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Final Tribal Council (Day 39) ~ Thailand

Topic » Final Tribal Council (Day 39)..

3682 days 6 hours ago
Me and R'Tia...You have made it to Day 39 in this game! You have made alliances, broke alliances, lied, backstabbed and more! But now, it is up to you, the jury, who will become the winner of KCO's Survivor: Thailand...

This is how it's going to happen:

Both Me and R'Tia, state your statements on why should win...It may be long or short...It's up to you!

You are all encouraged to ask questions to help aid in your decision. Somebody stab you in the back? Call them out on it! Now is the time to air all the dirty laundry.

Jury, you are highly requested to ask the finalists different questions...

Jury, kindly send me in your votes before Wednesday/Thursday EST or Thursday/Friday Aussie ASAP..If votes will be sent in earlier..I will PM you guys for the Reunion...

Awards will be given out during the Reunion such as Fan Favourite and many more! You won't want to miss it!
3682 days 6 hours ago
My jury speech'll be up later.
3682 days 5 hours ago
Daniel, he only wants jury speeches from R'Tia and Me.
3682 days 5 hours ago
Jury may also do their speeches...just like from the real show...
3681 days 23 hours ago
I thought  I would do another big jury speech with you two, but what I realized is that, you two have played very similar games, Rob's been a bit more strategic to Me being a bit more social, but overall, it's been almost identical.  So, I just want to say a few things.

1. I'm not bitter at all for you guys voting me.

2. Between the two of you, what are you better than the other at, strategy, sociality, or physicality?

3. What makes you better than the other finalist, besides the last question?

4. And finally, if you could pick a juror to replace you in the finals, who do you think deserve it? (This isn't a feel-good for me to butter myself up, so answer honestly)

Anyway, thank you two, you played a great game, so good luck.
3681 days 22 hours ago
I'll do an opening first, then I'll address Daniel in a separate post.

From the start of this game, I gave my complete loyalty to one person. The person sitting next to me. We promised no matter what happens, if we're split up, if we make separate alliances, that we'd stick together. And we did, that person is sitting next to me right now in the final 2.

As for the journey here, well I made my alliances, I went with the flow. I had to shift and change with the tribe swaps, and make new allies. And that's what I did. And it was hard, especially when my closest ally had almost a completely different alliance.

When the merge happened, I knew there were huge threats in the game. And I never voted for people I promised I wouldn't vote for, that's Logan and Danny. Part of my original alliance. But I do admit that I didn't protect them as I could have, I played a bit more selfishly, for myself, and for my closest ally, and that was always Me.

And I did have to play both sides, with Josh/Sean's alliance, and I did lie. And I can admit that. But I think everyone lied at some point in this game. So when it came down to it, I made it to the final 4, with the people I intended to be there. And voting out Daniel was the toughest vote I had to cast.

But overall, I think I played a strong game. I feel I was strategic, I think I had a good social game, and I did my best on the physical aspects, but I did struggle to actually make the challenges. But when I actually managed to fit them into my schedule, I definitely proved myself.

So I welcome questions from the jury, and wish the best of luck to Me, one of my best friends on this site, I'm happy to be sitting here with her.
3681 days 22 hours ago
Great questions Daniel, and to answer them, I'll do it question by question.

Between the two of you, what are you better than the other at, strategy, sociality, or physicality?

I think we're all very good in all three, but to break it down.

Strategic: I think I'm just a little bit above her strategically. Not a huge amount, I think y'all underestimate Me's strategic side, but definitely I think in terms of the game, I was the one always planning, and coming up with the ideas, whereas Me was the one who was able to execute them

Physically: I don't think I showed in this game that my physical game is actually really strong, as the challenge times and notifications just never meshed with my schedules. That being said, Me is a phenomenal physical player. So I'd rate myself as good, like Parvati for example. But going up against me is like Parv vs Ozzy. Parv is good, but Ozzy is just amazing.

Socially: This is a tough one. Social skills in these games come so naturally to Me, and she really is adaptable and easily makes those social ties, ones that helped my plans come to fruition. But I think my own social game is being underrated here, I consider myself a really good social player, I was able to, at the merge, balance myself between two alliances and that really takes some strong social ability to do that without being found out. So I'd rate us equally on that.

What makes you better than the other finalist, besides the last question?

