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[3] The Children Are Our Future

Topic » [3] The Children Are Our..

3369 days 5 hours ago
Welcome my fabulous 14! Tengaged's next drag superstar must know how to educate the unwashed masses. There are a lot of impressionable young'ins on tengaged, and your job is to corrupt them as much as you can.

That's why today's challenge will be a lesson planner. You see, you have all just been hired onto Drag C (NOT COPYRIGHTED HAHA LOGO SUCK MY ASS) and it's educational staff of 2015!

Your job will be to create:
1) A cirriculum/subject that you will be teaching this semester.
2) A report card guideline so we know what we need to pass your course!
3) An appropriate corrective measure for deliquent students. How will you deal with the bad eggs?

As for your runway, you will be presenting your BEST DRAG. We're a very prestigious college (NOT UNIVERSITY FUCK YOU LOGO) and we want our faculty to reflect that.

You will have until March 15th at 7:00 PM to submit your challenge in THIS thread and your lipsync IN PM. As far as I'm concerned, I will still be on this account. Of course to be safe, you may want to start PMing this and kono. That way if I end up dropping out I don't leave your look behind.

Here is the lipsync for the week:

Good luck... and DON'T fuck it up!
3369 days 5 hours ago
that's 7 PM EST btw
3369 days 5 hours ago

btw if yall try to clock the song they are iconic and you will not convince me otherwise
3369 days 3 hours ago
Welcome bitches to PAR-666, Also known as Intro into Party! with Prof. Vella Morghulis.

In PAR-666 Professor Morghulis is here to teach all the future mermaids of the world how to grow into the messiest queens the world has ever seen. Here you will be graded on 7 things:

-Hoggiest body
-Modeling T-Shirts on stage
-Acting smug about that one time you were on American Idol
-Being unable to complete a sentence without the words fuck, bitch, shit, asshole, or god-damn.
-Bringing 8 outfits to a 12 week competition.
-Being unable to take being read for only wearing T-Shirts on stage.
-Saying "Party!" and "I'm from Azusa I'll cut a bitch" in the most annoying tone over and over.

Anyone unable to fulfill these requirements or follow the outlined rules in your syllabus will be forced to sew.

3368 days 20 hours ago
"Hi! This is my friend
Daphne & I'm Celeste"

" Ooh stick you
Your mama too
And your daddy
[Repeat x 6]

Ooh stick you
Ooh stick you! "

Your mama, your daddy
Your greasy, greasy grandmammy
You got a hole in your panty
Got a big behind like Frankenstein
Going beep-beep-beep down Sesame Street
Toot-toot-toot wear army boots
In your ear with a can of beer
Up your butt with a coconut

" Ooh stick you..." [Repeat Chorus]

You go girl!

Do you want me to tell you what I really think about you?

You got facial hair like a polar bear
You blow up like a toad and then explode
Your face looks mean like Halloween
You got big red eyes like cherry pies
You got the IQ of a digeridoo
You look insane and got no brain
You got a big fat belly like a bowl full of jelly
Your fat mum Milly looks like Free Willy

" Ooh stick you..." [Repeat Chorus]

You go girl!
Ride 'em cowboy!
Giddy up horsey!
Ride 'em cowboy!
Pew! Pew! Pew!
It's like a horror movie isn't it?
Ride 'em cowboy!
Ooh Ooh Eee!
Ride 'em cowboy!

Do you wanna know what
I really think about you?

You're a little kid that looks like a squid- oh no!
You've got a bad perm like a can of worms- oh no!
Cheeks like a balloon ; face like a baboon- oh no!
Everybody knows you eat the nails from your toes & you rub 'em in dirt and eat them for dessert!


" Ooh stick you..." [Repeat Chorus]
You go girl!

You got ears on your face like spock in space!
You got teeth in your head like Mr Ed!
Everybody knows you put fleas in cheese, mix them with glue and use it like shampoo!


Ping-pong why am I saying ping-pong?
Ping-pong Ping-pong Ping-pong!
Whatever whatever whatever!

" Ooh stick you..." [Repeat Chorus to fade]
3368 days 20 hours ago
Someone's practicing their lipsync
3368 days 14 hours ago
Good morning class, welcome to "Facial Expressions Class" here at Drag C.

Now as you know your face, face, face, can tell a lot about you, how much you eat...or don't however that is a difference class. This class is all about learning to control your face and discuss what emotions someone is experiencing from their face.

Now your exam will be in three parts.
Match the situation to the face. (40%)
Practical task. (40%)
Bribery. (20%)

Here is an example of a "Match the situation to the face" question using my Drag mother Pearl.
Match the following faces to the situation that just occurred.

