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Saint Croix's Final Tribal Council

Topic » Saint Croix's Final Tribal..

3489 days 9 hours ago

Iris, Natalie and Nick... Welcome to Final Tribal Council.

We're now bringing in our jury...

Dana, Joe, Will, Ashlyn, Ollie, JB, Ethan and LeQuisha, voted out at last night's Tribal Council.

Ten heroes and ten villains entered the game almost a month ago, twelve of you made the merge, eight of you made the jury and three of you made it to the end!

Tonight the jury will vote for who they think deserves to win Survivor: Saint Croix - Heroes vs. Villains, and become the Sole Survivor.

In a minute the jury will have their first chance to adress the final three since being voted out. Iris, Natalie and Nick.... You are so close now. Only one step away! Two final obstacles... the jury.... and each other!

The three of you now have a chance to make an opening statement and tell the jury why you deserve to win the game and the title of Sole Survivor.

Jury, you will have the opportunity to ask the final three questions or make a statement.


Iris, Natalie and Nick, I wish the three of you the best of luck. Soon one of you will become the Sole Survivor of Saint Croix!
3489 days 9 hours ago
Will post my speech in a few minutes
3489 days 8 hours ago
Hello Jurors,

I’m going to start off by saying that this game has been a graveyard of friendships. This entire series is a graveyard of friendships. Dating all the way back to Socotra. In Socotra, I played a very cutthroat like game, as I did here, but the difference between both gameplays is that, in Socotra, I made moves without being guarded on all sides. I also made moves too early in the game.

This season, I played a very cutthroat game as well, but I was guarded. And being guarded in this game means everything. I made sure to build my barricades of human beings during the pre-merge stage and as we all know, I was banned during 3/4ths of it so it gave me plenty of time to socialize my barricades into position.

I tried to use me being banned as a way to gain pity and gaining pity meant that I got to stay a little while longer. As Stephen once said, “Shes a sack-of-potatoes” and I REALLY was a sack-of-potatoes, but I was a sack that was extremely social and friendly. I knew that during my time of being banned, I wasn’t going to be making episode titles and I probably wasn’t being talked about in the viewers lounge and I was okay with that. Because while the villains were playing infinite idols at their tribals and the heroes were whipping out the enemy, I made sure to fade into the background and make as little decisions as possible for the group of six. (Ethan, JB, Ashlyn, Nick, Iris and myself). This allowed me to become nearly invisible and it WORKED because the last time I received a vote was during the SECOND tribal council that the heroes attended. 

So after gaining the power of invisibility, I broke free from my banned and made it to the merge. Here; Ashlyn, Iris and myself joined allegiance with Ollie, LeQuisha and Dana , but this quickly ended when Dana blackmailed the alliance which led to LeQuisha and Ollie getting blindsided by Dana’s vote out. I quickly gained damage control and Ollie and I worked together to try to get Ashlyn out of the game.

And from here it was like playing chess and putting every piece in the right square:

- Ollie set up a 2-2-2 vote plan to get rid of Ethan. I used this opportunity to set up a three way feud between Ashlyn, Ethan and Ollie. (the Alphas) I knew that I needed them out if I wanted any chance at winning. (Assuming that this is all-stars and all-stars typically vote the ruthless ones at FTC and crowning Sole Survivor)

- I told Ethan about the plan that Ollie had set up. Ethan told Ashlyn that Ollie was tying the votes for her too, which made her change her vote for LeQuisha. I told Ollie that Ash was voting LeQuisha which ended the 2-2-2 plan and the trio feud had started. Ash was sent home.

-Ollie followed with Ethan mad on this prior potential blindside.

-Ethan found his third idol, making him safe and sending a possible prospective winner, JB.

- I made sure that Ethan didn't win Immunity by spamming against him in the plus and minus challenge. Making him lose and sending him home. (the end of #Nathan :,()

-LeQuisha followed after Ethan since I promised Iris and Nick my loyalty after JB left.

I had too many friends in this cast which made it INEVITABLE to not vote out my friends. And I am sorry for any feelings I did hurt, but it's a game :(

Thank you for the amazing season everyone. No hard feelings in my side and I'm prepared to answer any of your questions. *Curtsys and sits*
3489 days 8 hours ago
(Sorry for the short novel :s)
3489 days 8 hours ago
Yeah but Nat you promised me loyalty at the beginning of merge and reiterated that when Ollie was voted off???
3489 days 8 hours ago
You said 'I have your back' well Nat you sure did you had a knife in it!!!
3489 days 8 hours ago
I know LeQuisha. We started talking once merge but I was with Nick and Iris since day 0. Someone had to go and I'm sorry it was you. :(
3489 days 8 hours ago
Hello Jury

Coming into this game I was labelled a Hero. Which worked for me because Villains usually play more cutthroat right out of the gate, like we saw this game, where as the Heroes can be more unified at some points, like at many Hero Tribals. Being a Hero allowed me to try and make allies not enemies pre-merge, and then start blindsiding people.

Before the game officially started i went to Mearl and Shawn about a SGG Alliance between the 3 of us. Mearl never replied, and Shawn replied, but he was so bland, i could easily tell both were uninterested, so i ditched that alliance immediately.

When the Heroes went to their first tribal, nobody was talking to me. Until Ethan and JB came to me with the plan to vote out Link. And from then I remained loyal to my alliance.

When we merged, I stayed loyal to the Big Hero 6 (Me, Ashlyn, Natalie, Iris, JB, and Ethan). I was always loyal to that alliance. I was not told the plan to vote out Ashlyn because i was percieved to be "to close to Ashlyn". Then we became the Big Hero 5. I was always loyal to that alliance, and not told the plan to vote out JB for the same reason as Ashlyn.

