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Final Tribal Council (Day 39)

Topic » Final Tribal Council (Day 39)

3730 days ago

Dave: Why did you choose Monkey over me when he was not an original Oroatera member and I made an alliance with you at the beginning? When you voted me out, will it haunt you? Are you hoping for my vote to win?

Danny: Why didn't you tell me that you have the idol when I asked you for help when I totally trusted you when the tribes swapped? I even told you that I have your back cause you seemed like you were already on the bottom...

Shawn: Basically, what did you do in this game? What was your game-changing move? Why should I vote for you to win?
3730 days ago
Hello everyone I will definitely not write as long as Dave.  Haha. Coming into this game I did not want to make anyone mad and I was excited to come into a game with someone I had just played another game and made it to the end with in Ramanik's survivor, Danny.  I know I would partner up with him, I also really have always liked Dave, so I approached him.  Going into the game I really had two alliances and I was able to get all three of us to the end of this game.  They both ended up on opposite teams and I kept slipping each others information to one another to keep them interested.  I told Danny who is a fantastic player how to vote to keep the trust of the "Oreo" alliance so he could make it farther.  Eventually, naturally Dave and Danny found each other in the game it seemed and came to the end.  I then had to trick everyone in the game around Final 6 that weren't Dave or Danny that I didn't have anyone.  It was perfect.  At the end Danny admitted to me that KC was his plan to bring to the end the whole time and he wanted me to go to jury to vote him to win.  So, he made a deal with me if we go to the end together he wanted me to campaign for him to get votes.  I will not back out of that promise.  He feels that he deserves to win this over me and decided that I should campaign for him to win, because he feels he is better than all of you.  I will not break a promise, so here is me campaigning for Danny, "vote Danny to win! He believes he is the best and fell for my trick to take me to the end over KC, because he couldn't trust KC.  He deserves to win, because Shawn made sure he was safe on Exile through most of the pre-merge and he did not even need to fight hard.  He really believes he should win, so a vote for Danny if you would like!" There I campaigned.  On the other hand I worked my butt off to get here.  Always flipping to find the right thing.  All those random votes to JJ were from myself.  When the sides were split I didn't want anyone to know who I was aligned with so I just started voting JJ.  That way everyone would think other people are voting JJ.  Thus, targeting others when I was heading the pack to vote out this person or the other they did it.  That surprised me that Red lost his mind, but kind of funny.  Otherwise, I was planning on being extremely loyal to the "Oreo" alliance, but they started falling apart at the tribe switch and that was when I decided to start playing my mind games.  Haha, otherwise it has been fun I bid you all good luck with your decision! I truly think I satisfied my goal of getting the one's I wanted in the end me, Danny, and Dave.  Hope you vote for me or the fantastic amazing better than everyone Danny!
3730 days ago
Walker my answer to you was I wasn't lying on splitting the votes I was planning on it.  And in the end I did not know what would work best. I really trusted you and I did not know how the votes would lie.  I thought it would end up being a tie if I did not vote, so the first round I didn't want to be the deciding vote and piss one side off.  In the end I voted JJ a total random that no one else voted for and your side ended up losing and I kept voting JJ until he was gone.  I never voted against your side.
3730 days ago
Shawn: Basically, what did you do in this game? What was your game-changing move? Why should I vote for you to win?
Basically everything.  I controlled the votes I worked both sides and fed information to both and they couldn't touch me to get me out.  I fought my butt of in competitions and won tribal ones for us on Oreo.  By the end I had made friends with most of you and I pushed the right buttons feeding false information to one side and then to the other or true stuff.  I kept Danny safe at the beginning, because I knew he would work with me after, so I tricked all of the "Oreo" alliance to want Danny at Exile.  I worked you all over the one time I truly didn't know who was leaving I got you all to send me to Exile, so that I would for sure be safe.  I got all the information out in the open and knew what everyone was thinking and that is why you all kept me safe.  At the end Danny trusted me enough to open his beautiful big mouth and tell me he wanted me in the jury as a vote, because he wanted KC at the end with him.  Instead he decided to keep me, because I told a lie I wouldn't vote for him when I would've and guess what he took me to the end. I won immunities and tied other one's, but wasn't first. I worked my butt off to get here and spun enough lies to make you all trust me the fact of the matter is I knew I would get to the end, because I predicted everything in the game except Red's exit being so controversial.  I worked and worked and respect you all I got to the end the hardest possible way over the rest of these people, because I kept the bullets off their back and said lies that would keep them from getting targeted to the right people.  If more of you talked you would have realized that I was with most everyone being friendly and I had two I wanted at the end guess what the puppet master got his marionettes to the end with him and that was Dave and Danny.  Also, Danny I wasn't stupid I knew you had the HII.  So, good luck with your voting! I hope I answered your question!
3730 days ago
3/6 votes received. This is an interesting Final Tribal Council!
3729 days 22 hours ago
Dave: Why did you choose Monkey over me when he was not an original Oroatera member and I made an alliance with you at the beginning? When you voted me out, will it haunt you? Are you hoping for my vote to win?

