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[Finale Part 1] - "Panel & Eliminations!"

Topic » [Finale Part 1] - "Panel..

1420 days 15 hours ago
Welcome Model's to the Finale Part 1 Panel & Eliminations!

Tonight 3 will become 2!

The TWO that will fight HEAD TO HEAD to become Tengaged's Next Top Model!

But before we get to that, let's welcome our Judges, KayLee and Turkey!

This Week was no easy task and Part 2 will be nothing less!

Let's see how you did for your 3 tasks!
1420 days 15 hours ago
:::::::::: TASK 1: FIERCE STOMP ::::::::::

First up is Grace!

Ray - I think this Photo is great Grace! It is very High Fashion but also Commercial at the same time. I love your outfit and you are very strong both in your body and in your face which is what I wanted. You look like a BOSS and that is what this Brand represents. Do I think it is selling the clothes more than a Perfume? yes, but that is me nitpicking at this point.

KayLee - I really like this shot. It’s very high fashion & editorial! Really, I don’t have anything negative to say about it

Turkey - I have mixed feelings on this photo. It's a good photo but I’m just not in love with it. I can definitely see the strength, power, determination, and passion in this photo. So, good job on that but I’m just not wowed with this photo.


Next is Natalia!

Ray - This is a beautiful photo Natalia, no one can deny it but I have a HUGE problem with it. This is already an AD so it will be hard to use it as a NEW AD seeing as you are already selling another perfume. It also is more serene and more soft rather than the Strength and Power I was looking for. I am really 50/50 about this and at this point that might be dangerous.

KayLee - I like this, but it’s a bit eh for me. It’s not a bad shot at all, it definitely does SELL. It’s just not my favorite one from you this competition, but it is still a solid photo.

Turkey - I think this would be a fabulous ad for a different fragrance. Don’t get me wrong, I think this photo is lovely. I just don’t really see the strength, power, determination, and passion. Also, your face seems a little awkward.


And lastly it is Garrett!

Ray - WOW! I love this Garrett! You look so Fierce and so Sexy and this would be an amazing shot to sell the Product! I can already smell it! We have never had a Male represent our Brand but I can definitely see this working and selling all around the world to both Male and Female clients! Your bone structure is beautiful an the sexiness is HOT, not raunchy!

KayLee - This is definitely something I’d see for a fragrance ad, although, I do feel like it might be a bit TOO sexual, but that’s just my opinion. This would definitely be good for a women’s fragrance photo, women like sexy men, so it was a smart route to do. Your facial expression is nice and the clothing you chose is also really nice.

Turkey - I actually like this photo. I think it’s the best out of all three photos for this task. I can see the strength, power, determination, and passion in this photo. I do wish there was a little more pow in the picture but good job though.

1420 days 15 hours ago
:::::::::: TASK 2 - RE DO ::::::::::

Grace, let's see how you improved on Week 5!

Ray - YES YES YES!!!! This is what you should have posted in Week 5! This photo is AMAZING Grace! I love your expression and your pose is extending your Body making you look longer and that is CRUCIAL as a Model! This is High Fashion and I have nothing negative to say about this at all! I love the colors in the Background! Well done Grace!

KayLee - YOU REALLY BROUGHT IT this week. This photo is very commercial and high fashion. I like the posing, your facial expression (you took that into consideration, good job!) I really like the background setting as well, nice job.

Turkey - I really like this Grace. I think it’s a big step up from your original street shot photo! I really like the pose. And the wide eyed expression. This is just good. My only complaint is that I wish you were doing something with your arms instead of just leaving them hanging around like that. But, great job.


Natalia, let's see your Duo shot!

Ray - Another Perfume AD....putting that to one side this is BEAUTIFUL Natalia! Your face looks incredible! This is next level beauty! You look stunning and you capture the attention of the viewer RIGHT AWAY! The Purple also goes very well with your Skin tone and Hair color which gives it that extra UMPH to stand out! Amazing work!

KayLee - You’re definitely right, it’s a very alluring and captivating photo! I immediately felt pulled in & I’m impressed. Your eyes are what stole the show for me in this shot. You didn’t let your photo partner out model you either, so nice job!

Turkey - The drama in this photo is so good. I love the flowy dress and that you’re looking into the camera. My only critique is that the Calvin Klein ad part is really distracting. I focused on the fragrance thing for a couple of seconds before finally looking at you.


And now let's see Garrett in an improved Street Shot!

Ray - Where has this Garrett been hiding? This Photo is one of my favorites that I have seen from you so far. Yes you are just sitting on the Bike but your eyes are PIERCING and you look very handsome. You are selling the suit to a TEE and I love the fact you stand out from all the bold colors you have around you! A HUGE Step up from Week 5!

KayLee - I like this shot a lot more than the first one. It’s just more BOOM. Like in your face, pops of color & all. Your posing is excellent and I really like your facial expression. It’s not over posed one bit and I really enjoy looking at it. The motorcycle was an excellent choice for a prop.

Turkey - Like Grace, I think this is a big step up from your original street shot. You stand out from your background. I just like this photo. I do wish you were looking into the camera. I also wish there was a little description with your photo.

