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S1 Jamaica Discussion

Topic » S1 Jamaica Discussion

2326 days 21 hours ago
Patrick (Pokepat) Confessional EP:1 (Continued)

I've done that before and it hasn't really worked.

Anyways, I know I hope to play more of a heroic UTR game, but that'll be a test of my willpower. I really don't want to go on an immunity streak, but I definitely want to win immunity at least once during the game.

Making an alliance in the first few days can be essential to your endgame. And right now, I'd rather be on Montego partying it out.
2326 days 14 hours ago
Erik (YoundAndReckless) Confessional EP:1

Hellooo! So glad to be participating! I've sort of taken a back seat to putting my time into this site. But, now that I've been cast to play in this game. I feel strongly about putting my time and efforts here.

So, let's start with where my head is at currently. I have no set strategy coming into this game. I see my tribe. And the other tribe. And on paper, the OT looks much stronger. But, my tribe isn't completely dead weight either. So, that's a plus. I see a few prople I can immediately touch base with such as Kasey and Leah. Two people Ik I can get along with. Aside from them. I've recently worked extremely close with Ryan. Ryan is tricky. He's a good ally and all. But, he holds his cards to himself. He is a "me" player before a "we" and I will be sure to keep that in mind when dealing with him.

So, I like Kasey and Leah. I can work with Ryan to an extent. But, he hasn't really showed me he wants to work with me. So, I'm not going to worry about Ryan at all unless his game helps mine.

Moving on, I see new faces like Logan and Tyler on my tribe. No immediate thoughts on either. But, I'll definitely work around to building a bond with both. As of now, I can't make up my mind on either as the game just began. So, I'll need a moment to gather my thoughts on both players moving forward.

And lastly we have Joel, Rich and Chris.

Each of these players I have a rocky past with. But, I dont intend on these past relationships ruining my game. I've reached out to Joel. No good vibes there. So, I'll be sure to keep my ears open and make sure Ik what's going on with Joel somehow. Whether that means getting closer with the guy or having someone else keep tabs on him. So far Chris has been pretty inactive which could be a blessing should we lose. Ik what kind of player Chris is and it'd be nice to get rid of a shifty player like Chris.

And lastly....Rich. Idgi! Why cast Rich? Of all people? He is a sly player. He knows how to play his cards. He's good all around socially and physically. I feel as though out of this entire cast; Rich is the person I'm most concerned about playing with/against. My biggest concern are his multis. (If you're reading this; please cleanse the vl)

Twentyonepilots and other accounts belong to Rich and even writing this could ruin my game if he has vl access.

Aside from that. Thanks for casting me! I'll try my best to give you updated confessions as often as possible.
2326 days 14 hours ago
Chris (Carraid73) Confessional EP:1

One of the things about season one of generation two is that this isn’t a new beginning for anybody. Everybody here knows everybody here. So when you get down to brass tax, this might as well be season fifty. And that’s how I have to play it. I recognize people here I’ve had disagreements with, people here I’ve made alliances with, people who I’ve voted to win and lose at final tribal councils. If not in this series, than in others. The foundation of my plan is the same — make a basic majority alliance of five, try to stay present but never overbearing— but the important thing is that I keep reminding myself that this isn’t a fresh start.
2326 days 14 hours ago
Dana (TotsTrashy) Confessional EP:1

*parachutes onto the beaches of Jamaica*

Wow, I really am back on Survivor? I applied as a joke but Ben was willing to let me play again, so that's kind of iconic. I was pretty happy to get a spot on the season, but not necessarily the tribe I wanted.

I can admit before the season even started, I had prepared myself in two ways:

1. I literally pushed Julian to apply because Joel and I had applied and we have an ORG connection.
2. I formed a group mail with all the females before apps closed, being Kasey, Nikki, Natasha, Leah, LeQuisha, and myself. Luckily, 4 of the 6 of us made it. RIP LQ and Nikki <3.

Anyways, that was the only preparation I had before the season. At the cast reveal, seeing Kingston stack up the way it did made me pray I was on that tribe. To my fucking luck, I got stuck on Montego. Bleh.

Since the tribes were formed and the first challenge, I have a few THOUGHTS on Montego. Trump might as well call us a shithole country.

Joel, Kasey, and Leah are obviously iconic and I have every intention to stay loyal with them.

Everyone else is either indifferent or absolutely hates me.

I am trying to form a bond with Erik. I know him and I have had our differences, but if people on this tribe want to stand any chance, we need to have a tight group and I wouldn't mind him in it, considering the other options on the tribe...

