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Caliboy's Game File

Topic » Caliboy's Game File

3947 days 19 hours ago
All of Caliboy's confessionals will be posted here.
3945 days 7 hours ago
Must try to ride this alliance for what its worth and but secretly I want to take down Bryce sooner than later for he can be a snake in this game I just feel it. Anywho keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Cheesy as it is, its true and smart gameplay in my eyes.
3943 days 18 hours ago
hate that today was a double TC but overall hate survivor trivia plz no more haha. THo good thing had Bryce for he scored a few points. BUt overall one inact shall go and why my vote is for JBC8 (ronnie) like Brandon wanted from last round. Hopefully I dont get another vote this round like last time..

Anywho lets do this. not liking this cast as Blackout and steel are 2 allys/friends that needs to be split as learn from ym last game with them tho good with both of em. Anywho idk merge and or a tribe switchup will eb fun and do expect to happen hopefully by next challenge..
3937 days 1 hour ago
How do you feel that you've merged?
Merge is great and always exciting even when you have no idea wheres things are. Thats the fun part of merge xD

What's your plan now that its merge?
I may seam like a floater but Im more of a free agent, I shall let the agents come to me and so far I know Blackout and STeel are great duo that want to align with me from GHouls last game where KIdA screwed us than later won against blackout. So to me I will align with them and potentially my Gaimba tribe members but first its really who is best targets for my game and thats how will structure my game and format on to getting to F2 as I will hopefully confide in a F2 or F3 not sure which to take game by its hand/course.

(Feel I answered the others)

Anything else?
I am glad to be playing in your games again tho in 4 other group games and active so its all a bit of a big rush to me, and so do forgive me on this but I am a fighter and will continue to fight no matter what obstacles I face.
3935 days 6 hours ago
SO Apparently I am the 6th person in the alliance with steel and Dolphin. BUt also good with my tribe of Jake/Tyler and Bryce. However majority wants to target Matt and Bryce thought to target Andy. It was great when Steel approac me since I knew he wants to work with me since we did so well in Gjouls game which because of it I was brought for all stars thtat Im playing now that he wants revenge on Bryce for targeting us and ultimately the person who got me out because KidA had to betray our F3. (Me steel and him) anywho off tangent a bit but point is Steel and I are ready to strike at Bryce next TC and have a solid F2 even tho I know hes with Blackout since he was in Ghouls game and just was a big time floater that I didnt even vote for him when KidA took him to F2.

However I feel that game is passed me with Blackout and can work with steel and him but still want or need payback to bryce muwahahaha lol anyways I feel I am in a solid place to lose an ally in Bryce and gain a strong F2 with Steel as I can carry jake and tyler with me afterwards n hopefully go from there. I wont let them target them after bryce thats where I shall hold my ground in case they just want to pagong my tribe allies without my consent.

ANywho IM ready to play this game. ANd go from there. IM in 4 group games and my stategies get mixed up so sorry that I dont always send confessionals btu know that this is why, im all over the place and busy haha.
3935 days 6 hours ago
Go Cali!!
3934 days 22 hours ago
on Last TC: I was stupid as Steel told me Bryce was the target but before the  target was MAtt that I never changed the vote but thought we were doing bryce next round but things change. However still in good with a F6 of steel, andy, blackout, andrew however I have leg room to bring either jake or tyler with me for either matt and andrew. SO I feel good that I am not the one who is on the bottom of that 6 as I know steel trusts me even after our little mishave. Anywho just that one update thanks! Im not in minority im in the majority woo woo lol.
3933 days 9 hours ago
I'm a bit drunk well buzz well saying this but my vote tonight is for Jane because I'm the middle man of these votes but in a Better place with David since he came to me first and James said he come out an extensive plan after we vote out Matt (his target) however David's target is James and I'm down for that because he's a bigger target and said later come with an extensive deal after like butch please haha :)
3932 days 19 hours ago
My vote has to be for Jake, Although hes a good an easy on my part.. I am in a 6 that cant be beat as to me so far Lincoln hasnt responded to what I said. pLus the other 5 (Andy, Alec, Steel, Matt, and Andrew_ are close enough that they wont budge. its just tough because I have andrew and Jake in my BB MVP group as well.
3931 days 11 hours ago
Mmm caught in a hard place to vote David out or not, but to be honest he hasnt message me squat on a vote and idk I think I can shake up something without him for now tho wish this move could had happen later however this is where my line must fall I suppose
3930 days 21 hours ago
Sean's Convo With Tyler:

SEAN: Hey me & you >Needs to stick together in GIas game I know we havent really talk more after merge but I made the move to turn on David tho he was an easy Ally on ym part but I know that Lincoln MAtt and andrew have a F3 so must watch out for that. IF we align with Alec and Andy this next round it be an easier approach and sweep in this game than aligning with those power threats in the F3 I named.

TYLER: Me and Alec were just talking about that. I know for a fact that those three are in an alliance and they think that I'm with them, so they won't do any scrambling. Alec and I agreed on taking Lincoln out first if he doesn't win immunity, what do you think?

SEAN: For sure but I think he has this one unless can come up with something, but idk, But I definately want you in ym F3 or F2 since we were oringinally in the same tribe from the start :)

TYLER: I kinda do too, but I think Matt might be out next best choice. He's really active and he has a hand in the alliance. And I definitely think you, me, and Alec would be a good F3. (:

SEAN: OH yes I definately agree us 3 will be a strong alliance and middlemen to take down Lincoln, Matt and andrew. Just have to see and confide in Eli who is the tie break of the group.