1)                a) "Clean shave, wanna feal?"
2)               b) "That was a funny joke"
3)               c) "Oh shit that cat just got ran over"
4)                d) "Look mom I brushed my teeth"

The practical task is assessed my me the professor and involves the candidates reacting to situations I throw at them such as.

"Your pet chinchilla has been diagnosed with HIV"
"I'm a transgender woman *sobs*" ~ Monica Beverly Hillz
For students who fail this task they get the slap treatment where I slap them and quickly take a picture of their reaction so I can pass them in the "I got slapped by a more superior queen" situation.

On the runway tonight I am giving you my best, fishiest drag. I wanted to go for a more out there look but I thought I would rather be polished than abolished.
3368 days 13 hours ago
Hello and welcome the Dudes to Drags 101, I am your professor Karen Forewe. You can call me  Dr. Sex pistol if your nasty.

Its has been my dream scene 16 hr 21 mins ago to become a Professor at this  Prestigious Collage not university..... Fuck logo. I want to help these bottom boys to top drag models. It is my job to help people wear drag for the first time and to show people not to be a drag but be a drag queen. I will be grading people based on 5 things.
Drag Persona:
Makeup Skills:
Hair Styles:
Lip syncing:

You must master all of these to pass my class and one last thing. NEVER PLAY IT SAFE IN MY CLASSROOM.

if you fail this class you will receive 1,000 wig whips.

3368 days 11 hours ago
Neferti's Submission: Hello my name is Professor Nefertiti. The "titi" however was apparently inappropriate to the viewers and sounds like titty so I had to legally change it to Neferti.
On the topic of titties... I will be your professor in the course thats all things breast plates and boobs.
This course will either be hard for you or soft depending on how much and what kind of work you got done on those sweater cows.

You will be taken on a journey of knowledge. You will be taught the importance of shading properly, symmetry, correct sizing, and how much or how little can be revised.

As much as we'd like to give out grades based on your cup size that will unfortunately mean the butch queens with mosquito bite knockers would unfairly ace this class.
If you wanna excel in the class you better be buying the proper breast plate or going under the knife under the right doctor. You don't want your titties looking all uneven like Jennifer Lawrence.
You don't want puppies you wanna shoot for full grown dogs under that shirt ladies. Sizing is key. You can't overdo it like BeShine but you can't under do it either like a 12 year old boy.
Knowing your size to your body type is crucial. You can't be no 3 foot tall Pygmy woman walking around with beach balls on your chest it would just look like something otherwordly. Knowing how to shade is also extremely vital. You don't want to be walking during fashion week with your freshly bronzed tan sporting Spongebob titties that stick out like a sore thumb.
Knowing your skin tone and your brushes you can easily make your pair more polished or more edgy. You do what you want with your body and color palette!
Once you've identified yourself to be self aware and acquire these skills then this class will be a sure breeze through.

As for punishment. When signing up for the class you are obligated to sign a waiver. In the event of misbehavior or disruption you will be punched in the boob. Just a good ole popper in melons. You could get multiple or one hit.
It's not's just giving what bad eggs have coming to them! Eye twitch

As for my runway. I am giving you my best drag!
I am Natalie Portman. I am the Black Swan.
3367 days 19 hours ago
Are we teaching at Paint.NET college? Sponsored by Paint.NET?
3367 days 12 hours ago
"We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls, you can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful. Otherwise, you would threaten the man." - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Welcome to "How to be the HBIC: A Feminist Guide to Shaping the Women of Tomorrow"

This is a course designed exclusively for women, transgendered women, and anyone else who considers themselves at one point or another; female. It is a how-to course that runs a full school year and will teach you how to be the best woman you can be.

Let's define HBIC. Head. Bitch. In. Charge. Now it may seem quite vulgar but these words were chosen carefully by our staff. Our curriculum matches the Head Bitch In Charge acronym. In fact, every semester will focus on two letters. In the fall, we focus on the head bitch section.

From September to October we will find the right path for you and pin point where you want to be in life. We will give you the tools, and work on your image to achieve that goal. In that two month span, our wish is to start the transformation process from young girl, to respected woman. This course may seem easy, but trust me, we will challenge you to the core.

From November to December the focus will change to the bitch section. We will educate you on the modern world and what is has to offer you. Then we will educate you on the inevitable sexism, racism, and all other forms of discrimination so no one goes swinging in the dark.

Next Semester focuses on the last two letters of the acronym, I and C. From January to March, our girls will speak with accomplished feminists of today. Learn how they paved the way for the rest of us. Then we will all self reflect and pin point how to make ourselves better women. Consider this unit a crash course on how to work with what's within.