I guess the one thing I could say is that maybe I had to survive a bit more than Me did. Not her fault, it was more a feature of luck and/or the twists of the game. But in the tribe swaps, it seemed like we were separated on all 3 and I was on the tribe that went to Tribal over and over. And with the Island X twist, I was never sent to Island X, and I went to every Tribal at the merge, only once having immunity, and survived all the way to the final 2. So that's what I would say.

And finally, if you could pick a juror to replace you in the finals, who do you think deserve it?

Very tough question for me, I think any one of the players who made the jury deserves to be here, it was a tough game. But the one person I feel did actually get unfairly voted out is Danny. Because of the host not giving the requisite 24 hours (in fact he didn't even give 12) at that Tribal Council for voting, both Danny and Daniel received self-votes, when if they'd both put in their votes, the outcome would've been different. So that's why I pick Danny.
3681 days 22 hours ago
OK so here goes - I'm actually a really shy person IRL so this goes against everything I know:

I joined this group game alone, needing a break from the more competitive games on Tengaged. Those who know me well know I play a loyal and honest game, but that I lack trust in people I don’t know. I guess that is my Achilles heel – “I need to learn to trust more”, for that reason I am not quick to make alliances, and take a while to test the waters.

I was excited to see that Rob had also been selected and there was no doubt that it was him and I in for the long haul – no matter what happened. By fluke we actually ended up on the same side – for all of 5 min! We had an almost unspoken trust and loyalty to each other and we never wavered from that.

The twists in the game meant that I had to “go it alone” for the most part, being on the outskirts of any alliance that was formed. This was a dangerous move on my part, so I had to ensure that I competed to my fullest in every immunity challenge. I am a very strategic player, and everything I said and did was always thought out. I believe that other than Joshua, I was the only other one to participate in every challenge.

I played the “social game”, and I have loved getting to know every player on this season. Please believe me when I say that – to me – social strategy is more than just “for the game” I am truly interested in getting to know new people and have loved getting to know you all. I couldn't have made it through the last few days without the support of one of the most competitive players - Joshua I thank you for supporting my final few days in this game, knowing that you had a hard choice coming up, you remained impartial and I respect that about you. I thrive on strategy, twists and pushing myself to do my best in everything I do. BUT in saying that – I do believe in loyalty, trust and honesty. I came into this game trusting only one player, and leave this game trusting a handful more - thank you all for showing me that side of you.

After the merge I found myself in a tough spot, having worked with most of the players I was faced with hard decisions – most of which were taken out of my hands with the many twists…. but I pride myself on actually taking the knocks and getting back up to fight another day. I am a fighter and took each day as it came.

Every player in this season is worthy of a spot here in the F2, and I have come away with a great respect for all of you…… especially the one other player who showed up to every challenge and gave me a run for my money. I value every friendship that I have come away with, and hope that we will continue to be friends beyond this game.

I was completely loyal to my friend throughout the entire game – even though we spent the majority of it playing on opposite sides. There was no other choice for me but to bring Rob to F2 with me and will be happy with whatever outcome you all decide. Thank you Rob for your unwavering trust and loyalty in me. Thank you to everyone for being worthy opponents and making me work for this F2. <333

Feel free to ask me anything :-)
3681 days 21 hours ago
Thanks for your questions Daniel, here goes:

1. I'm not bitter at all for you guys voting me.

I have this saying “it’s just a game” and although we all put 110% into these games, I would hope that I don’t cross that line that I hold myself accountable for. When people ask me about me – I say “I'm just me” I believe in loyalty and trust and honesty and no win is worth trading in who I am. I thank you for understanding that we all had to make hard decisions and we all have to live with the consequences…… I am a teacher and I tell my students every day that who we are is all about the choices we make, and the choices we make determine what happens next in our life – be it good or bad .

2. Between the two of you, what are you better than the other at, strategy, sociality, or physicality?

I like to think I can hold my own strategically, but I tend to become more emotionally attached to decisions and can overthink the consequences…. this is my downfall so I would have to say that in this instance Rob would be a better strategist and he tends to think more long term and have clearer direction than me.

Physically – well bring it on. I am an obsessive challenge beast – and I have to go all out… win or lose, I love the challenges. In saying that, I try to bring some fun and entertainment to them also… nothing better than a good laugh – even if it is at my own expense. I love playing against people who step up and are not scared to take me on… even when they beat me…. I think that is why Joshua and I got on so well – we both turned up to every challenge and whether we were on the same tribe or competing he was a worthy opponent.

