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Isaa's Confessionals

Topic » Isaa's Confessionals

2393 days 8 hours ago
2393 days 8 hours ago
so I've been laying low in this game for a long time and its done me good making nice with few people and in turn helps me avoid being nominated. so now that I won the veto last week I mailed Kim and was trying to see if she wanted to work tg since I need allies in this game, I mailed her asking if she wanted me to use the veto and we could shake things up and she wasn't even online before I had to use my veto so that plan was ruined lol. anyways she mailed me back taking about how I should add he Skype and we could work tg which was chill. now ive been talking minimally to Scott since I helped him win the hot week 2 or so and he promised to keep me safe. anyways, I talked to him and he asked who I was evicting and I said I didn't know and that I talk to people and he said I should vote Adam and I did and then Adam mailed me asking me to keep him safe since he didn't nom me when he was hoh...thats bullshit bc he obviously didn't even care about me then and just wanted to noms the ppl he did for strategic reasons or he wouldn't have done the damn comp in the first place lol. anyways I voted Adam and then he mailed me back and that was the first time when the game got REALLLLL for me lol.
2393 days 6 hours ago
so Adam mailed me back about how I didn't save him and I told him I thought the house was voting him out since Scott told me I should vote for Adam with X and himself. so then Adam mailed me back after explaining that to him and he told me I was wrong and that Scott and X need to go. so I then felt like it was obvious that the three voters were working with Adam since nohow said to me at the beginning of the game that he was in an alliance with 3 others people and I told him that I was working with 1 others person, we didn't use names lol(but the one person I was "working with at the time was nohow lmao sooooo oh well) anyways so right there I pieced together that nabobs alliance was himself, Adam, mart and Tomas probably. so after talking to Kim and telling her all of this and that we should both team up with Scott and X she was down for that and did as I asked and evicted Adam. so now I'm in the process of getting my new alliance to take out the other side 1 by 1 hopefully
2387 days 13 hours ago
(narration of my pov on the double eviction)