The final vote was very interesting. Both Danny and Shawn told me they were going to vote you, and I didn't really have any doubt in my mind that they were. So that was two votes for you so far. Also, I kept an eye on your profile to see if/when you were offline. Near the 30 minute mark - the deadline for the vote - you were still offline, so you were just going to receive a self-vote anyway, so it really didn't matter how I voted. To keep the votes consistent (and since I knew you were definitely getting voted out already) I voted you out as well. 
But yes, it did haunt me, because I felt bad doing it. I felt like I was doing something cruel, but I hope my explanation above kinda clears up why I did it.
And yes, of course I'm hoping for your vote to win :) Because I respect you as a player - you actually played a really good game, and no it's not easy making the f4 - and I hope you respect me as a player also, because (my opinion) I think I played a good game haha. And I hope there are no hard feelings for the final vote. Thank you for considering me :P
3729 days 22 hours ago
So hey guys!
It's been a super crazy and wild season hasn't it?
Well I think I've played a pretty darn good game seeming as where I started.
Tetiaroa. That tribe was freaking cursed! I tried to be as active as possible like others on our team, but to no avail, us losing 4 times in a row. 4 losses meant 4 tribal councils. Nobody wants to go to 4 tribals sans an alliance. That's why after the very 1st vote, Fran, rab and I formed an alliance of 3 and survived all 4 votes. They were both trustable and that's apparent, but when this game started, I made a final 2 with rab, which was an unatrievable goal. Because, then came the tribe swap...
3729 days 22 hours ago
The tribe swap destroyed my alliance of three, separating Fran and rab to one tribe and justin and I on the other. Apparently tetiaroa truly is cursed, cuz they lost the next two immunities. When the tribe switch happened, I thought I'd certainly go if we had lost. However, that wasn't the case. Dave and I agreed to work together if a swap occurred and he loved up to his word. Another country of KCO was heard from as well! He offered Justin and I an olive branch, which I greatly appreciated. However at that point I already agreed to work with Dave and didn't really want to work with Justin. I never had to get help from KC because our tribe never lost. The other camp was worrying to me. Would they take out Fran and rab? Or flip on each other!? It turned out my alliance of three lasted through one tribal but then a tie occurred at the next. When rab broke the tie and voted out Fran, I knew that ship had sunk and he was building a new crew which I would be a part of. Then merge hit us all like a slap in the face...
3729 days 22 hours ago
I also forgot to mention that Shawn was able to get me exiled twice which resulted in me finding an idol! (That I never needed to use)
3729 days 21 hours ago
Ahhhhh merge, the most terrifying and most fun part about this game that never fails to disappoint. At that point rabbaj had formed a new alliance of himself, ish, and Daniel. He wanted me to join them but Dave was my new buddy, or so I thought :p. At that vote, I was intro'd to the other alliance of basically oroatera 2.0 people. At that vote, Shawn told me that I'd be told by someone to vote for Daniel to prove my loyalty. So when red messaged me about the whole thing I played along and voted for Daniel, knowing he wasn't going anywhere. ORIGINALLY rabbaj was supposed to leave that tribal, but I convinced dave to vote ish instead and possibly start an alliance of us 2 plus rabbaj. But obvi he didn't want that because rabbaj left next tribal while I was exiled looking for a second idol. Oh, also when tribal was posted when ish left, I was over dramatic and played the role of the victim of red, saying and crying of things like " how could he do this to me" and "doesn't he trust me", knowing it was all a test of loyalty. It really didn't bother me because look where I am now, plus it put humongous target on red's back! The tribal where Daniel was voted out was terrifying! I forgot to send in my vote on time, awaiting confirmation of. Our vote from Dave. When the tied ensued, dave informed me that red was rallying votes to get me out. That's when I started to fully trust dave. He then persuaded JJ to save me as well. After that, I prayed that wouldn't assign both of the other votes for me. When red said he wanted me out at the tie. I made sure that if I left, I'd be memorable and no one would forest that tribal council. In the end saved me and sent Daniel packing. A piece of luck I won't ever be in debt to. So next I'll talk about after that tribal :)
3729 days 21 hours ago
Oh my god, the next challenge was so much fun because so much was at stake for everyone.
Red had to win a trip to exile because he knew his allies had flipped to my side and I had to win that immunity because I offered myself up as sacrifice the next tribal of red didn't leave. The challenge was so much more intense than the tribal council that night where red and I were both safe, and justin was voted out unanimously, crowning me at least the last original member of tetiaroa standing! At the next challenge/tribal, red managed to piss the host off enough to remove him from the game, eliminating an easy vote. At that tribal, 'twas be last time to play an idol so I did (even though I didn't need it) and JJ went home. That really sucked because JJ was one of the reasons I stayed, but I wanted to stay loyal to my friends(whom I still think I have a good chance against). That brought us to the final four where dave won immunity. I thought the new logo was adorns as well. But um, I was happy dave would be in finals, but at that point Shawn weirdly messaged me saying that he'd campaign for me if he made finals(which was obvi bull) and I didn't understand why he would say that? I'll post the convo here:

No I understand I will respect whatever decision you make don't worry! I understand it is your turn to win! Haha! (Shawn)
>The plan was kco from the beginning. I just think he'll vote for Dave to win that's all. But if you want finals I won't deprive that from you, we're good (me)
>>I will admit if I was voted out by you I would think about the relationship a little more.  If I made the end I would totally advertise for you 100% I would push you got 1st-Runner up last game I won.  It's time to swap roles! (Shawn)
>>>So you would be okay with that? Like forreal real? Like I only am suddesting that if you would actually advertise me at final tribal though being a finalist (me)
>>>>I understand haha. (Shawn)
>>>>>You never fail to surprise me of how great of a person you are. And you know I looooooovvvvveeeee you so much, but a vote on jury is so much more helpful than advertisement in finals. (Me)
>>>>>>I can't believe you had the idol the whole time congrats! Wow! By the way you know this time if we both make it to the end I'm so campaigning for you to win this one! You deserve it much more than me! This is crazy we dominate!(Shawn)

I was planning on keeping him anyways because I try to be as loyal as possible. Also, it's not that hard to beat Shawn in this finale. The real competition was dave. We both knew we were strong competitors and agreed the finale should have strong competitors and not an obvious winner. So no, it's not obvious that you should pick me, but I played the hardest, struggled the most, found an idol, and played with my heart. So I hope y'all find it in your hearts to vote me in this finale. Thankyou :)
3729 days 21 hours ago
>Monkey - when I asked u for an alliance first merge day why didn't u reply and want to work with me

If that was the case, I'm sorry. A lot of stuff happened when merge came and I may have honestly just skimmed over it without giving it a lick of thought. However I knew I had safety with Dave and not the trio alliance. Plus you and I have played in Mariah's survivor and didn't know of you would try and get me back for that or something probably. Again, sorry man.
3729 days 21 hours ago
Danny: Why didn't you tell me that you have the idol when I asked you for help when I totally trusted you when the tribes swapped? I even told you that I have your back cause you seemed like you were already on the bottom...

I didn't tell you I had the idol because at that point nobody knew, not Shawn, not Fran, and not rabbaj. Idol having information has burned me in the past so I was cautious of who I told. That's why dave only found out two votes after merge, and he was the ONLY one to ever know. I was just not trusting of others at at point. And my idol is from tetiaroa, not from the merged tribe, so the info I fed you was true. Those two spots didn't have the new idol in them. And I appreciated you coming to me as I was at that point on bottom, but I thought you could have possibly been a mole to find out any information. That's why, plus I didnt trust people is why I didn't tell you I had the idol.
3729 days 21 hours ago
At the end Danny admitted to me that KC was his plan to bring to the end the whole time and he wanted me to go to jury to vote him to win.  So, he made a deal with me if we go to the end together he wanted me to campaign for him to get votes.  I will not back out of that promise.  He feels that he deserves to win this over me and decided that I should campaign for him to win, because he feels he is better than all of you.  I will not break a promise, so here is me campaigning for Danny, "vote Danny to win! He believes he is the best and fell for my trick to take me to the end over KC, because he couldn't trust KC.
-Shawn response

That's false peoples! I was going to take Shawn to the end the whole time, but when he said he'd rally for me to win on finals next to me. That didn't make any sense, but whatever. So I asked him If I could send him to jury to ensure me a vote instead, but he wanted to stay so I kept him. I was like does he not want to win? That's preposterous! So yeah, that whole predicament was weird and unnecessary tbh.
3729 days 20 hours ago
Well helooo guys! First of all congratulations to you all, you each had you're own games and made it here on your own terms so well done to all of you for that.

I guess I'll start with Dave - Dave I knew you was a social threat, and you was just that. I want to ask you if Red didn't get pulled rom the game and went to jury & I won the next immunity, who was your next target? Was it always going to be KC and me on the bottom? Also do you think you would be here if it wasn't for your last two immunity wins?

Shawn - We didn't get to talk a whole lot, so I'm not really sure about you. Also don't you think that it's not very strategic to just throw your vote away each time? I would commend someone more if they managed to flip and gain the trust back of the people you betrayed and still made it to the end. I guess try and convince me that it was a smart move and not a weak move :P.

Danny -We also didn't talk so much until near the end, but I guess my question to you is, why do you should/can win out of Shawn and Danny because as you said in your speech "but I wanted to stay loyal to my friends(whom I still think I have a good chance against). So what do you think you did to stand a good chance beating them? :)

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