At the core of every game I play is the social aspect. I like to look beyond face value and one of my goals is to “get to know” my opponents. My social game is probably on par with my physical game as I pride myself in getting to know people on a deeper level. I struggled with this aspect in this season as the host kept swapping me and this frustrated me due to the very social nature of my game.

3. What makes you better than the other finalist, besides the last question?

I consider us to be equally deserving – we both had hurdles to overcome. Mine was the isolated nature of all the twists and turns – this played havoc with my social game, whereas the twists were also beneficial to keeping me safe from tribal council in a game where I was always “on the outer” of every alliance. I believe that my strength in the challenges allowed me to build on my social game and consolidate my worth in the game…. BUT this also becomes a very real disadvantage near the end where strong players can be voted out as threats.

4. And finally, if you could pick a juror to replace you in the finals, who do you think deserve it? (This isn't a feel-good for me to butter myself up, so answer honestly)

Daniel I know how loyal you were to Rob, and how much this vote really killed him, but I have to say that my game defining moment was when Joshua picked me for his team. He showed me that I could actually trust another player in this game, and that we actually make a formidable duo. If there was one tribal council that changed the game for me   it was when he was evicted. I considered him to be a shoe in for f3 and believe that he should be here right now. He played every challenge and was more than competitive, and a huge physical threat. He was a very strong strategic player and a huge threat to players in this game, and I believe this is why he was voted out when he was. Joshua would be the player I would pick.
3681 days 15 hours ago
First I would like to congratulate both of you for making it this far. You both played great games and this may be the closest and most even FTC that I have seen in games I played in. You played very different games but one thing you did have in common was betraying me. Not sure why you guys did it. Could have taken me farther and just been loyal but you weren't. Rob you are probably one of my best friends on Tengaged and I would have never expected you to do this. But now for questions because I am not a bitter juror and will give my vote to who deserves it and who answers my question the best.

Question for both of you: This was a pretty easy game to make it to the end. Not many super strategic players like we had in our season Rob. So I think what it really took was a social game. So I want you guys to tell me why your social was better than the other person's social game
3681 days 12 hours ago
First of all, I do want to say to you Log, that I never voted for you, I never betrayed you. I did know that the numbers were there sending you home, I admit that, and I admit that I didn't do as much as I could to stop it. I never betrayed you.

To answer your question

So I want you guys to tell me why your social was better than the other person's social game

I think our social games were both very different. Me did a lot of making friends with people, and that was genuine, I'm not going to question her intentions. She really does want to make friends out of this, and so do I really. My social game was quite different, I really had to forge connections of my own, and stay in touch with different groups of people. And somehow (I'm sure a juror will be happy to correct me if I'm wrong), judging by how shocked a lot of people were when they were voted out, I managed to successfully integrate myself into two alliances who both believed I was on their side. And to me, that's why my social game was so good, because that's not a strategic thing. It takes a lot of social nuance, and skill with communicating to people to say the right thing. And at the same time, I did make genuine friendships, I think at least, and solidify old friendships. And I really think a feature of my social game, and a really genuine part of it, is how many people do consider me their close friends, and that's real. That's my social skills, and my own desire for genuine friendship emerging. So that's why I think I had a really top notch social game.
3681 days 11 hours ago
lol as my inexperience with Survivor shows by not knowing that jurors get to make speeches XD Anyways....

So I see two very surprising but very deserving finalists standing here in the guises (forms) of Me and R'Tia. I have to say I knew Me would get here, since she's impossible to get rid of :P lol just playing babe. But seriously, you two earned these spots. Though I have to say I'm surprised at the gameplay R'Tia showed, but a good surprised since his/her first impression (pretty sure R'tia's a he but not 100% certain) had me thinking he/she was an arrogant showoff who thrived on bragging about how he/she was better than everyone and we should basically back down then and let him/her win. While he/she did to some extent live up to that impression he/she also showed he/she does have a nicer more decent side to him/her. So well done to him/her for proving me wrong. Now on to questions which will be in a seperate post
3681 days 11 hours ago

1) To Karen: So how long were you working under the plan to take R'Tia to the final 2? Because at the time I'd left you had me convinced you wanted us to be the final 2, and I'll be honest-to this day I'm STILL not sure if it was YOU or Sean who cast that 3rd vote with Daniel and R'Tia to get me out since I know for sure myself and possibly Ed voted for Daniel to go, which had the votes gone how they were supposed to, Daniel would have gone due to the other 3 votes being split. So can you shed any light into the thinking that was going on during that tribal? Also, if as you claimed, you voted Daniel out, why then save him the very next tribal with another idol? And why did you play your idol on yourself the tribal I left, since you CLEARLY could have prevented me leaving when I did yet you chose not to. I find that suspicious. But I'm a fair-minded person so you still have a chance to get my vote.