From April to June the girls will work on their final project: Taking Charge. Every student will create a form of activism to better their communities. Past graduates have made fashion shows exclusively for disabled women, organized a school wide hair donation to burn victims, and created security panic buttons and cameras all over campus, especially the fraternities, to alert police in the event of rape or other crimes.

There are no report cards for this course. In our class we teach the girls that self improvement never ceases, therefore we do not send report cards to mark the end of this course. To track progress, all girls will meet with the teacher at least four times throughout the year, and they will receive constructive criticism. Credit will be added to a student's account when the constructive criticisms are met.

As for the women who misbehave, we have a zero tolerance policy for delinquent students. However, before we terminate our course services to a delinquent student we do command a hearing where the accused student may plead her case, and as a class, we decide if that student should be allowed to rejoin the sisterhood.

Women are taught to shrink themselves. To be ambitious, but not too ambitious. To be successful, but not too successful otherwise they will threaten the man. HBIC, the course where we undo the ideologies created by oppressive men and instead shape feminists to fight the discriminatory battles of tomorrow.


It's a risk kind of look, and I'm afraid that people are going to either love it, or want to burn it. Maybe I should have stitched a red A.
3366 days 23 hours ago
There will be a one day extension possibly.
3366 days 22 hours ago
Pssh! These lazy queens... Lashes will be whipped at judging! Lol
3366 days 10 hours ago
Good day to you ladies and gentlemen who are yet to tuck, welcome to "Desperate Lipsync Technique: For Those Who Are Exclusively on the Bottom."

We've seen it before - bottom 2 - against the bitch who actually has a story arc, you gotta think on your feet or else start packing your bags. Luckily this course will show you how to emotionally manipulate the judges through use of sudden sob story, overdone body movement or revealing boy body to show that you were 'born this way.'

The course has 7 different areas that are tested; we know that if you're taking a desperate lipsync course then you probably fuck up challenges quite a lot, so we wanted to give you as many opportunities as possible... Seriously, do decent in one of them and we'll probably let you off with a pass.

--- Drop The Beat ---
Now this is an old favourite, and one that is bound to get you a slowmo replay for all the right reasons. In this module, queens learn the art of timing as they learn the basic rhythms of 80s/auto-tuned to hell Ru Paul songs so they know the perfect time in which to drop themselves into a split. For those who are a little more advanced, they can even try that one where it literally looks like you’ve suddenly gone into a coma – the youngsters are calling it ‘deathdropping’…

To pass this class, all you have to do is synchronise your drops in time with both Laganja Estranja and Joslyn Fox. Do that and you’re on your way to being put in some fifteen year old’s ‘BEST LIPSYNCZZ EVA’ video on the YouTube.

--- Read Me? I’ll Weep! ---
This module teaches Queens how to construct the perfect heartbreaking tale that will make the judges look like a real motherfucker if they send you home… Queens will delve into their own history, or else the recently diseased section of a local newspaper, in order to come up with a believable backstory that will make sure you get the double save in that lipsync that you don’t deserve!

To pass this class, you must follow in the steps of one of the lecturers of this module; Roxxy Andrews! If you can successfully save yourself in an elimination against Alyssa Edwards not by outdancing her (cause let’s face it, that’s impossible)… but instead by melting Ru’s heart – then you’re on your way to graduation day!

--- Wig Wars ---
This section of the course takes focus on the concept which was all the rage in season 4 – and that was flipping your wig off and showing everyone your natural hair! Queens will first be given a haircut and lice check out of drag, cause if you’re gonna show everyone your natural hair, well it better at least look half decent. Once that’s out of the way, you’ll work on your wrist action – seeing just how far you can fling that Brunette Janelle Wig across the stage!

To pass this class, we will have the judges seated during a lipsync whilst you wear Jade Jolie’s hideous hair outfit from season 5, manage to hit 3/4 of the pannel with the wigs before the music ends… Well then you pass! Extra points will be given for any wild animals, particularly Giraffes, that you manage to snag.
3366 days 10 hours ago
--- RuVealing ---
This is another old favourite which has been on the course from it’s establishment back when Mother Kono took it… In ’69. In this module we look at the art of stripping, but classy stripping for the likes of senates and governors! This is all about getting your clothes off ASAP to reveal you’re not actually naked underneath, but wearing more clothes! Some will be disappointed, in fact most will be, but for some reason there are fans who gag off this kinda eleganza – so use that to your advantage and hide eyelashes under your eyelashes – GO NUTS!

To pass this section of the course, you must wear a minimum of four outfits and be able to RuVeal each of them within the course of a lipsync to the timeless classic; ‘My Jeans’ by Jenna Rose. Yeah… We really couldn’t afford the rights to anything else. I mean we tried to get ‘Strongest Suit’ from Aida, but Elton John just wasn’t feeling our gig.

