH: I knew that I needed to win this against Erik but Erik needed to go home this tribal, Erik who was my shield for most of the game needed to go home. I was able to get my way and win immunity against Erik, and I went to work on making sure Erik went. I voted Erik out this tribal and this was perfect for me because after this I just needed to make sure Kevin went home right after so I had the best shot at winning in the end.

EIGHTEENTH: This was a crucial immunity for me, I was the only one who was even able to beat Kevin at all, and when I did beat Kevin, I was the person that won immunity against Erik last round, and immunity against Kevin this round. Making sure that the two biggest threats to win would go home back to back when I needed them too. This is pretty much most of my game, if you have any other questions about it please tell me! I made sure by the final eight, that sitting against Chandler and Abel, would honestly be my only shot at winning. I made sure that us three would be sitting here right now. Without me winning the last two crucial immunities, Erik or Kevin would be crowned the winner right now.
1594 days 20 hours ago

It was mainly myself and Chandler that made the Ethan vote happen, since the trio thought me and Chandler had their backs because they saved me in the previous vote. We were in the chat with the trio and constantly made them feel safe by shit-talking Erik lmao. I even posted fake quotes in the chat to make sure they wouldn’t use their idol on Ethan.
1594 days 20 hours ago
@Abel Yeah but you were against them anyway. I was going to flip 100% and without me Ethan wouldn't have went. Even if you voted Ethan out without me he would've stayed. I was the vote that sent him home.

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