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[Season 8] Week 0 : Runway

Topic » [Season 8] Week 0 : Runway

1260 days 2 hours ago
Hellows everyone and welcome to Talianā€™s Drag Race Season 8! The beginning of a new era is afoot. And what a better way to start a new era than with war? But more on that... soon.

For this first look for episode 0 category is : Camo On! A look to show us how getting in the Army looks like. Letā€™s see how the girls did.

But, before that, please please please take a read of the rules. Especially on policies about lipsyncs and extensions. Also please make sure you read what is the judges role in this race. But of course feel free to ask:

But letā€™s get down to business. To present, hereā€™s triple crown queen canā€™t wait for you all to salute her flag raising : Twinkies LaChapelle.

šŸ’£ Holli Daze :
šŸ’£ Ɖl :
šŸ’£ Audrey Pence :
šŸ’£ Daisy Chain-Me-Up :
šŸ’£ Coco NĆ¼t Creme :
šŸ’£ Rita Bitch :
šŸ’£ Red Velvet :
šŸ’£ Kitty Kitty Meow Meow :
šŸ’£ Sissy Gaylord :
šŸ’£ Eve Espe Ann :
šŸ’£ Mariana Munchies :
šŸ’£ Amanduhh :
šŸ’£ Avra K. Davra :

Unfortunately only 12 of you will make it to episode 1. Yes ladies. Two of you are lipsyncing for their lives right here tonight. And will do so on the notes of probably the most iconic Camo looks on the entire music industry history :

1259 days 11 hours ago
CF: I think some of the girls really shined on this runway, and I feel like others still need some basic training...
1259 days 7 hours ago

Holli Daze : I see you. I like this look. Itā€™s a bodysuit but you managed to make it very interesting. I like the different texture and the net skirt is actually a great idea. The look is also well accessorized and the makeup adds that extra punch to it. My suggestion will be to work on that face to make it more detailed and to keep trying to give us new and exciting shapes and silhouettes like this.

Ɖl : this look is actually really interesting. I love the furry Camo, I donā€™t think itā€™s something we can see everywhere and I love how out of the box the make up and hair are. Overall I feel the references for this look are a little too out there but ... I like them? My suggestion is to try and refine your references so to make the look interesting without overdoing it.

Audrey Pence : itā€™s a very simple look. But itā€™s pleasant. I like the different textures in your dress with the see-thru fabric, I think it adds a little layer to it. But definitely you needed more volume somewhere. I feel you had to go big on the wig or the shoes at least to make this stand out. Because at it is, this is Karen going to the mall with his rich husband money, not even her own. My suggestion would be to think about a way to make your look more dramatic. I want a wow.

Daisy Chain-Me-Up : I see you going the ā€œIā€™m not like other girlsā€ route and I think it almost payed off. I like a queen taking a risk and the color palette is just great. I like how the white accents the feathers and together complement your skin tone but I feel you tamed it down. Especially on the thingy behind your head. I needed more feathers, make it bigger. To make this kind of looks stand out you need volume. My suggestion is to try and incorporate already existing dresses into your looks and give it your own spin to it and pay more attention to the details on your model especially with the hair and the make up.

Coco NĆ¼t Creme : I just love your style. Itā€™s so upbeat and positive even if youā€™re holding a rifle or whatever. Thatā€™s how you make a simple look and doll creator stand out. For how much your actual dress is basic being a tank top and some short pants, I love the helmet and the bandages you used or make it interesting and you did that. My suggestion would be to start and give your own spin to your looks with editing. I know you can as you edited in the bullets. Go all out.

Rita Bitch : canā€™t deny this is very simple. As this is just an uniform with an open jacket. I like the idea but I feel I needed some embellishments like idk some studs or chains. The makeup and hair are a little down toned as well. Overall this is very pleasant to look at, but I feel youā€™ve been overdone by the other girls. My suggestion would be to treat every episode like itā€™s finale, try and go out of your box. Wow us. And find a more detailed mug.

Red Velvet : not bad for a first timer. And I mean it. But if youā€™re going for this badass street kind of looks, just know you have some big shoes to fill as our latest AS2 winner was exactly that. With that being said know that here we are looking for more than pretty. We want to feel like we are being defeated by your appearance. I like the color palette here being monochromatic blue but you accented it with the orange jacket so I see you have your ideas *straight* about fashion. Now my suggestion is to think more ā€œin for the killā€ and less ā€œletā€™s go to the mall todayā€.

Kitty Kitty Meow Meow : you will make me cry. I love this look. Itā€™s fashion, itā€™s layered. The shape is right, itā€™s very dynamic having so many textures and shapes. Maybe I canā€™t really see the actual shape of things but overall I am just in awe. Great mug and hair as well. Also I live how you didnā€™t just make a uniform but you did a complete look in the theme. Please continue like this. My suggestion would be try and be more clean with your looks.

