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Role Descriptions

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3421 days 6 hours ago
                                                     Imogen Brent, 21 years old, and a friend of Alasias' [iGoddess]. Those whom get to know her, meet the tough exterior she puts out. She knows how to fend for herself and isn't afraid of the supernatural. You would've thought otherwise, since she is only a human being. Her roots are said to be European, but the pinpoint is yet to be known. She tracked down Alasia in Westhaven a few months ago, and she had super protection on her -- keeping her de-tatched from the other vampires, but it was tough when all vampires could smell the difference on Imogen; due to being a virgin, the blood was different, almost like getting sugared for vampires, but with a unimaginable taste. Thomas [Piddu] was one of the first to meet her, and she didn't sell him out to Alasia. She was very isolated from others in the town, but eventually branched out when her protection wasn't super big. Still, reserved to herself, she stumbled upon Liam [Carraid73] & Niles [Bulldoggy559] on a small fight for questions. She didn't back down and that made it a journey for her. She made friends with Julie Bennet [Rain848], someone she trusted just as much as Alasia. When Niles made questions about the other werewolves of the town, and the information Imogen figured, she opened up to help in the twin town over - Hedgemont. Her ability to memories on the mind of others at touch wasn't hidden for long, something the ones closest to her were aware of quickly. At no sight of other werewolves, ready to leave back home, Julie & Nicholas [Hudspith] took a small bonding trip to Hedgemont to pick up Imogen. Niles took what made Imogen so important to the supernatural world - her virginity, tainting her attractive blood to vampires. He let her into his head, seeing every single memory of his life, knowing all details and mistakes. Being attracted to Hedgemont town was rough for Imogen, as she didn't understand it, and needed to dig it out. Seeing a vision in her dreams of Nicholas attacking Niles was something she didn't pin when it'd happen, so she did her best for his safety - made a deal with the very same demon who took her soul just years ago. Now,   she's back from purgatory thanks to Julie & Alfie [Archerskyfire], and she finally found what was pulling her to Hedgemont - Julie's body. Why did Imogen go to purgatory as she previously dreamnt it in visions?
3421 days 6 hours ago
                                                     Niles Scott, 25 and a security guard at the hospital, one of three in total. Lately the hospital has reinforced their security mediums with the guards. Niles is stubborn, aggressive and guarded of himself. Despite that he is protective in many ways, but if you see that side of him you're either in deep shit, or you mean something to him. He has been in Westhaven for a week and a half moving in, and just recently settled in properly, having not met anybody else but his neighbours - Ashlee (Kaylee21) & Julie (Rain848) as well as Alfie (Archerskyfire). He tried to go through police training but was kicked out due to his aggression issues. He used to travel to Westhaven growing up, so he is familiar with a lot of the town, little has he noticed with the many faces he's seen haven't changed.

Currently, Niles has gone through a rough and pleasant couple of months. His goal to find other werewolves in Westhaven has been put on temporary hold, as he finds himself in purgatory. He tried to get information from Liam [Carraid73] about his pack master, not knowing he was an omega - and made sure he knew omegas didn't make it far. It was revealed to Imogen Brent [iGoddess] that he got his last pack all killed, and he blamed himself for it. He showed a deep hatred for vampires, as he rightfully should, continuing history - however he showed some understanding and co operation when Julie,[Rain848] a good neighbour made friends with Nicholas Des Foir [Hudspith], as they all communed a few times. Niles tried to mind his own business, but needing answers he appreciated Imogen's tough-act and decided she'd be best to ask questions. Going to Hedgemont, Niles was hopeful to join a pack -- only to panic at the club smelling wolfsbane. Under the full moon, he got ahead of himself making a move on unsuspecting Imogen, ending in his claws digging into the mattress, leaving quite the scene. Going in and out of Hedgemont and Westhaven, he met Mason Saxon [Coalb], another fellow werewolf. The two quickly joined forces, and Niles' aim slowly started to take shape. They were able to recruit Isaac Lahey [Bulldoggy559] and the three were a definite pack. Niles somewhat got Liam [Carraid73] to listen and sort of join them, making the three stronger at all odds. Niles had a visit from the vampire he killed - Vivianna [Shorondabubbles], whom was really her visible soul. She threatned him, and he packed ready to get back to Westhaven. This caused an arguement between Imogen and himself until the present time. He did cave in during purgatory, trying to take her pain, but then, it was too late. Can Niles keep his small formed pack safe and together in purgatory, or will he get them killed like his last one?
3421 days 6 hours ago
                                                    Mason Saxon, 16 and a school dropout. He is also a local in Hedgemont town. Born and raises. He works part time in 'Ths Den' diner right in the centre of town by the only hotel, and also works at the hotel as a room service attendant and worker. Mason'd family was brutally murdered when he was a very young boy. His neighbours looked after him in Hedgemont, and he treats then like a family to say the least. His family was gunned down during night and the only way Mason escaped was because he hid in the vent system. He will never forget the voice if the leader that was calling the shots. He is yet to hear that voice again. Mason is definitely seeking guidance, for something or someone to help him stand his grounds and do something he feels is right for his self and as revenge for his family. He has also always had a huge craving for raw meat growing up. Mason's next door neighbours have always been the Moon sisters, Scarlett & Willow.