1420 days 15 hours ago
:::::::::: TASK 3 - HINDU GODS :::::::::::

First it's Grace as Vishnu!

Ray - WOW Grace! If this does not get you into the Final's then I do not know what will. This is not Great, this is NEXT LEVEL! I totally get the Vishnu reference and this is just a HUGE risk that you have taken and I think you have just hit the nail on the head and left me with my jaw on the floor. This is out of this world and I am totally in ore of you right now.

KayLee - OH MY GOD. What is this? Like, good god, this is such a stunning shot! Wow! Like, you didn’t come to play this finale. It’s a daring shot & you pulled it off beautifully

Turkey - This is probably my favorite photo from you, And probably my favorite from this cycle. It’s just so so good. Honestly, I’m just so wowed. This background is so busy but somehow you managed to catch and keep my attention. And most importantly, I see your connection to the God you were assigned. Phenomenal job!


Next is Natalia as Brahma!

Ray - I love what you have gone for Natalia! I love that one side is armor and the other is more Goddess, the combination was perfect for this shot and the Gold is beautiful!. I do wish there would have been a little more strength in the eyes but other than that I cant really say anything bad. You are all making this extremely hard for me tonight!

KayLee - This is a stunning, powerful shot. I’m quite impressed. You look fierce, you look ready to take on the world. It’s such a strong, passionate shot. I- I really have nothing negative to say about it. You guys really brought it this week, definitely a nice top 3.

Turkey - I really like this photo, Natalia. I think it’s great. I think using armor was a great way to represent the God you were given. I’m not a huge fan of the placement of your hands but that's a minor detail. Overall, good job.


And for the last time tonight, Garrett as Shiva!

Ray - To be TOTALLY Honest with you this is my least favorite photo tonight from you. I do think you could have gone for something else but I do get what you were trying to go for. It is just compared to your two other Photos this left me feeling a little MEH. It is not a bad shot because I like the fact you are looking up to the Gods as you are the destroyer but it isn't at the level of your other work tonight.

KayLee - This is an okay photo. I don’t instantly love it when I look at it. It is a bit weaker compared to the other 2’s last photo, but I’m not the only judge here, so what I don’t love, they may love. I do think it’s still a solid photo overall and I think it still works for you.

Turkey - I disagree! This photo is so good. It’s dark and mysterious. I just really like it. I think this might be my favorite photo from you. I think you represented the God you were given well. Good job with this photo.

1420 days 15 hours ago
Model's this has been an INCREDIBLE Part 1 of the Finale, honestly I am so impressed! This is going to be very tight!

Please step to the back of the stage until the Judges add your scores and determine which 2 of you will make it into Part 2.

Thank you Models!
1420 days 15 hours ago
:::::::::: ELIMINATIONS ::::::::::::

Model's I have to say that this has been a really impressive Final 3 and to be honest everything that happened was for a reason and I could not be happier with the result of the Top 3.

I have 3 Model's standing in front of me but I only have 2 groups of Photo's in my hands.

These Photos represent the 2 of you that will make it into Part 2 and will still be in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1420 days 15 hours ago
The first name I am going to call is the Highest Score this Week and will be the last Model to have their Photos displayed in the House...

The first Model going through to Part 2 of the Finale is
Grace! (86.5/90)

Congratulations Grace! You did an AMAZING job and that God Photo was just out of this world!

You will be competing in the second Part of this Finale!

You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1420 days 15 hours ago
Can Garrett and Natalia please step forward...
1420 days 15 hours ago
By no means do I consider any of you to be in the BOTTOM.

Quite the opposite I think you both have rose to the occasion and I am sure that both of you will rise to the TOP be it in this Competition or outside.

This has come to who has the Highest Score this Week and that will be the Model that will go through.

Both of you had Photos this week with mixed reviews, Garrett for you it was the God shot and Natalia for you it was the Fierce Stomp shot.

Only one of you can go into Part 2.

So who stays?
1420 days 15 hours ago
The Model with the Highest Score and will be competing Head to Head against Grace to become Tengaged's Next Top Model is....








1420 days 15 hours ago

Here we go...
1420 days 15 hours ago
Garrett! (81.5/90)

Congratulations Garrett! You have made it! You will be in the second Part of this Finale!

You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
1420 days 15 hours ago
Garrett would be shocked-

WHATTTTT! *Smiles and looks over at Grace* Let's do this G!
1420 days 15 hours ago
Natalia (79.5/90)

Unfortunately this means that this is the end of the journey for you. I did think you were going to take this whole thing but you never know! The Perfume AD did not help you this week and that is ultimately what has sent you home.

Second Runner-up is an amazing place to get and I have been VERY happy to have you in this competition!

I wish you nothing but luck and love and I hope to see you very soon! <3
1420 days 15 hours ago
:::::::::: FINALE PART 1 - FINAL SCORES :::::::::::

1st - Grace: 86.5
2nd - Garrett: 81.5
3rd - Natalia: 79.5

Congratulations Grace and Garrett! The last Female and Male standing!

Who will be Tengaged''s Next Top Model?
1420 days 14 hours ago

Grace: OMG thank you soooo much Judges, I definitely am putting my all in this FINALE! Watch out Garrett *winks*

*goes to hug Natalia* You were so fierce!

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