so last time I was in here a lot was different from now. since my last confessional my alliance of me Caleb(kind of) Kim Scott and X had all voted out Tomas so our plan was to just one by one pick off the other alliance which was mart ny and walker but when the double eviction came along I had talked with my group ahead of time to decide as a group who we wanted to evict next and we had all decided on marto. anyways Scott wins hoh at this point and then we all talk on the chat and I suggest mart and ny as noms since mart is the target. X seems to get triggered for some reason by that and then tells the group to put up walker and ny and that we would blindside marto. now this was complete bullshit on his part bc marto wasn't even active so idk why he wanted that to happen so of course my overly dramatic self then realizes that he has plans of his own he's trying to execute. in the veto later on he was shaddddy af bc he wouldn't say his numbers for blackjack but kept asking me and Scott for ours. anyways he wins pov somehow and then uses it on walker which is stupid Imo but anyways Scott puts up mart as the rep nominee as planned. so then I'm very weary bc I got vibes that X was gonna make a snake move and evict ny bc he was acting different and being weird throughout the double eviction. lone and behold I was fucking right lord Jesus this kid goes on our alliance group chat and starts to talk about "guys, I'm reconsidering...I think Ny is the bigger threat" "I'm voting ny now" like BITCH who asked???!!!!!! we had a fucking plan he just burst that damn bubble. anyways then it went haywire from there bc the votes were due at midnight I was scrambling to find out why I wasn't in on the plans and I asked Scott and he seemed to know about it. so then I felt even worse knowing the X Scott and myself are the three most active people in our alliance and they are off making moves behind my back. I then talk to x about why he is changing plans and I stay strong about my vote being for mart and that I was sticking to the original plan. "plans do change"-X.... wtf ya plans change when theres a snake in the damn grass. so then we get the whole day for our votes which made the next day hectic with drama too bc the host didn't come online and then didn't announce the votes for a while so within that time more talking is going on and I realize that X is running this game and has full control of the vote. Kim and Caleb are enacts god bless their souls they gotta come back lmao. anyways and then I realize that X is working with scot for a f2 probe and also walker bc walker went and told X everything I said when I told him that I was voting mart and that X was trying to switch the vote warning him. X approaches me so I then know walker trusts X after using the POV on him and is telling him everything I said. me and X make up and it was a sack of fake ass SHIT! I could tell he was just saying shit and dint mean a thing, now can I blame him rlly bc I was being a damn liar myself but whatever. so then before the vote is revealed I think Ny is going bc X has control but I get Kim to vote for marto (at least I think) and then x switches at the last minute after NY had told me he was making deals with x to keep himself safe. so then marto is evicted and we move into week 7 and I know I need to recuperate and scout a new alliance bc my old one has turned against me. so now we are up to date on the insane double eviction that happened last night. anyways we are in week 7 now with a special backwards week with I'm sure will bring just as much drama with game moves and strategy from everyone so buckle up idiot hookers ur in for a ride!
2386 days 13 hours ago
PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!! This could not have gone any better. X was a boss bitch I'll give him credit there but he didn't know what he was getting into when messing with me. Now X may not be leaving tonight but the lines have been drawn and he will lose a "soldier/puppet" tonight regardless. This game is amazing this host picked one of the most stupid casts which makes for the most amazing season somehow lmao. So thanks for these crazy fuckers I have to live with Michael. Hahaha anyways at the beginning of week 7 X said on the alliance chat(that consisted of Kim Scott X caleb and myself) that we should all nom walker and ny. Now i at this point went to Caleb and Kim and ny bc at this point I thought that Caleb was the third voter that was keeping ny. Anyways I create the new alliance of the week lol call the blindside crew and i was nice to all them and not bossy (like x) and asked everyone to come to a group descision on who should go up and we all talked and decided on Scott and X since X has the diamond pop and it would be better if he used it on himself rather than someone else bc then we would have one of our own go up anyways.  So now we are decided on x and Scott as noms and then calebs overly emotional ass come along about how we should not nom Scott bc he feels bad bc Scott has sick friends in hospital rn. And as much as he's right bc I felt bad two I didn't matter to me bc Scott and his team were gunning for me and/or ny and I was just trying to save myself. And he was a pawn regardless so it didn't matter if he was nommed. But then we change to walker and x as noms bc I knew we needed Caleb as our 4th vote bc at the time I thought he was with us since I had thought he was the 3rd vote to keep ny the previous week. I was wrong. I talked to ny and later found out that walker was the third vote to keep him in the game last week. From then I had been approached by Kim with a final 2 deal and said yes to her bc I need her with me and actually like her out of the bland hookers that are on this damn cast. So now I have a f2 with both ny and Kim. So idk how that's gonna work out later on. Anyways then X starts yelling and messaging me and know that I had a plans to get him out *busted* and yet again any time I talk to someone in this game they go and tell X what's going on. So x says that he thought he could trust me bc I have this alliance that was trying to get him out and then realize Caleb is the snake bc ny then questions me on why I added Caleb to the blindside crew skype group and I tell him it was bc he voted to save ny and ny corrects me and tells me that it was walker who saved him. So from there I stop talking to Caleb for the rest of the day(after yelling at him for being a snake) and then get ny to work magic on walker to get him as our 4th person voting for X and Scott. I warn ny that walker is working with X bc x saved him w the veto and told him last time I was trying to go under X'S nose and evict marto instead of ny last week. So I talk to x make amends with him and then hear that Scott and him are sticking to the plan to vote for walker and ny and they think that me and Kim are going to do this as well at this point. So from here I realize that Caleb is with the rats(x and Scott) so the votes will be 3 for ny 3 for walker 3 for x and 3 for Scott. And that's with everyone's votes except for walkers. So then I warn ny to get walker to vote for Scott so that he gets 4 votes and goes up for sure and then throw a vote away to Caleb so that he doesn't betray anyone and then it would be a tie between x ny and walker and me Caleb and Kim would have to break that tie and we can nom x finally. So this plan took all day with drama twists and turns but I managed to get my way somehow and now X and Scott will be the pre noms of the week.
Now hopefully one of my side wins veto( myself ny Kim) since I don't trust Walker fully. And then keeps noms the same and then X will b on the block still and fo
2386 days 13 hours ago
So from here I realize that Caleb is with the rats(x and Scott) so the votes will be 3 for ny 3 for walker 3 for x and 3 for Scott. And that's with everyone's votes except for walkers. So then I warn ny to get walker to vote for Scott so that he gets 4 votes and goes up for sure and then throw a vote away to Caleb so that he doesn't betray anyone and then it would be a tie between x ny and walker and me Caleb and Kim would have to break that tie and we can nom x finally. So this plan took all day with drama twists and turns but I managed to get my way somehow and now X and Scott will be the pre noms of the week.
Now hopefully one of my side wins veto( myself ny Kim) since I don't trust Walker fully. And then keeps noms the same and then X will b on the block still and forced to use his diamond pov on himself and then he will probs name me the renom. Which sucks but I won't be afraid of being nommed since IM THE ONLY ONE ON THIS DAMN CAST THAT HAS YET TO BE NOMINATED !!!!! So I won't be scared and won't back down with my plan. Hopefully my side will win the hoh comp since Scott and x are noms and it's unlikely that Caleb or walker will win the hoh and then Scott can go home (not much of a pawn now lol)

