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Topic » Story-Arcs

3336 days 4 hours ago
To go with the Edgic. I will post them when I have time, but I have 3 seasons to do :c
3336 days 4 hours ago
********************************* Azores ***************************************

16th: Brendon R/Brenelle1120 -#SaoJorge- QUIT (Day 1):
~ He gets a lot of negativty very fast. His edit is all about quitting. Think a mix of Lindsey and Jenna Morsca for his edit, but its really fast, boom done.

15th: David S/Wisconsinite96 #SaoJorge- 3-2-2 (Day 4):
~ David's edit is very much tied to Fowler. There pair is meant to be unlikable, espically David. Think David as Drew Christy. He gets dead set on taking Will out and it comes to bite him in the ass.

14th: Natalie Smith/CoolKat #Terceira 5-2-1 (Day 5):
~ Sadly all Natalie is a standard blonde girl pre-merger. She is pretty much non-exsitant in the game until about day 2 or 3, aside from the fear of an all girls allaince. Up until her boot epsiode though the foucs is more on the everyoe else due to her early boot. She shows stratgey in her boot episode, and is meant to be like Angie/Allie in a likeable what-if early boot but overall pretty much not noteworthy.

13th: Lynette Barclay /Lynette #Terceira  4-1-1-1 (Day 7):
~ Lynette's Story is a heartbreaking one. People are not supposed to like Lynette, they are supposed to LOVE her. Her duo with Rob is supposed to be seen early on as the underdogs. Highly stratgeic, we see her rallying the troops throught her time in the game and see a seven day power struggle where she tries desperatly to flip the game around. However in a heartbreaking final episode we see Robert faced with the tough choice to cut his duo partner or expose his disloyalty to the Terceria core allaince, where he deicdes to vote her out. Her edit is a mix of Laura Morett (BvW) and Laura Alexander. Very positive, likeable pre-merger who is supposed to be very memorable for seasons to come.

12th: Andrea I./IceIceBaby #Terceria 3-1-1-1 (Day 9)
~ We see Andrea in a diffrent light then normal this season. We kind of see her as in partnership with Lynette in the Aly/Lynette/Joe/Cole/Andrea five some that seemed to be a possible majority during the first episode. However it fails apart quickly and she kind of flies away until the first tribal. Her issues with Natalie are bought to light as she and lynette try to flip the game. She is more vocal, and is attacked by Andalib, constantly attcked by people like Aly/Cole/Joe in confessionals and gains a lot of M/N tone, and isnt really stratgeic and is more just kinda trying to just get to the merge. More or less up until her boot you really don't root for her, but you feel bad that her allaince fell apart. So her edit is kinda of like Monica (One World) or Stephine V.

11th: Andy A./Amf7410 #Terceria 4-1 (Day 10)
~ Andy's edit is very.. Strange. He really is an enigma only talked about by others and rarely actually says anything himself. He is on the bottom of the tribe, but isn't as vocal as the girls and is more intergrated into the majority allaince. Up until his boot episode there is no signficant content. However there becomes the battle of Andy or Robert for the Joe/Cole/Aly trio. Andy fails to convince him that he is more loyal to them and is voted out in the only Unamious vote of the pre-merge. It's kinda hard to figure out exactly who to comapre him to. I am thinking Laura (BvW) is a pretty solid comparison in all honesty.
3336 days 4 hours ago
10th: Andailb Odulate/Sackeshi #SaoJorge / #Delgada 6-4 (Day 13)
~First let's appreciate Andalib not only making merge, but lasting 13 days in a season. We see mixed reactions to Andalib saying he is going to play serious, starting with a RI like Russell edit. Moving into the second episode he is poised to leave until David campaigns to get rid of Will. We see the odd pair of him and nikki get will in a plan to blindside David. From here we see him patiently try and keep his control, with mixed reactions until after Lyentte's boot where he goes crazy and begins targetting Cole and Andrea. We see this the rest of the pre-merge. At the merge he points out Fowler will flip and they are going to get pagonged unless they stick together. Despite his please he wasn't able to keep everyone in check, and we are supposed to see him positvly for the first time, due to him being correct about Fowler flipping. Edit wise, He is very much like Lindsey {Africa} with the visabilty of Sarah Lancia. Turned on by his tribe and put them in a risky postion but tried to keep the allaince strong.

