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Live Show #3

Topic » Live Show #3

4278 days 16 hours ago
Eminem: Not the best song I've ever sung in this competition, so judges don't be surprised. Hope you guys save me though!

4278 days 15 hours ago
Omg I am bottom 3 so much :( i thought i had a chance because i had a few vocal voters this time oh well
GL Eminem and Adele
4278 days 14 hours ago
Adele - I feel like this is absolutely a
Not the performance! Haha you being in the bottom 4 :( You never fail to impress me and I really believe you could win this entire competition.

Which is why I'm not voting for you :)
4278 days 14 hours ago
Eminem - Again this is a complete shocker to me. You and Adele are one of the best performers left in the competition and its just saddening to see you here :(

Your performances are always honest and heartfelt and its really touching. :)
4278 days 14 hours ago
Evanescence  - You decided to go with... "Good Enough"...... but I just don't think the performance was really good enough for the X Factor. This is your second time being one of the bottom acts and a first for Adele and Eminem...

I'm going to be honest I think its kind of like too little to late maybe? You haven't really like WOWED me and I think I can speak for the other judges also?! Again its your second time being in the bottom...

So with that...

I am


I'm sorry :(
4278 days 14 hours ago
First of all, congratulations to the acts that are safe this week and a good luck to bottom 3. (Bye Bruno! :[ )

Adele - I cannot believe you are in the bottom. I second what Janelle said, it's a complete travesty to have you here. After your performances there is no way I could vote to send you home.

Eminem and Evanescence - You both did well in my opinion, and I really liked the improvement I saw in Eminem this week. I don't think compared to certain others that he's very strong, but definitely an improvement. Evanescence, your vocals are very powerful and unique. However, I feel like you aren't making many changes and trying to separate yourself from the competition.
I am


Sorry, and best of luck!
4278 days 14 hours ago
Adele! i have NO idea what you are doing in the bottom 3, this came as a MASSIVE shock to me, I feel like me and you always work hard to choose appropriate songs for the week. You are by far one of the strongest competitiors in this competition and if you are sent home tonight, that would be the second mistake of the competition.

Eminem - You know I'm NOT a massive fan of yours, but this save me song was good, you really have improved this week, and I hope that if you do stay, you can improve next week. I REALLY need you to WOW me next week, so PLEASE work with your mentor to find me that one amazing song.. If you stay.

Evanscene, well here you are again, I DO feelit's a mistake, I did think that this week you would have been safe, looking at the publics comments, but this IS your second time here, and I do agree with Janelle maybe this kind will just become an every week thing, I DO lovee you you as an artist, I respect that you REALLY did listen to my feedback last show and kept it this show. I just don't know.
Based on this feedback, I have chosen to send home
This is REALLY hard for me to decide.
I feel that Eminem could get further, and for that Daniel, I'm sending home - Evanscene, I'm sorry.
4278 days 14 hours ago
by guys :(
4278 days 14 hours ago
Bye Evanescence, You were really amazing and I am kind of surprised by this!
4278 days 14 hours ago
bye evanescence :(
4278 days 14 hours ago
Eghh, this was a hard decision for me :(
4278 days 13 hours ago
oh omg 2 acts left :(

bye parv im so sorry :(

i guess i dont need to vote? :S
4278 days 13 hours ago
Omg, this is terrible. I can't believe both Evanescence and Bruno have left, they were such strong competitors.
4278 days 12 hours ago
Sucks seeing Bruno leave so early... only 2 left in my category :S
4278 days 10 hours ago
Wow! Shocking bottom 4. Will miss evanescene!!

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