Currently, Mason has done well to keep himself hidden from the hunters clan. He was recruited by Niles [Bulldoggy559], and he noticed his habbit of following/protecting Imogen [iGoddess], after their disagreement. Mason has been able to resource them all with a place to stay, and even brought forward another were student - Isaac [Bulldoggy559]. The three have each other's back, and have grown in their abilities. Now in purgatory, he's being put to the test, can he pass?
3421 days 5 hours ago
                                                     Isaac Lahey, 17 and a local student at Hedgmont HS. He's known to be a troubled soul, and that was stressed not long ago when he was bitten by Niles. He is a dependent, loyal but angry guy who just needs a break. His mother died from counter when he was young hand that meant his dad took up gambling and drinking as an everyday routine. This lead to Isaac trying to help his dad, but only ended up in physical abuse. Isaac ran from his home, with nowhere in mind, where he was crossed by Niles, who bit him and decided to take him in for the time being.

Currently, he's been forth of trying to fit into the new-formed werewolf pack with Mason [Coalb], Niles [Bulldoggy559] & sort of Liam [Carraid73]. Now currently in purgatory, he has the chance to branch out and show the rest of the pack what he is made of - will be do it?
3421 days 5 hours ago
-- OTHER CREATURES ROLES FINISHED/humanly possible abilities characters. From here onwards it is simply human character roles. --
3417 days 5 hours ago
                                                    Seraphine Shades, 26 and a Hedgemont local. She works in 'The Den' a diner, as a waitress and part time as a bouncer for 'Oceana Club & Bar'. She is one of the many people that don't deal well with forgiveness. She tends to get revenge, whether it's for taking her seat, her drink or her parents' lives. Those who know her, describe her to be a very bubbly, blunt, and intimidating person. She lived with her aunt until recently, who passed away from fatal wounds of a 'animal attack'. The marks on her aunt were gruesome, but two very .. Easily identified marks were identifiable. Seraphine is excellent with archery, and is at the top of her game with that. She is mostly seen hanging out with Scarlett Moon & Jack Carter - despite the two girls not getting along, something definitely keeps them together.

Currently, it was revealed that Seraphine was part of a 3 person hunter clan - The Moon children. This was created many years ago by each of the 3 involved's family members. The Carters, the Shades and the Moon [all last names]. She met TK from Westhaven, and quickly discovered he wasn't human, and took some type of sympathy for him, not revealing to Jack [BAd18life] nor Scarlett [Avatar20] what he was. She was involved in the killing of Ashlee [Kaylee21], in where Niles was able to over hear all going on. She is currently alive, in Hedgemont and finds herself stuck between Jack, and TK, both well and alive, whilst everyone else is in purgatory, including Scarlett, which begs the question - why?
3417 days 5 hours ago
                                                     Jack Carter, 27 also a Hedgemont local. He works in 'Oceana Club & Bar' as a security most nights, and is one of the most known faces of the bar. He also works part time checking guns and weapons at the local gun store. He's been involved in a few fights himself previously, but the guests were drunk, so not his fault..right? Those who know him, describe Jack as a likeable guy, he has his good days and bad days like anyone, except he can switch that smile he has to make your day. Part of why he is a bit of a had ass is for joining the army at 17 and leaving at 23. He did well, and he puts uses of his learned skills to making weapons for himself. He's seen hanging out with mainly Scarlett Moon & Seraphine Shades, despite the two girls always bickering. He seems to be the middle man, but they all seem to stick together regardless. Jack despises all things supernatural. True or not, he is disgusted by the idea someone can even suck blood, or abduct children, perhaps even shape shift out of their own skin.

Currently, Jack has done the unthinkable - shot Scarlett Moon [Avatar20] on the head, as she got in the way during a weres vs vamps vs hunters fight. That is where he found out that Willow [iGoddess] was also a vampire, he was shocked to say the least. He was the head of the snake to kidnap, and torture and kill Ashlee [Kaylee21]. He's currently alive and in Hedgemont, with Seraphine, TK, Alfie, Julie and now Imogen - whom was brought back - and the only body discovered at the battle grounds/square where the fight took place. Will Jack keep  aligned with these in order to possibly bring Scarlett back to life?
3417 days 4 hours ago
                                                    Scarlett Moon, 18 and a local of Hedgemont. She has lived there all her life, and tends to stay there too. She is the younger sister of Willow Moon, a police detective of the town. Scarlett works part time as a bartender at 'Oceana Club & Bar' and studies on her main time. She is taking up medicine in college, some night classes. She is worried for her sister who practically comes out of the house at night, perhaps the fact she had night shifts are the reason, but she feels like Willow is hiding something. Perhaps she is sick? Disease of some sort?  She is also neighbours with Mason since she can remember, they may not talk much but they're not strangers either. Scarlett is seen hanging with Jack carter and Seraphine Shades, despite not being able to stand her, the two stay together for whatever the reasons may be. Scarlett has some hold over her, that's been made clear, but what of, is unknown.