9- Cole Conroy/Cole91 #Terceria / #Delgada 6-2-1 (Day 14)
~Cole has a very standard storyline tbh. Douchebag in conrol (sorry bro). He gets paronind though by the girls and that paronia also is directed at Rob and Andy. In time he begins to trust Rob more and more and become more weary on Aly. His pre-mege is so focused on fighting to matain his in control postion, letting true king Joe slip by. Cole is however seen as foolish for his trust in Rob, who can't wait for his shot to take him out. Cole is quickly seen as a threat at merge but wins the battle started in the Andrea boot between them. We see him attempt to begin the pagong with there 5-4 advatange, again seen as foolish because of Aly/Rob's fear of the obvious final 3. We see a power shift and blindside very similar to John Carroll.

8- Felix L./CharlieBiBi #SaoJorge / #Delgada 4-4 / 4-2 (Day 16)
~Felix is a bit of a low key player this season. He is kinda visable the first two episodes due to being in the tribe that loses players, however until right before the merge, he is rather irrlevent and rarely seen or heard from. Right before the merge his edit is focused like the others on Fowler flipping, and Joe's negativty toward him. At the merge his edit becomes more visable, but not much more relevant. He is seen as foolish for flipping against Andalib, despite the fact that he is in the majority the very next vote. This is because he fails to make the right connections, and his 'rivarly' with Joe ends with Joe taking him out. Overall Felix is just not a major charcter this season. He is in and out of the majority, and overall is pretty similar to Courtney Mearit.
3336 days 4 hours ago
7-Nikki Palmer/Avatar20 #SaoJorge#Delgada 3-2-0(2) (Day 18)
~Nikki is an intresting charcter this season. We see her start the game strong, and become the main stratgeist and narrator for Sao Jorge throught the pre-merge. She is also edited to be seen as a key canidate for winner. Her allaince with Andlaib is highlighted and her stratgey to use him as both a shield and goat remains a key point. There realtionship is very much edited however as Nikki, seeing him as more of a shield and Andalib trusting her too much due to her big move at the merge to vote Andalib out, unwilling to use the idol on him. This is heavily foreshadowed due to her own exit. We see her fall behind in the winning chances due to her forming anew duo with Rob, and the pair is meant to be extermly likeable, however she is now mixed due to them being seen as 'used for a vote' and not really 'needed' on either side. Eventaully we get to the final 7 episode where they know the votes are being put n her and rob. Her previous relcetnce to use the idol on someone else is explained as she decides she is taking a huge risk, and making the ultimate hero move, to save Rob and hope he was the one to get 3 votes. We are left to feel similarly to Lynette's boot here. Rob's second partner in crime is voted out and we are supposed to pity her and feel like she was truly an all-star. Nikki's edit is going to be kinda similar to Peih-Gee.

6-Joe 'Joecepia' W./Joeker #Terceria / #Delgada 2-0(3) (Day 21):
~ Joe is the main villian from Terceria. Right away we see fireworks at his general disdain from the cast. We see him always shown in a negative light, but highly stratgeic and in control. Once Lynette/Andrea's boot episdoes come around, he frequently bashes them, seen as very negative, but its entertaing. Moving onward, he begins to devlop a mixed edit come the merge. The storm is brewing, but your supposed to side with Joe, you want Joe to succed. Joe's edit is still 'large and in charge', but a huge target. His bashing and highly villaious nature, is shielded, and instead focuses on his loyalty to Aly/Fowler so you see him as a rootable villian. He is seen overcoming the downfall of Cole, and defeating his nemsis Felix. We see his control even up until tribal, where Juilan and Robert's plan on who to idol is hidden. At tribal we see Joe get idol'd out of the game and are supposed to feel like Joe has redeemed himself for his earlier gameplay, and to be upset that he was taken out, but be in awe of Rob turning the game around at the same time.

5-Nathan 'Fowler' F./Nathan132 #SaoJorge / #Delgada 3-2 (Day 22)
~Oh Fowler.. His edit is pretty boring. He is seen as part of the David, Joe, Cole group from the start and we see him give up on conving David hes making a bad move. The rest of the pre-merge is rare to even hear from Fowler except for the begging and end of Terceria's losing streak where his conections to the other tribe are a primary force, however he is kept on the outside of that. He is seen as  making a risky move by flipping, burning bridges with Juilan/Will, and slowly becomes a target due to his tight allaince with Joe. This becomes his primary focus, with Aly always trying to figure out the right time to break them apart. He stay's pretty neturaled toned though becase he is the last of the Joe/Cole/David/him group to be picked off, and he is just not as intresting to the story. Overall he gets an edit similar to Rick. Late-gamer that is practically invisable.
3336 days 4 hours ago
4-Alexandra Rue/Alyxandra #Terceria / #Delgada 2-2/LFMC (Day 25)
~ Can we say DISTRACTION. Aly is shown as on point, great stratgeist, loyal, and higlighting her connection to Joe. She is always seen as 'a step ahead' of Cole who mistursts her, and her siding with Cole/Joe over Lynette/Andrea is seen as very smart. Overall, right from the start Aly is seen as the Hero of the season. Moving into the merge, she stays in control, and ends her CPP streak with the episode Cole leaves, with her and rob (the good) conquering the evil (cole). From here she begins to get more mixed, coming off as more of an anti-hero, or the 'good' cop to Joe's bad one.  Her fights with Nikki are more important to her overall story, and she's seen as winning but really we start getting our doubt for Aly's win here. Starting from here however, her edit becomes the likeable underdog, seen as a more likely idol out victum, and becoming even more positive after Joe is idol'd out. Her realtionship with Rob is never ignored, as a key point in the final day, where Rob ties the vote to give her a chance at a fire making challenge. Overall Aly's edit is the 'Spencer/Malcom' first voted out in the finale underdog edit.