Anyways good work isaa and friends a new alliance very week for me. This is so fun lol. Anyways the concludes my long ass confessional if anyone still cares or is still reading my page long bullshit confessional lol
2386 days 13 hours ago
wow so shit went down in the Skype chat I'm shook for life by that. that was the drama I was looking for from this show so thanks scot and x for making ur selves look even more stupid. and now even Caleb is done with ur asses who was on ur side before u both tried to pick a fight with me and lost bc I owned up to all my shit while y'all were sitting quiet af thru it all. y'all are PABs (punk ass bitches)
2381 days 12 hours ago
ok so a lot has gone down since my last big ass confessional ill try to keep this one shorter but theres so much that goes on in so little time.
so Michael announces that backwards week has started...FUCKKKKKKK with X as my target in mind this made me feel like It was going to be a lot harder to evict him with the whole format of the week being turned backwards. so since all of the houseguests were to nominate two people for eviction my initial goal was to nominate Scott and X. this is due to the fact that X had said he won a diamond pov. so with x on the block he would have to use it on himself and therefore he would lose his power. so the other benefit to having X and Scott nominated is that since the alliances were Scott and x vs me Kim and ny with cable and walker in the middle it made most sense to nom X and Scott sine they r more likely to win a comp than walker or Caleb who might've taken them off. from there I get ny and Kim to nom Scott and X since Caleb snaked us last week with the alliance to get X out. so I expect the the vote will go x Scott and Caleb nom someone and my three nom someone and walker is in the middle. from there I get ny to talk to his old ally walker and her gets him to nominate Scott and Caleb since he said he promised x he wouldn't nom him. so one the reveal of the nomination is about to come I'm very nervous since I'm guessing walker would've snaked us bc everyone in this game is following X.
2381 days 12 hours ago
after noms revealed, backwards week:
so the noms are about to be revealed now and I'm very nervous I'm expecting X Scott and Caleb to nominate me and Ny even tho they told me Ny and walker bc we have both snaked each other for so many weeks now idk why they would actually wanna trust me. so with walker in the middle I realize that he won't nom x so improvising I figure out a plan to still get x and Scott on the block. he says to ny he will noms Scott but not x since he said he wouldn't nom him so then I tell ny to tell him to nominate Caleb as his 2nd nom since that would enforce a 3-3-3 tie. and then on the revote there would be two of us on my side to break the tie vote and only 1 person on the other side to break the tie meaning my side would get both our noms up. when the votes come out I was a little surprised X and his crew actually sins nom me...big mistake aha. Scott gets 4 noms from me Kim ny and walker. ny and walker get three noms from x Scott and Caleb and then x gets 3 noms from me Kim and ny. so then we myself Kim and Caleb have to revote for x ny and walker as the second nominee next to Scott and then Caleb is a punk bitch and wants to come to my side now since he knows either way Kim and me control the vote. we tell him we are voting for X and he votes with us making x the third nominee. X ofc already knew before the revolt that he was going up and he is a psycho demon and is freaking out about how he "actually liked and trusted me" and all this bullshit. whatever who cares X ur a snake and running the game so ShaBye beyotch ur time has come. anyways then Ny surprisingly win the veto which is perfect since that way at least one of X or Scott will leave due to the fact X has the diamond power of veto. then ny tells me that x keeps trying to persuade him to use the veto on him which makes no sense bc he says he has the special pov so he wouldn't needs Ny's veto anyways so this leads the two of us to think his veto is fake. then ny doesn't use the veto on either of them and X gives his veto to Scott but it apparently doesn't exist and then he told me afterwards Scott could've used it on himself so idk how that all worked but X is just a wacko either way. so from there x and Scott are the final noms and I win the hot hahahahah didn't think id actually win but whatever ill take an hoh. so I wasn't online much after my hot win which is fine since I knew X was going home regardless bc I have the sole eviction vote so I just came online didn't take into account anyones menages and evicted X BAM that took long enough. see ya buddy

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