--- Pointer Sisters ---
Now there are those among us who really just can’t be deathdropping, splitting and doing backflips on the stage… Luckily though, this module takes a much more relaxed approach to lipsyncing. In this unit we strip lipsyncing back to the bare minimum, like seriously, there isn’t a piece of meat left on the bones… that minimum. All this course requires is for a Queen to point more than Dora the Explorer looking for Swiper as you proclaim to the world just how much energy you can give through staying in the one spot.

To pass this area, you must defeat Madame LaQueer in a lipsync, but never leave the spot that you originally started from on the stage.

--- Rise Like A Phoenix ---
Many hope to become like Conchita Wurst when they sign up for Drag… But c’mon gurl, you’re taking a desperate lipsync course – SET REALISTIC GOALS! In this unit, we teach Queens how to shock the judges in a lipsync by discouraging the stereotype that drag is ‘not a contact sport.’ If you’re a butch queen, well then this is your ticket to delivering the perfect desperate lip sync!

To pass this part of the course, you must successfully keep a small queen, perhaps Kenya Michaels, above your head for the duration of the Eurovision Song Contest. She’s really light, so that isn’t actually that big an ask. Trust us.

--- Class Trip to Milan! ---
Now this title is usually what attracts ladies to our course, but well… No one ever reads the fine print. In order to get a feel for a real desperate lip sync, each year the class goes on a visit to some dusty club in god-knows-where to watch the Queen of Desperate Lipsyncing; Milan from Season 4. Expenses are dirt cheap, literally… It’s Milan, she’ll take whatever work she can get.

A written assessment upon how Milan fulfilled each area of ‘desperation’ outlined in the specification will suffice for a pass in this module. Essays have a minimum of 10,000 words… but when you see her in action, you’ll be surprised how much there is to critique.

For those of you who think it would be funny to give serious heartfelt lipsyncing whilst keeping all your clothes on… I will not hesitate to terminate you from the course and instead leave you with the likes of Dida Ritz; who will only ever be remembered for her one good lip sync and will after that be left to hide in the Drag Archives as a forgotten Queen. At least Laganja, Roxxy and MiMi are remembered for something. You have been warned.

If that isn’t enough to convince you… Just remember that there are some seriously fucking talented queens in this season and you’ll probably have to lipsync at least once. Every little advantage helps…
3366 days 10 hours ago
*Elle walks in*

I am Professor Emayho, and this semester at Drag C, I will be teaching an important and relevant subject for young queens everywhere... Eyelashes.

Ladies, are you tired of looking like this?


Or THIS???

Well ladies, with the proper set of lashes, no longer will you have to worry about looking like some cheap ass queen.

Relevant Standards

D:R:A:G:1: Learning about the herstory of eyelashes, and which queens paved the way for future queens to wear lashes as big as they damn please.
D:R:A:G:2: Applying lashes, using mascara, and keeping their eyelashes on fleek.
D:R:A:G:3: Never leaving the house without makeup on, and keeping mascara in their freakum dresses at all times.
D:R:A:G:4: Applying their new found knowledge outside of class, and helping out other fellow queens when their lashes aren't on point.

Measurable Assessments

Students will be graded through three different types of assessment: Oral quizzes, written exams, and hands-on eyelash tests. Oral pop quizzes will be given periodically for review, where the professor will ask a question on a variety of topics regarding eyelashes. Every two weeks, a written exam will be given when the students have gone over a unit in class, whether it be on eyelash herstory, application, mascara brands, proper lengths, or whatever else. Every four weeks, there will be a hands-on eyelash test, where the students will be given a set of instructions, and must adjust their lashes depending on what the instructions tell them to do. This is where the magic happens, and when all the girls start to actually apply their skills. The professor will grade the students based on the quality, application, and length of the lashes. Students will be provided with all the proper materials to create the perfect lewk.

Students who pass the course successfully will receive a starter pack of false lashes, mascaras, eyelash curlers, tweezers, and eye makeup, courtesy of Eylure. This starter pack will only be given to queens who have proven themselves worthy of these tools. Failure in the course will result in an intense guidance counselor session with Phi Phi O-Hara. After five minutes, you're going to cringe at her lashes, and you are going to stay in that room as a reminder of what your life may be after Drag C.

Students who fail to behave properly throughout the class will be given detentions, where they must repeatedly create the same set of lashes twenty times before being dismissed. After all, practice makes perfect. In extreme cases, their tools may be taken away from them during eyelash tests, and they will be forced to bring their own from home if they wish to pass.
Elle's Best Drag:

I'm giving you Pixie realness. I am just lighting up on the runway like a firefly in the night sky.

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