There were only two instances I lied to people and voted them out....Ollie and Ethan. Ollie and i began talking right after Dana was voted out. I turned on both of them because both were major threats in the game.

I made it all the way until the Final 4 without receiving a single vote all season. I got my first and only vote this season against me last tribal.

I tried to play this game as honestly as i could, while making sure to make as little enemies and as many allies as i could. Thats why i never engaged in any arguments after every post-merge tribal.

I look forward to any questions you all have for me
3489 days 8 hours ago
(I will answer questions tonight so please wait for me to answer before you vote Jury. I have swim practice until 6 tonight. Will answer all questions asked in the next 3 hours then)
3489 days 7 hours ago
I wish I was a juror on this... Nonetheless, good job F3 and good luck. For me there's a clear winner here, but we'll see what happens. I'll be tuning in, can't miss out on this. :-)
3489 days 7 hours ago
<3 Sim <3
3489 days 7 hours ago
Congratulations to two of you for making it to the end. I knew you could do it, and I am proud of the both of you.

Let me start with the center of drama, and the biggest bitch I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. Natalie. You come into this FTC, acting all high and mighty that you ran the game. That's bullshit #1. It was me or Ethan pretty much, you were the puppet. Bullshit #2. You seemed genuine that you felt bad that you destroyed friendships. But behind the forums you showed no remorse, and you could give two shits less, so fuck you there. I think you're inconsiderate on the people that you have hurt in the game. I hate Ethan and Ollie, but it was kind of fucked up that you flipped flopped on them. You're basically Dawn from Caramoan, and I am looking at Sherri and Cochran beside you. You don't deserve this win. You don't deserve my friendship. If I never see you or hear from you again, then I am very happy with. Don't bother responding because I don't care what you have to say. Thank you, and good riddance.

Now to cut the bullshit excuse aside, let me go to my two loves.

Iris, we talked things over and we made up. Which is great because our friendship was genuine. The only issue I have with wanting to write your name down to win is solely because I felt that you came off as someone who played the game too late. That and you did go off on half of the jury, which isn't really a good thing. But hey if I can forgive you I am sure they could too.

Nick, we bonded over the course of this game on levels I didn't know could happen. You're like my kid brother, and I love you a lot. Regardless if people think you played the game or not is on them. I know what I saw, and I will probably vote you to win, but I do want to give you and Iris a chance for my vote. I'm proud of you, and you deserve this spot.

My question to both of you is besides any of you three, who do you feel should be in the top three? No personal bullshit please. Makes me cringe haha.

Now while I am speaking I am gonna address another matter.

People have referred to me as a bully and bitch for instigating drama with Ethan or Natalie. If you take me any of those I honestly don't care. Where I am from (Tengaged or IRL) if someone lies to me, then it's a wrap. There is no chance to make up anything we once had. Grow up and take what I say like you're not on the verge of bitching at me. Sorry for being for blunt, take it or leave.

I will not be at the reunion probably so this is kind of like my final say for the season. Thank you Nick and Iris for being true to me. To hell with Ethan, Natalie, Ollie and JB. Shout out to Mearl because you deserve to be in merge. Lastly thanks Leli again for asking me back.
3489 days 7 hours ago
Wait, you hate people that lie to you, but you were lying to Ethan's face and getting ready to send him home the same tribal you were sent home!!

Ashlyn, stop being a hypocrite. You talked a lot of shit behind close doors because you and I were close at one point and I WOULD know.

Also, when did I say I ran shit? I clearly stated YOU, ETHAN and OLLIE were the alphas so I had to get rid of you guys. (with the assistance of others of course). Please stop being a little hypocrite because if Ethan wouldn't have backstabbed you, YOU would have backstabbed Ethan and Iris and Nick KNOW THAT.

Girl, bye. You don't deserve another comment coming from me with your name on it. You're too irrelevant in this case.
3489 days 7 hours ago
You're just as irrelevant honey. All I can say about you and you're punk attitude.
3489 days 6 hours ago
Okay so well done for making it... Blah blah blah

Okay first of all Natalie I feel your game was a little shady throughout the merge, I commend you 100% on being able to last pre-merge with being banned I think that's an accomplishment but once you hit merge I feel the way you played created several friendships you had into rivalries. I know you have to vote people off but to me you played the back stabbing bitch this season and it's just shady! Anyway I wouldn't say you don't have my vote because out of three I believe you did okay the hardest however, I have hard stand understanding your game. So, my question to you is what was the hardest challenge that faced you in this game and why did you make the decisions you did and don't just say to win because I think we all know that I mean what was the thought process behind them?

Nick when I think of you I think of a really nice guy :) but that's the problem that's all I think of I don't think great strategic player etc I think really lovely guy who has no blood on his hand and that's not a bad thing at all my question to you is what kind of player do you think you were season was it physical, social, strategic or all of the above?

Iris well done for getting this far. First of all for me it's really hard for me to write your name down cause I didn't see what you did in the game fair enough you might have done a lot behind scenes but in the for front it was pretty much an invisible game. I wouldn't say under the radar cause you weren't you were feisty and outspoken, being able to piss off most the jury but I do think your here because the other two thought it would be easy to beat you because of your attitude towards the jury my questions to you are what was the biggest move you made do you regret the way you acted to the people who are voting to possibly crown you the winner?

That's my questions so far I'm sure I'll ask more lol but good luck you 3
3489 days 6 hours ago
Also I'm on my phone so predictive text -_-

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