I'll post the other 2 questions in another post
3681 days 11 hours ago
Questions (continued)

2) To R'Tia-So you seem surprised to be here. Would I then be correct in assuming you were never 'in the majority' so to speak, and were just doing what you could to make it in the margins each tribal, and if not when would you say you managed to firmly get yourself in solidly in the majority?

3)To both-You both say you play strong games, and I would believe that. What would each of you say was the ONE move that cemented your place here in the final 2? Additionally, were you two in a final two from the beginning, and if not when did that happen? Since I'm pretty sure none of us noticed that OR saw it coming.

I will vote once I read your answers to these so keep in mind these answers may affect who I vote. So good luck R'Tia and Karen.
3681 days 10 hours ago
Hi Log

To answer your question/s

I wasn't actually present at the tribal council that you were evicted and nor did I have a vote. I did, however, know that you had two immunity idols, one of them I helped you get by sharing my clue with your tribe (while I was a member). I do know that you thought of me as an "extra vote" to keep you safe, but that you would get rid of me at the first opportunity to cement your place in the game. And that is fair enough, after all it is survivor - but at the end of the day - still just a game. I didn't betray you or lie to you, it seems that the others had the numbers that tribal council and to be honest there were some surprising votes cast that round.

Question for both of you: This was a pretty easy game to make it to the end. Not many super strategic players like we had in our season Rob. So I think what it really took was a social game. So I want you guys to tell me why your social was better than the other person's social game.

I haven't played with you before, so I accepted beng part of your alliance at the beginning of the game. To be honest I didn't actually know anyone but Rob so I had to take you all at face value and put a little trust in you. I do play a very social game, and love getting to know everyone, so in saying that, joining an alliance with you, rob and Danny didn't stop me from also trying to get  to know the other players. It was hard at the start as the other tribe was hell set on hating on me...... (Andrew and I have a history and I wasn't sure how much of an influence he had on the other tribe).
I guess the tribal shuffles were both a cures and a blessing for me - in the sense that on one hand I lost that security of being in an alliance, but on the other hand it gave me a foot in the door on the other tribe. I really didnt have any strong alliance with the other tribe to begin with, but persisted in making individual friendships with each player.
I mentioned above that I have an issue with "trust" that is not a reflection on any player here - but on me. I found as time went on, that I was more willing to trust in two of the other tribe and came to actually trust them moreso than my original alliance. I think that is where my social game holds its own - by staying in contact with every player indivudally - I managed to be as honest as I could and although I was always on the edge of every alliance, I made sure I fully supported those whom had my back and were loyal to me.
The friendships I forged - to me - were and are genuine - and not to benefit myself or my game in any way. Rob is also a strong social player, and whomever wins, I know we will still remain friends, along with many of you - I hope. <3
3681 days 9 hours ago
So you seem surprised to be here. Would I then be correct in assuming you were never 'in the majority' so to speak, and were just doing what you could to make it in the margins each tribal, and if not when would you say you managed to firmly get yourself in solidly in the majority?

Um, I didn't mean to give that impression, I'm not actually that surprised. I wouldn't say "I was never in the majority," because I positioned myself as being able to offer one alliance over the majority, and that's what I did, but I guess my firm majority was at the final 5 when it was myself, Daniel and Karen solid. We thought Ed was with us too, but clearly he was double dealing, which is interesting.

To both-You both say you play strong games, and I would believe that. What would each of you say was the ONE move that cemented your place here in the final 2? Additionally, were you two in a final two from the beginning, and if not when did that happen? Since I'm pretty sure none of us noticed that OR saw it coming.

For me it was the move to vote you out, because it meant that there was no chance that my majority could be threatened, and my one potential threat to going all the way with Karen was gone.

We weren't in a final 2 from the beginning, per se, but we are incredibly tight and would have struggled to ever vote each other. But there wasn't really a point until the final 4 where we solidly said, 'yes, we're going to the final 2 together.' But we were always tight from the beginning, and we always will be.

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