Logan is nice, too, but he asked a lot of people for an alliance. On top of that, no Skype. But, for the time being, he's fine. Bigger fish to fry.

That leaves Chris, Ryan, and Tyler. Chris and Tyler are literally psychotic and have been to me in past games. I haven't spoken to Ryan at all yet.

So that's my situation. I literally don't know what I'm going to do. There's so many people over on Kingston I'd love to play with, but for now, that has to wait.
2326 days 14 hours ago
Patrick (Pokepat) Confessional EP:1


I mean, I said I wanted to go to tribal, but I don't want to go to tribal. So, you know, eh.

Well, I guess we have to vote someone out. I'm not picking who, heck to the no. I told myself I don't want to take the leadership role, so I guess it's time to just sit back and wait. If I'm waiting all day then I'll go and ask lol.
2326 days 14 hours ago
Natasha (Blondelle) Confessional EP:1

Well tonight, Kingston is going to Tribal Council & it's not a huge surprise in my opinion. I saw us as the weaker tribe from the minute we were formed, so I'll definitely have to get more comfortable with Tribal Council which isn't a bad thing considering the fact that I'm in Chris's 5-person majority alliance.

I just hope that a tribe switch comes eventually because I barely know anyone. Coming in, I only recognized Chris & Julian on my tribe, so I definitely have to bust my ass & make new friends with the others if I want to make sure I'm not the one on the bottom of the totem pole.
2326 days 14 hours ago
Yay new season! And thank you for using my username in your challenge <3
2326 days 12 hours ago
Julian (TheSexiestDude990) Confessional EP:1

I'm not entirely sure how to feel about this season. There's a decent amount of people I get along with but there's also a decent amount of ABSOLUTE CANCEROUS TRASH in this cast (primarily on the other tribe though)

Right away, a bunch of people hit me up and I was added to a group mail with Chris/Nat/Donny/Zuelke. That's wonderful and all except I absolutely do not trust Donny or Zuelke. I know from experience that both are shady shady shady people and that's just not something I want around. I do want Chris and Nat around though, but idk how to go about this.

They want to vote Garrett out. I don't want Garrett out. BUT I also can't rat them out to Garrett since he'd go after them (he can be a bit emotional with his votes) and I don't want that either. It's a bit of a tricky spot I'm in rn. A group with Chris/Nat/James/Garrett would be ideal but... how to go about it... Patrick is cool too, he can be a number, but he's too good to keep around long term.

Actually... I've got my eye on Nat too, since she's got Leah on the other tribe which is also freaking me out, ik those two are close. Hmm... Idk. We'll figure something out.
2326 days 12 hours ago
**Brief Summary**

This episode is crazy as hell right now.  A bunch of names are going around which include Chris, Julian, Garrett and Zuelke.  It's complete madness.

Chris, is in trouble due to the fact he started a five person group and has been found out. 

Julian, has been extremely shady to the point people are willing to take him out for having too many connections.  He wants Zuelke out very badly!

Garrett, was the target of Chris's five person alliance.  However, I think the heat has decreased a ton in this past hour.

Zuelke, is in trouble because Julian wants him out but he also wants his head on a silver platter.  We might see a duel of the votes between those two.
2326 days 11 hours ago
Ryan (born2pizza) Confessional EP:1

What a start..

I was immediately at a disadvantage because I hadn't spoken to any of my tribemates during the first few hours of the game, let alone day. I definitely felt a bit misplaced but it could've been worse, that other tribe seems super bad for someone like me. I have this gut feeling I'd be first boot there. Thankfully, I have Erik, who is a great friend we've never had problems in the past which I'm pretty happy about because I know I could always turn to him, if my back is against the wall.

Kasey and I have a sour relationship, our last group game was probably early September or October? I'm not sure in all honesty but point being Kasey and I weren't cool then but fast forward to now, I feel a little better than I did before, I don't think she's naive enough to go after me for no reason. I know she would if she swapped with Zeulke/Garret and I happen to be on that tribe but that's definitely a friend group that'll have to be cut by the knees.

What I've gathered from the few talks I've had this evening is that, Dana and Tyler have drama going on or maybe it could be a ploy ( I know I overthink ). I could for sure play the middle and keep them in the game as long as possible (EASY SHIELD). I don't really have anybody I feel super iffy about at the moment. Erik is afraid of Dana due to her savy gameplay and to be honest, he's not wrong he seems super aggressive. Dana leaving before a merge would be cool.

