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I think just with that last round I proved why I deserve to win this fast game. Also, I did other stuff.



I literally slayed this game! I played my cards right and eliminated some of the biggest threats of the game! I had my deals and some were broken and i feel i played the best strategic and socially and i think i deserve this because of the moves i made.


  1. TR1364: ' ) I DID IT MOM
  2. josiahsurvivorCongrats tr1364, u are the winner
  3. FantasyPNTM Sign up here guys ;)
  4. TR1364:)
  5. blazer44I did go for is but I told that to fantasy so he would vote you and we would vote him out lol mchappy is the one who screwed me lol
  6. MchappyHELP BREAK 9OO! i plus all other spam :)
  7. eric_136Voted tr
  8. FantasyPNTMos, blaze really did tell me he wanted you gone haha
  9. TR1364Thank you <3
  10. Mchappythats cool xoxo
  11. CrestOfLoveVoted for TR tbh
  12. Mchappyi told you that didnt i x)
  13. oswordo3Tbh I should of voted Fantasy out when we voted Blaze out, but I was told that blaze wanted me out and that he was close with fantasy so that was two reasons to get rid of him
  14. blazer44i told you to vote os lol but vote has been decided.
  15. TR1364You were one of the only people i didn't vote out, because we were close allies at the time so i had no reason to when i had other targets
  16. Mchappysorry lol thought you were Fantasy's right hand man, not oswordo
  17. Mchappyme
  18. blazer44which one of you voted me out
  20. TR1364I appericate those words, your a great guy! I'm just trying to play a game and im glad you can respect the moves i've made and how i got here
  21. Mchappy"Also, I did other stuff."
  22. FantasyPNTMHmmm. I'm not gonna ask a question. I think I pretty much know what went down. However, I am going to make a statement, Sue Hawk style. Os and TR, flipping on me was the worst move for both of you... You could have guaranteed yourself a final 2 with each other had you waited just one more round to vote me out. A final 2 in which you both would have had an even playing field to win. Mchappy, you played this game in the underdog position, and I don't necessarily believe you were in control for any part of it until the final 5. On the other hand, TR, you played the game under my wing for the entire time. I respect that you felt I was a threat, but you made the move to early, and by doing so, you forfeited the win. Much respect to both of you.
  23. oswordo3Hm... while the choice between who I think played a better game and simply who I like overall more is hard to pick between. I'm not sure if this person is gonna win, but I'll throw my vote to them.
  24. TR1364ONE MOVE LOL
  25. josiahsurvivorThe final 2, give ur speehces of why u should win. and jury ask them questions. GL

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