3- Will S./Survivorfan37 #SaoJorge / #Delgada Sole Vote (Day 25)
~Right from the start Will is seen as a massive stratgeist. However his constant complaning, espically about challenges, leads to a very mixed edit, hes not well liked by most of his tribe, but is seen as a major factor to them winning. He begins to get more netural come the merge, with him being one of the few trying to keep andlaib and the numbers, however quickly regains an very negative edit. His constant compaints are meant to annoy the viewers, make him unrootabl and everyone cannot wait for his untimley demise. His immunity streak is also highlighted with a constant air of 'when he loses'. As the game progress his bond with Juilan his highlighted and his threat target is reminded by Aly constantly. As it gets nearer to the finale, Rob even begins to foreshadow his own move to take out Will. Come the finale, we see a very pissed off Will, every chance to make him negatvie is taken, with Rob being seen as slayer of the ultimate hidden evil when he votes Will out at the final 3. Overall Will's edit is a mix of Joe (WA) and Kass. Highlighting his challenge strenght and villainous gameplay, however its made clear to the audince that unlike Kass, he would probaly win in a final 2.
3336 days 4 hours ago
2- Julian S./TheSexiestDude990 #SaoJorge / #Delgada 3 votes to win
~Ohhh Juilan, overall his edit is pretty lackluster for a runner-up. He is seen as a major player for the first two episodes, in the key swing of things, and trying to stay in the middle so he does not piss anyone off. Through people like Will and Nikki we are reminded of Juilan through out the pre-merge, as well as see him as a worker-bee and strong challenge asset, however we don't hear from him much. However it is very careful to remind you he is there. We see him stay loyal to his tribe, highlighted as a bad move, due to the end result of Andalib voting Rob to win. He is also seen as shady but smart during Felix's boot episode, for possbily thinking about flipping in the re-vote. With the blindside of Juilan we are lead all episode to see him as finally here to play and ready to make a huge move to break up Aly/Joe and take out a huge threat. With him moving right on to staying strong and taking out Fowler. From the Joe boot onwards, his realtionship with Rob is underlying but hid behind Aly so people think they are final 2. Going into the finale, we see Juilan as a lesser person in the first half, but see his questionable gameplay highlighted and as easier to beat when Rob decides to take him. Being not as respected by the jury, Juilan's edit ends here, with losing by one vote due to a less agressive game. Overall however I think his edit would wind up pretty similar to Jacyln or Natalie T. More or less irrlevent pre-merge, semi-relvent post-merge, highly relvent in the final few episodes.

1-Robert R./Robulusjgreisonne #Terceria / #Delgada: 4 Votes to Win
~ Robert could not have been any more perfect as a first winner. He starts off seen as a threat, rightly so, and is in danger, but Brendan's quit gives him time to integrate himself into his tribe. He is seen as the underdog, trying to untie the girls to take out major threat Cole, however his failing and having to vote out his own ally Lynette are major points to the story. He is seen as the person least likely to flip, and its shown as a BAD move on the minds of Cole/Joe, when Rob flips at final 9. From here we see him now pair up with Nikki, and a similar story bonds them. We get the same with Aly and the story really is, everyone I align with is voted out. Cursed and alone, Rob's story is always the underdog through out the game always trying to get ahead. However he does. Through the story we see a strong stratgeist, super likeabel guy take the regins after Nikki's boot and gain control. Making big moves and finally ends the ultimate battle of the season by taking out the third villian. Overall he is meant to b seen as the angel of the season, the one who played heroically as best as he could with the shitty hand he was delt. His edit is very much like J.T. In Tocantains or Chris (Vani) due to his undescribly rough road to get to the final 2.

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