Currently, Scarlett finds herself in purgatory with a few others, including her newly-revealed vampire sister Willow [iGoddess]. She was shot in the head but has no idea who by during the fight of weres vs vamps vs hunters -- it was her friend Jack Carter [Bad18life]. She is confused as to why she's in purgatory, perhaps it's the blood she was fed by her sister and that helped her transfer there, instead of dying. Scarlett has gotten relatively closer to Jack, and is part of the Moon children hunters clan made up by the member's families years ago; the Carters, the Shades and the Moons [last names]. Can Scarlett weave her way past purgatory and get back to Seraphine & Jack?
3414 days 5 hours ago

                                                     Cole Blake, 24 years old and a new-comer to Hedgemont. Those who know him, would describe him to be cunning, skillful, though calm he may be agressive. Cole doesn't tend to keep up appearences, he's less than smooth, and is impatient. He is part of the 'Blood Plague' hunter's clan. It's an all-guys clan, in where each one of their ancestors date back so many years it's untraceable to figure out when they assembled as a unit. Cole represents the Blake family within the clan. The clan consists of: Cole, Emerald Briknman [Aintitfun], Chris Mitchel [Rocketokid13] & Noah Wrzal [TheLogic]. He's all for it, to keep the clan going, but knows some of the other members would prefer to just end heir centuries of work by their ancestors -to come to an end. Truth is, something has kept the Blood Plague clan busy wherever they went, from Europe, to Russia, to Australia - they've seen it all, done it all. Now that vampires are out of the coffin, Cole feels like it's his job alone to rid of them all - but now that it's a public offence to kill a vampire as is a human.. that job may just have become a little harder. His parents died when he turned 18, and and despite not seeing what happened, the two bite marks left on their necks were enough for Cole to make his own conclusion, vampires. Now that he's with the Blood Plague clan in Hedgemont checking out the suspicious explosion - left from the end of the werewolves vs vampires vs hunters, what will he come across?
3414 days 4 hours ago
                                                   Emerald Brinkman, just turned 18 and gotten very unlucky due to both his parent's deaths, while he was abroad with the rest of his clan - The Blood Plague hunter's clan. He has been with them all officially since he was 15, training from age of 13 with weapons and researching all information on all things supernatural. Those who know Emerald would say he's athletic, hard working and pretty blunt to say the least. He has a hatred for vampires because they're supernatural creatures, and despite knowing they existed long before they became public and 'out of the coffin'. The 'Blood Plague' hunter's is an all-guys clan, in where each one of their ancestors date back so many years it's untraceable to figure out when they assembled as a unit. Emerald represents the Brinkman family within the clan. The clan consists of: Emerald, Cole Blake [Coyle14], Chris Mitchel [Rocketokid13] & Noah Wrzal [TheLogic]. Emerald wants to break from the clan, and do his own thing, but keeping so busy with all their jobs, he hasn't had a chance to make any plans -- it is said the Blood Plague hunter's clan is cursed, and has been for many centuries. Many stories have been told, many myths and legends, but Emerald doesn't care too much for it. He feels he can work best on his own, and perhaps now being in Hedgemont with the rest of the crew, may present an opportunity for him - but at what cost exactlty?
3413 days 5 hours ago
                                                   Chris Mitchell, 21 and recently finished his army training. He has all the great qualities a solder needs, but is also personally humble, competitive, and reserved. Chris, sometimes called by his last name, Mitchell as a nickname, grew up in Australia, and left when he turned 17. His parents passed away in a freak boat accident when he turned 18, and it left him with little emotions anybody but himself could see or know. He is part of the 'Blood Plague' hunter's clan. It's an all-guys clan, in where each one of their ancestors date back so many years it's untraceable to figure out when they assembled as a unit. Chris represents the Mitchell family within the clan. The clan consists of: Cole [Coyle14], Emerald Briknman [Aintitfun], Chris & Noah Wrzal [TheLogic]. Chris has become close friends with Noah, whom is close to turning 18. Seeing as all other Blood Plague clan members lost their parents at 18, he is especially on edge about it. Some of his family members were killed by vampires, right in front of Chris, it's what pushed him to go to the army and become able with weapons. Chris has done his fair research on the hunter's clan, which dates back centuries and the beginning is untraceable.. however one pattern he and many others who'll research, will see - is that each current members' parents die when he turns 18. Is it a curse? Or simply the way the clan works to keep going? Now being in Hedgemont to explore the explosion with his clan, can Chris keep focused on the task at hand, or will his worry for Noah's parents get in the way?
3413 days 4 hours ago