TYLER: Eli can't vote. He gave it up in the first individual immunity challenge. But Alec should be bringing in Andy, so that will give us majority.
3930 days 21 hours ago
Although I was in good position on running this game with David/steel, I took him out letting Matt have the blood on his hands there so I can start playing this game for myself. Alec trusts me and wants to work with tyler my past tribemate who I beleive trusts in me to take down the other physical threats in Matt and Lincoln who has a F3 deal with Andrew. However we do our best to cute that alliance short.

Im excited since we have Andys vote who was part of Steels alliance and Im sure he was the one who kept David while I didnt so IM sure he like to avenge David with us :)

Excited as have a good F3 chance :)
3928 days 20 hours ago
I am in a good position with most people. BEcause I havent talk to Tyler about potential taking down andy or alec like Lincoln wants to fo I feel we need to diminsh lincolns allies and gain his so than I can talk to Tyler to vote out hopefully Andy next since I am good with both Lincoln, Alec and hopefully tyler as well. IDk to me Idc for Andrew, Andy and eli at this point in going to finals with.
3927 days 23 hours ago
Sean's Convo With Tyler:

SEAN: We have a real good shot to make F2 or F3
I have been approach by Lincoln obvsly prior before
but been holding him off because of his immunity wins.
However there is a solid point on how we may want to cut Andy and Alec's friendship soon, I mean like potentially at this next TC. For us its like we can choose to go with Alec or Lincoln or even Eli to the very end game with us you know? Depending on the circumstances. Whats your thoughts on voting Andy prolly or even Alec BUt i thinkl Alec will understand this move more than ANdy at next TC??
It is something that can be done but I dont want it to be done a little to late you know? Also I know Lincoln is a physical threat but I think we can beat him in a challenge even if he doesnt win Immunity today I still think the spilt up of Andy/Alec would be smart unless Andy somehow wins Immunity. eh Idk maybe am thinking to much on this but I wont be able to do this move without you and your input for I think a great F2 if F2 would be me and you in the end.
IF F3 I think we have a great chance to choose and all.

TYLER: Trust me, I've been thinking abut this since merge started. Lincoln and Alec are our biggest threats right now. They're pretty much trading immunity. And I'm trusting you, but I've got it set up to where I can go either way and it seems like you're in this position too. So I'm thinking that whoever doesn't win immunity between Lincoln and Alec, that's who we should go after.

SEAN: Mmm yeah good point there, IDk how much I can trust andy myself but I feel I can trust Lincoln since he came to me and really wants to work on splitting andy and Alec. TO me both are good either or and we could easily take out lincoln too. Hmm for sure. see your point there. As long as me and you stick together til the end I am down with what path we go. :)

TYLER: I honestly don't know what we will do because Lincoln told me that Alec approached him for an alliance. This will be a tricky vote. :\

SEAN: Wait are you serious?? omg this is going to be tricky, however Lincoln trusts me I feel ebcause I got him to vote andrew and said I would work on you and him to potentially break up Andrew and andy like he first wanted to do. Ugh what should we do now?? SHould I tell him about this knowledge and see where his head game is at??

TYLER: Well, I told him to humor him because the way Lincoln described Alec, he sound like he might come after me.

SEAN: Mmm ok I see yeah for sure. I think us and Lincoln for the next vote is the smartest move because I cant trust alec and andy together as Alec works with his closest friends no matter what end game he has due to the consequences and well we need to put a stop to it before anyone bites with actually working with them you know, whether it costs my game or yours its not one I want to jeopardize .
3923 days 12 hours ago
Sean's Convo With Tyler & Lincoln:

SEAN: US 3 should Vote Together and get rid of Eli so we have a better shot at taking down Andy in the FInale
for we all know if he gets into Finals somehow he Will win hands down.
Andy is going to throw one of our names down but we cant give in when we are strong enough to take him out. SO please lets unite and do this.
IF have any other info n things u like to tell me privately dont hesitate but I have your guys back for sure.
3923 days 12 hours ago
Vote is for Eli
Reason & CONFESSIONAL: My Vote is for Eli because I have a tie for F3 with Lincoln and Tyler and If they break that over an inactive like ELi they will lose both my respect and vote in jury even IF they somehow take down Andy without me. Like plz that wont happen IMO. Overall its the best move to make to have a strong 3 go against Andy who is well-liked and who played a solid game who didnt have to get much blood on his hands.

I think if I went to F3 I would have some solid ground to win it all and I am worried that Andy will plot those thoughts in their heads so kinda have to do the same about Andy. TO me its like would they rather lose to a friend/Ally like me or someone liek Andy who they were oppose all along? ugh I really hope its not a tie for I think I have Lincolns vote. Tyler for whatever loves the thought of keeping Eli around for comfort. For me I am like eh tyler u getting into F3 no matter what for Floating the whole time and having some backbone because of moi. Anywho enough of rant on this confessional but yeah this is a vote i really wish they will understand and keep me over Eli who dont deserve to be in the Finale

I know you want this FInale I envison 3 Vs 1 status of active soldiers. So work your production magic and keep me in xP

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