Plans going forward would be to gather numbers, I trust Tyler/Erik 100% right now. I also think I could trust Logan. I'm sure I'm one of the people that have talked to him first. I also WANT to trust Chris he just gotta talk to me and answer my pms, I feel like I could make a tight voting bloc that includes he and i + tyler.

Other than that papa ben I got nothing for you..
2326 days 11 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:1

Ryan talks to me and I realize that our rivalry was so long ago and honestly it was me who was out of line (taking blame doesn’t come naturally to me - I’ve truly grown since BigBen’s Greece & Heroes vs Villains! (Not that much that’d be so boring)) so we talk and we start this deal thing. If I don’t hear him coming after me - I won’t come after him - and we’ll just basically be allies rather than enemies. Which is something, when I saw he was on my tribe, I NEVER. Saw coming. Like this was a foreign concept to me. But I’m so okay with it. We had an actual conversation and it was like pleasant? I feel like we both matured in these past few months (sounds so funny) and I really feel more trust than I ever have before in him.

That conversation really made me feel MUCH BETTER about my tribe and now going to tribal doesn’t seem like an as scary concept honestly.

Ryan is definitely not core alliance material, but he’s someone I won’t discount anymore.

Tots is still my #1 but I really feel like now my options open more and more.
2325 days 22 hours ago
Tyler (UnicornChicken) Confessional EP:1

It's Tyler again coming at you from the victorious Montego tribe! Unfortunately I have been slacking off with getting to know my tribe mates so I have only had contact with Ryan at this point! That really worries me, but I think I have something solidified early with him (and apparently Chris who I still need to talk to)!? The thing that really gets me here, is that I'm potentially building an alliance with Chris and Ryan but THERE ARE 2 CHRIS AND RYANS! If things become complicated I may have to refer to them as Mr. Pizza and Proper Chris.

I know Dana's game and I'm concerned that I'm already too slow out of the gate with forming a majority on our tribe. On the bright side we appear to be the dominant tribe when it comes to immunity challenges, so I don't foresee tribal council in my immediate future.

Also for anyone who doesn't give a damn about what I have to say, I think I wanna start a thing where I end my confessionals with a song that describes how I'm feeling about my current position in the game.
Tyler's current vibe song:
'Boogie Feet' by Kesha feat. Eagles of Death Metal
★My moves are world renowned - so good you won't believe★
2325 days 17 hours ago
Chris (Carraid73) Confessional EP:1

My strategy for night one is usually the same: make a loose alliance based off of a mutual desire to not go home first, yet somebody else suggest the target, and vote with the group. I have done it here, and I’m hoping it works. If I go out on night one, I’ll be bummed but also content knowing that it came down to somebody else beating me to the punch. Nobody goes out at the first vote due to a tragic error, it’s just about rallying the troops nice and early. I have to hope I did that right.
2325 days 17 hours ago
James (splozojames50) Confessional EP:1

After tribes got revealed I was beyond relieved that I was not placed on the same tribe as Totstrashy. I know if we ever are together that is going to be beyond annoying since I just consider him a shady player on any platform we interact on (and I don't think his opinion of me is that great too). On that note I was also happy to see some familiar faces on my tribe in Julian, Garret, and to a lesser degree Zuelke.

The first people I connected with were Julian and Zuelke. Zuelke told me he and Julian have a bit of history and they don't like each other while with Julian it was more of a general connecting sort of thing. Garrett I knew I could connect with the moment I talked to him so I waited on that one.

First challenge comes and goes and ofc we lose. The first person I went to was Zuelke who informed me of a group forming involving Blondelle/carraid/donny/julian and himself. This was not too surprising and my immediate reaction was "okay lets just get everyone not in that together and its an easy group going forward". After a bit of discussion we decided on Carraid to be potentially pushed but touching  base with everyone first was more important.

From there I went to Patrick and he seems super chill and if this all works out I hope I can continue working with him because he seems like a nice ally. Also bonded with Garrett and brought him in the picture to what was happening. Then Julian approached me and I wanted him to tell me about the group I knew he was included in but he never did. To me if he wasn't going to be open and honest about all of his loyalties then he isn't going to be that much of use especially with the baggage with zuelke. I am not about to be a side hoe only getting bits of info from him so to me that told me he either wanted to have his fingers in multiple jars or he did have bonds/loyalty to that one group so that was the moment where I sorta stopped being cautious about voting him and told zuelke okay im down to just get Julian outta here.

From there the group alliance was made and everyone was down to do Julian, Weber seemed down and Julian in theory is who is going if all goes according to plan. If it doesn't go to plan then I may or may not be fucked but well see how it goes hehe.
2325 days 17 hours ago

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