                                                   Noah Wrzal, 17 soon to be 18, was born in Westhaven - the twin town of Hedgemont. He's known to be sarcastic, confident and courageous. Some would say he has a funny bone in him, others don't see his humour muchly. He is part of the 'Blood Plague' hunter's clan. It's an all-guys clan, in where each one of their ancestors date back so many years it's untraceable to figure out when they assembled as a unit. Noah represents the Wrzal family within the clan. The clan consists of: Cole [Coyle14], Emerald Briknman [Aintitfun], Chris [Rocketokid13] & Noah. He's going to frequent Hedgemont high school, undercover to research what he can in the school about the explosion as the whole clan believes it was the result of a supernatural event. He is close to Chris, whom he likes to call Mitchell [Chris' last name], and he knows the re-occurring event of the current clans' members' parents dying once he reaches 18. It's a pattern that has been occurring since .. ever. It's history repeating itself. His family has passed down numerous stories over the generations, and one is that if the clan ever shall end, the current members will die a painful death at the midnight of that day. He'd like to sometimes stop doing what they do, hunt the supernatural - but sometimes he feels like one creature at the time is best.. maybe he just has too much of a soft heart; or is he as Emerald says - too young to understand?
3412 days 7 hours ago
                                                    Tyler Hicks, 21 years old, born and bred in Hedgemont town. Tyler is a very angry young man, and he lets it all out in his boxing. He picked fights during school, skipped a chance to go to college and now lives as a bartender in The Diner in Hedgemont, but only to keep on living. He dreams of maybe going big, boxing for real, for a living.. but right now, all he's getting are bruises, scratches and a casual black eye. He's athletic, brave and confident. Of course you'd think he's hot headed, but he does have a softer side to him, however.. not many - make that nobody, in Hedgemont has seen it. He lives with a roommate - Victoria [Espontaneo], as she covers his ass for constantly being late paying his side of the rent. Tyler's parents are on an extensive honeymoon, travelling the world, and his brother has disappeared without a trace. Tyler was working at the night of the explosion from the fight of werewolves vs vampires vs hunters, and he wasn't sure of what he saw, it was such a mad scene like one right out of a movie - but then the explosion happened, and everything went white, bodies disappeared and only one remained. He got paramedic help, and examination, getting the check. He hasn't spoken to anybody about what he saw, but then again, vampires being out off the coffin - mainstream is already crazy.. so why would anyone believe werewolves and hunters exist?
3412 days 6 hours ago
                                                    Victoria Artwell, 18 years old a senior at Hedgemont High school, part time waiter at The Diner. She's charming, eccentric and slightly bitchy. Sure she looks a little like a barbie, and obviously attractive, but looks aren't everything anymore - not in the supernatural world anyway. A pretty face with no personality is just an empty vessel begging to be taken over by a demon or any other creature of the night that can take over a person. Her father passed away when she was 13, and that gave her a reality check, she took everything for granted then, and now she takes things as they come. She is Tyler's [Jbreezy] roommate, and constantly covers for him on his late rent with the landlord. She comes from a wealthy family, so working at The Diner is only a cover to meet people, and just hear the gossip - you'd be surprised what a few tequilas or spiked coffees can do for the customers! The room at the back, with no windows, known to be used for vampires freaks Victoria out a little, and one of the few vampires she usually saw, were Willow [iGoddess], whom now has been missing since the weird explosion at the town square. She also became friends with Isaac [Bulldoggy559] at school, as well as Mason S [Coalb]. The two sort of come like a pair now a days. She is best friends with Asher [Survivorgame1], as they bonded over their common bitchiness towards people in school.
3412 days 6 hours ago
                                                    Asher Meier, 18 almost 19 years old, a senior at Hedgemont high school, also part timer waitress at The Diner. She's cunning, blunt though intelligent. Her story is different, both her parents are seargaents in the military and their time out there became permanent when vampires became public, mainstream. Despite vampires being public, and seeing them feed, and that they only come out at night, all out there - Asher believes it's just vampires. However, there is a certain doubt in her mind that, if vampires are real.. what else can be? Asher is best friends with Victoria [Espontaneo], as they bonded over their bitchy culture. She's friends with Isaac [Bulldoggy599], Mason [Coalb], and recently Noah [TheLogic] who's a recent transfer student. She has been worried about both Isaac & Mason, as they've been missing since that strange explosion; climatic ending to the werewolves vs vampires vs hunters fight.

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