Sissy Gaylord : you look so cute. I love this style. And I see you even edited your dress? Good job. I like that it might have been simple but you made it interesting with accessories. I like the bustier and the cape is to die for honestly. Also the hair is just... so drag. I love it. Probably you should have lost the ribbon but other than that great. My suggestion would be to always try and keep our excitement up. This style really offers itself to so many cute and magic moments please donā€™t lose it. But be aware I feel it will be easy to go on basic. Donā€™t do that. Always put your spin on it.

Eve Espe Ann : first thing first : I am obsessed with these eyes. I love them. Love them. And I love your face as a whole even tho the glasses really take away from your beautiful eyes. The rest is just a fabric crop tank top and some beach pants with very little accessories. And itā€™s more about your body than the look itself and I donā€™t think that works here. My suggestion is to keep the eyes because theyā€™re amazing but you know I am gonna need some extreme more punch for the looks. I want to be wowed not to want to ask you if today was laundry day.

Mariana Munchies : loving the enthusiasm I am getting from you. Donā€™t ever lose that. But I have some points with this look. I see you trying to go the Alexis Mateo route with this winter camo look. But you look a lot white. I canā€™t really see details or where does the dress ends and your body begins but not in an artistic way. I feel this is very white and even cutting this look for the promo I had a hard time because even the background was white. You need to stand out more... literally. My suggestion is try accents. Like maybe if you want to do a monochromatic look try a slightly darker hair or a bustier. And this is season 8, watch even the shapes of your dresses. We want something more sofisticated.

Amanduhh : once again. I will cry. I am proud. I like this look. You really did that. I like the dress (maybe the skirt is too big but oh well), the makeup is right, the hair is right. I love that you made it more interesting with your bustier and I can see that after all this time, we are speaking the same language and I love it. My suggestion is to not lose this spark and go ahead and go big. And if that means literally like in this case... then do it.

Avra K. Davra : do I even have to say anything? I mean... this is a pro in action. I love how this is a uniform but you went to away from it itā€™s almost not even that anymore. The details in this are amazing, I love all the belts making you mr cake almost look like a parachute. And I love the fringes on the cape. It all come together so well and that headpiece really makes it all blend together so well. I love how every detail is taken care of, like the grenade earrings and the mug is just so exciting. My suggestion would be to let it all loose and have more fun with the themes, as if I had to find a flaw to your look is that it is too strict to what you would think when thinking of camo. Sure, the execution brings you to the frontline, but Iā€™d like to see a more goofy side of you.
1259 days 1 hour ago
Thank you ladies Iā€™ve consulted with the judges and made my decision. If I call your name please step forward.

Daisy Chain-Me-Up
Red Velvet
Audrey Pence

Are all SAFE.

You may leave the stage.
1259 days 1 hour ago
Holli Daze
Coco NĆ¼t Creme

Are also SAFE.

But thanks for bringing in your A game. For this you are all receiving a HIGH for this week.

You can leave the stage now.
1259 days 1 hour ago
Avra K. Davra
Kitty Kitty Meow Meow
Sissy Gaylord

You three brought the house down boots.

Avra, you gave us the best uniform-inspired look,

Kitty Kitty, you gave us the best camo dress.

Sissy Gaylord, you gave us the best cartoony look of the week.
You three all the WINNERS of this week challenge. And the captains for next weekā€™s first drag war. You all receive a Talianā€™s Honorary Badge. But beware : pinching your skin with its needle may cause a subtle case of... death (drop).

You may leave the stage now.
1259 days 1 hour ago
Which means...

Rita Bitch
Mariana Munchies
Eve Espe Ann

You represent the BOTTOMS of this week.

Mariana Munchies. Camo sure means camouflaging, but you literally blended in with the background.
I am sorry my dear but you are up for elimination.
1259 days 1 hour ago
Rita Bitch. I know you can be a bitch. But I need you to be a bad bitch on the runway as well.

Eve Espe Ann. A great mug is just the beginning, your whole look has to be up to par.

Rita Bitch...
You are SAFE.

You may leave the stage.

Which means...

Eve Espe Ann

I am sorry my dear but you are up for elimination.

Mariana Munchies
Eve Espe Ann

You have 24 hours to send a lipsync to :

And remember :

ā€¢Be as creative as you want.
ā€¢No more than a minute and a half.
ā€¢If you post a YouTube link post a timestamp of the (maximum) minute and a half you want to use as you lipsync. For example : [00.54-2.11]
1259 days 1 hour ago
1259 days ago
Judgesā€™ immunities :

Avra K. Davra (winner)
Kitty Kitty Meow Meow
Sissy Gaylord
1259 days ago
OMFG I WON? I am so grateful right now!! THANK YOU <3333333
Congrats to Kitty & Avra too!!
1259 days ago
Thanks judges! And thanks mawma Twinkies šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜
1258 days 22 hours ago
So grateful to be safe
1258 days 21 hours ago
Girllover101      1 hour 26 min ago
So grateful to be safe
1258 days 14 hours ago
Eve espe Ann :

Mariana Munchies :
1258 days 14 hours ago
@Mariana Munchies

At least you have the confidence to lip sync yourself!!!!!!! <3333 #BeProud <3333

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